Menelaus 22/4 : - "..and time will tell us who is right."
Indeed. |
And it's not Menelaus, on the subject of Apple.
I can't win to save my life with you chaps. First the reasoning was flawed. That didn't work out. Then the prices were wrong. That didn't work out. Now the date I started the thread at the wrong time. Well, guess what, this is not going to work out either. Go back and check that I was shouting from the top of my lungs "going short" the day the stock poped after their earnings announcement. So what next?
Just to set the record straight, I'm not anti-apple, I'm anti-bubble. And the mania around this stock is starting to make the dotcom nasdaq 2000 bubble look like it was prudent. |
You're trying to convince everyone that you're a smart trader, Menelaus, where the smart thing to do on this thread is to get on your knees, admit that you were irresponsible to exhort readers to short Apple at $339 and beg forgiveness.
unitedbiscuits, frankly you are starting to annoy me. You can believe what you want to believe I don't gine a toss. Anyone with a bird brain can go back and check it out instead of making things up as they go along as it seems is the route you've chosen to take here.
You are long apple. I understand that and I wish you luck with that since I don't have a position in apple at the moment so whichever way the stock goes is of little consequence to me. I hope for your sake that one of these days they announce a new product not just another iteration of the same icrap (I'm sorry to say that making the new iphone - what are we up to now, 4,5,6, I lost track - tapered with a bigger on/off button won't do it), that Steve Jobs lives forever, that the competition keeps tripping up in the tablet segment, that androids massive momentum slows down, that margin squeeze applies to everyone but apple, that their key market gets out of a recessionary death spiral, that their overseas sales continue to look better because of the weak dollar, that consumer deleveraging in the US affects everyone but apple, and last but not least the global financial system survives the massive bad debt burden it now carries, otherwise I might just get the idea that there's some risk there holding long. Enough said on this subject, you can think what you want to think, I'm moving on..........and good luck. |
I'm making up nothing. The price for Apple as you started this thread was $339. As someone with a holding, I can confirm that it certainly wasn't any of the prices on that day that you have subsequently claimed for your trade.
Which part of I don't give a toss of what you think don't you understand?
Also, do you suffer from bipolar disorder? unitedbiscuits Joined: 27 Jan 02 Replies: 855 21 Jun 11 09:21 There's so much copy and paste quoting on here that it's drudgery trying to attribute anything to anyone in this thread except that Apple were $339 when Menelaus advised selling the stock and now they are $315. |
/\ I'm glad you brought up that post as evidence of my impartiality in this matter.
Anyone who read your argument and took your Apple prejudice for expertise is probably in a terrible position now. Worse, believing you has precluded them from sharing in the rise of Apple shares. But like you say, you don't give a toss. All that matters is that you can show that you, at least, made a Winning!trade. |
unitedbiscuits, cut & paste this, print it and put in somewhere in your office where you can see it everyday. It may save you a lot of money some day.
You are long apple. I understand that and I wish you luck with that since I don't have a position in apple at the moment so whichever way the stock goes is of little consequence to me. I hope for your sake that one of these days they announce a new product not just another iteration of the same icrap (I'm sorry to say that making the new iphone - what are we up to now, 4,5,6, I lost track - tapered with a bigger on/off button won't do it), that Steve Jobs lives forever, that the competition keeps tripping up in the tablet segment, that androids massive momentum slows down, that margin squeeze applies to everyone but apple, that their key market gets out of a recessionary death spiral, that their overseas sales continue to look better because of the weak dollar, that consumer deleveraging in the US affects everyone but apple, and last but not least the global financial system survives the massive bad debt burden it now carries, otherwise I might just get the idea that there's some risk there holding long. |
Amazing scenes. Europe banks imploding, Citi below it's before reverse split price, BAC looking for nine handle, nasdaq down over 1.5pc but......AAPL up 1pc.
I think I'm beginning to get it. "Investors" believe that we will all buy an ipad and watch the global financial system collapse while at the same time downloading a lot of fun apps. No time to waste, heading to the apple store now, the cue is getting longer. |
Look on amazed, Menelaus. Just because you don't understand what is happening, doesn't mean it's not reality.
Those who continued to buy the market after Bear Stearns blew up in the summer of 2008 thought the understood what's going on too. Mania's don't end well, not then, not now. Good luck anyways.
i was expecting to read all sorts of comments already...
is everybody sleeping? :-( |
I was expecting menelaus to be unusually quiet today.
johnnie walker - I think there's nothing more to be said now, the argument has been settled decisively.
Hope the shorters had tight stops.
melly gone bankrupt again
Yeah, I know what you mean, bankrupt on a winning trade that I posted and was closed about 18 months ago. ////sarc.
Stick to penny stocks wipeout, you just don't have the money or the brains for this stuff. //// not sarc. |
Date Joined: 03 Feb 05 Add contact | Send message 19 Apr 11 20:51 Joined: 03 Feb 05 | Topic/replies: 1,481 | Blogger: Menelaus's blog It has nothing to do with volume. NASDAQ is a weighted index (unlike the DOW) with AAPL a dominant 20+pc weight. NASDAQ announced a rebalancing of the index reducing AAPL's weight to almost half of that. Combine this defensive action by NASDAQ with the Steve Jobs health situation, supply chain interruptions hitting earnings in Q4 and the overall US and global economy slipping into another recession and all the arrows are pointing SOUTH, not NORTH. When Americans are faced with a choice of filling their SUV's with petrol or buying an ipad, I think I know which they'll choose. Good luck those staying long AAPL. As I stated before I'm MASSIVELY short. What a great call that was. And you still never explained why you actually closed the trade. You gave a whole list of reasons for shorting, but then closed the trades on a complete whim. Your "proprietary trading system" told you to do it perhaps? |
Thanks for bringing the post up from April 19, 2011.
I posted going short and then posted closing the trade when the stock when down making it a winning trade. The posts are still up, go find them. I closed the trade because only fools would stay short this market when I could see tsunami after tsunami after tsunami of liquidity coming from the central banks.... .....or perhaps, you haven't clued in what posting "they will print, print and print, there's no plan B" really means. I never posted I have a proprietary trading system, only fools do that....oh wait..... |
more like your predictions of apples profits; this was the reason why you entered the trade in the first place don't forget, or so you say. Why did you give all these bullshit reasons if you were just after a quick trade? Surely at the time you entered the trade, you would also have seen the money printing coming?
You are showing yourself up as being completely hypocritical on all of this, just like you were on your chat about HFT. You are clearly making it up as you go along. In short, you are a clueless mug. |
You don't have to look up the word hypocritical in the dictionary, just look at yourself in the mirror.
As for the clueless mug part......oh hell, let's keep it simple.....don't walk away from that mirror for a while, this way we'll get all the nonsense epithets you spew on here covered. |
hope you had tight stops you cretin.
23 Apr 11 08:51 Joined: 03 Feb 05 | Topic/replies: 1,559 | Blogger: Menelaus's blog 15 Things About the US Economy You Could Easily Miss if You Bought into the Apple Hype Or 15 reasons why you should take a MASSIVELY short position on AAPL: 1. Unemployment (U6) rising 2. Average hours worked decreasing 3. Average annual income decreasing 4. Number of homes in foreclosure increasing 5. Average home price dropping 6. Student loans surpass Credit Card loans 7. Number of credit cards defaulting increasing 8, Number of student loans defaulting increasing 9. Divorce rate increasing 10. Gasoline prices increasing 11. Food prices increasing 12. Taxes increasing 13. Health costs rising 14. 43 million on SNAP 15. Steve Jobs is perceived as Apple Yes, polybot, FED induced liquidity put a lot of hot air under your AAPL plays this past year but the real economy begs to differ......and the real economy at the end ALWAYS wins. Will $332, or $350, or anything else now matter in October? How about February, 2012? I don't trade with a 14 hour planning horizon, it seems you do." How about $522 |
It was a question of time until the lemming light cavalry came charging in.
What makes you all hypocrites is that you pick and choose from my past posts to paint the picture you want. It is true, all those things I thought would impact Apple, and I still think at some point they will. So in that sense, it didn't make sense to go Apple long until....... ..........I realized that Apple had become a safe haven for just about every hedge fund on the planet, much like US Treasuries, disconnecting itself from fundamentals. That is still the case today. I posted about it......GO FIND IT, you seem to have more than enough free time on your hands. plolywad, I asked he question before and you didn't 't answer, I'll ask it again. Do you take after your mother? |
Your silence speaks volumes, and I think it answers my question.
Yes, like I suspected, you do take after her. I knew by the way you show up here every now and then throwing your heels at me and feel so proud of yourself. Throw your handbag at me too next time. |
$525 today
Such a small handbag, you'd think with apple going to the moon you'd be able to afford something better.
P.S. You forgot your lipstick in there. I'll return it. |
Apple have been a fantastic stock, and it is amazing to think that is less than a year ago when Menelaus exhorted readers to sell, because the stock has risen by 60% in the interim. An epic call.
Yeah, I agree, fantastic stock for those who ACTUALLY do own it, not just those "follow the crowd" experts on here who constantly shout "buy apple" and who don't have a share to their name. Yes, I meant YOU.
The "buy apple" has turned out indeed to be a great call. What the fanboys are missing is that "buy anything" has also been a great call, supported by massive central bank easing, not by the state of the global economy. But then again you knew that, didn't you. QUIZ for the fanboys: What's turned out to be a better trade so far in 2012, owing AAPL with 100bn in the bank, or owning a thoroughly insolvent bank in BAC? Sometimes those who follow the crowd miss the forest because of the trees. |
I DO hold shares in Apple, Menelaus. Bought them at $200, twice sold them and (my best decisions)twice bought them back at a small loss. At a time when the property market is stagnant,their performance has been amazing. And, being superstitious, I give thanks very every anti-Apple pronouncement you make, since you are a very unlucky and erratic reader of events.
My offer to you is still open though: if you can beat Apple's performance year-on-year, you can come and work for me. |
Give a break FFS, it makes you look like a fool addicted to a brand. You own ZILCH. Anyone who owns ANYTHING in this market at least knows and understands how HFT works since now THEY ARE the market. You hadn't a clue these outfits have their servers right on the exchange floor. There's always a tell who's making it up as they go along on here.
The market is broken. It's not just AAPL, it's just about everything. BAC trading @ $8 something today from $5 in January, UP a whooping 60pc. The are bankrupt FFS. Yes, freaking, totally and irreversibly bankrupt. CMG trading @ $390 something today, UP $100 since last October. Do you know what they make? Mexican burritos FFS. Yes, that's it, burritos. PCLN trading @ $630 something today, UP $150 since last December. Do you know what they do? They are a travel agency FFS. That's it, a travel agency. So stop bragging about this "buy apple" sh1t, it's "buy anything", courtesy central bank easy money…..a flood of it. Apple gets extra points for having just about every hedge fund on the planet play ping-pong with AAPL shares everyday, driving the price up REGARDLESS of news. And you numbskulls thought it was because they make tablets and cell phones. Get a fecking clue FFS. |
There you go with the "you can't make any money unless you hold for less than 30 seconds" argument. Remind me melly: precisely how many days did you hold your apple short (amongst others) for?
Btw, I'm up 150% since I bought into GKP in october, but I guess that is all down to money printing as well is it, and absolutely nothing to do with multiple OIP upgrades and exxon sniffing around? You truly are a cretin of the highest order melly. |
QUIZ for the fanboys: What's turned out to be a better trade so far in 2012, owing AAPL with 100bn in the bank, or owning a thoroughly insolvent bank in BAC? Sometimes those who follow the crowd miss the forest because of the trees.
errrr how do you spell M.E.L.T.--------D.O.W.N ? melly- I am the forest YOU are the tree. |
Has Menelaus lost his wits? I'm rather shocked by his last post - I seem to be standing in the trajectory of most of his bile.
There's something about Apple that triggers his fits. it must be the time out of joint. "APPLE BITES MAN" Would be the head-line. |
lostmybiscuits, I didn't realize that bartenders at Soho strip bars were allowed to hire people. Learn a new thing everyday on here.
And yes, your last post irrevocably, comprehensively and conclusively proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that you do indeed own a large block of AAPL shares. Hat tip to you, I'm in awe. (If I need to add ///sarc. at the tail end of that, you are more stupid than I thought) |
For anyone interested in my Apple holding, this is what happened:
I was late out of the 2008 crash as my stockbroker's advice was to "sit tight". Seeing the stocks fall every day,tho, I cracked eventually and sold all my portfolio. Immediately, there was a rally, but it was short lived, and soon I was in the happy position of being able to buy back 8 shares for every 5 I had sold. But instead of a "balanced" group of shares, I put it all back into US technology stock. I believed that the £ could not sustain its strength against the $. Deeper down, I believed that ordinary investors had a better chance on Wall St than in the City, where they are despised as victims. So I bought into companies the like of which the UK doesn't have: Intel and Microsoft. I didn't buy Apple then because they were not quoted on the Dow30. I "found" Apple on Nasdaq - was amazed at the value of the company (then $200 billion) and split my investment into three. I bought Apple for just under £200. That was 25-26 months ago. Of the three, Apple have certainly proved to be my Cordelia. Twice I was foolish enough to sell them, but my saving grace was to realise my mistake and buy them back at a small loss.Have I been incredibly lucky? Yes, but the crucial thing is that I corrected myself when I went wrong. When I have posted "buy Apple", at $340 and $400, I meant it. I recommend buying Apple now. Your houses may nevergo up in value like this stock. |
brief translation:
"blah blah blah "buy apple" blah blah blah "buy apple" blah blah "buy apple, buy apple, buy apple" blah blah blah blah blah "buy apple" We got it, can we move on now? |