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05 Apr 11 13:29
Date Joined: 03 Feb 05
| Topic/replies: 6,745 | Blogger: Menelaus's blog
Apple Crunched in Nasdaq Rebalance


Nasdaq is taking a bite out of Apple.

In a move likely to ripple across the stock market, Nasdaq OMX plans to announce Tuesday a rare rebalancing of its Nasdaq-100 index, which will reduce the big weighting of Apple Inc. The company currently makes up more than 20% of the index.

The stock had shown weakness on large volume versus the index's powering up the last few trading days. Who knew and front-run this announcement?

Are there more news to follow about Steve Jobs shortly, may be the worse?

At any rate, NASDAQ is anticipating an AAPL decline, likely a sharp one, and protected the index. If you are still holding AAPL, I'd consider getting out without any delay if I were you.

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Replies: 339
When: 19 Apr 11 19:10
Just seen this. Apple $339 on 5th April, now $334. Don't give much weight to the "large volume" reference - Apple always trade over $3 billion of stock daily, and have been tremendously resiliant. Brave call anyway.
When: 19 Apr 11 20:51
It has nothing to do with volume. NASDAQ is a weighted index (unlike the DOW) with AAPL a dominant 20+pc weight. NASDAQ announced a rebalancing of the index reducing AAPL's weight to almost half of that. Combine this defensive action by NASDAQ with the Steve Jobs health situation, supply chain interruptions hitting earnings in Q4 and the overall US and global economy slipping into another recession and all the arrows are pointing SOUTH, not NORTH. When Americans are faced with a choice of filling their SUV's with petrol or buying an ipad, I think I know which they'll choose.  Good luck those staying long AAPL. As I stated before I'm MASSIVELY short.
When: 20 Apr 11 02:25
not sure you understand the situation Menelaus, NASDAQ100 is an index, it doesn't predict stocks. The re-weighting is market cap based and in line with current prices. The portfolio rebalancing volume would easily be covered in a half days trading, and they have a whole month.
Japan related supply issues work to Apples advantage due to their massive preferential contracts, this constrains supply for all competitors, very few components are affected.
as for petrol vs iPad, it looks like they're choosing iPad.
When: 20 Apr 11 09:15
polybot, you should stick to playing silly games on here otherwise your infatuation with all things Apple will lead you to ruin.

NASDAQ is an index, not a predictor?!?!  Did you have to think hard to come up with this golden nugget Captain Obvious,  or was it a spur of the moment thing? The rest of your statement that the "re-weighting is market cap based and inline with current prices" is beyond laughable SINCE IT'S STATING THE OBVIOUS to anyone who has even a remote interest in these markets. The entire premise of my original post was not WHY technically they were doing it, but rather WHY NOW, their motivation for doing NOW. And since I stopped believing in existence of free markets since about the same age I was growing molar teeth, the timing of the announcement made me raise my eyebrow. In my opinion, here's WHY NOW: NASDAQ rode the AAPL juggernaut  to the top with AAPL's fourfold increase but now they are making sure they  minimize the negative impact on the index when  AAPL's  goes down. The index itself in not a predictor but the blokes running it are quite capable of that,  and I believe they are expecting an AAPL lower price in the future and they are protecting the index. I'm trading this belief.

You are wrong about the supply interruptions not impacting AAPL, or may even be handing them an advantage. Stop regurgitating generalities bounced around Apple fanboys websites and do some research on your own. I don't want to spend the energy to break it down for you, virtually component by component, nor the inclination. You're on your own on that one. (Hint:  Preferential contracts are only good if your buying parts "off the shelf" and you get first dibs. They're of no use when the factory that makes your highly engineered and specific to your product parts, has either shut down completely for a while or is running at half capacity because of power outages. Unless Japan urgently discovers a miraculous way of fixing their power grid issues, earnings will be impacted PERIOD.

Last and certainly not least, do you know what the average cost of unleaded gasoline was in NY state was yesterday? How about California? Illinois? Do you even know how to find out? (Hint: It's easy to want to have all things shinny, glitzy and overpriced in pursuit of your American dream when you're been fed a bunch of lies that recovery is right around the corner . Not so easy when you realize real recovery is nowhere to be seen more than two years into this, your equity in your home keeps declining, your taxes and an assortment of other fees are going up, your healthcare costs have gone up around 20pc in the last year, you lost or are about to lose your job, your unemployment benefits have run out, your grocery bill just want up 20pc and petrol another 30pc in just the last two months. And that's just for starters.........they'll buy ipads my arse.

Here's another morbid prediction for you. Steve Jobs won't make it to the end of the year. And if you think the market has priced in an "apple without steve" then you are in for a nasty surprise.

You posted you are long AAPL. I posted I'm massively short. Time will settle this argument for us sooner rather than later, and only one of us can be right......
When: 20 Apr 11 10:05
1: obvious indeed, the "blokes running it" don't base it on forward market cap (if such a thing exists).
2: NAND, DRAM and LCDs are the only pressure points and they are all sourced elsewhere, everything else has reserve inventory.
3: they are STILL queueing for iPad2, they are sold as soon as they are made.
4: Jobs effectively left Apple 3 months ago, the analysis is based on crazy things like growth, market share,  and forward PE.
5. agreed, time will tell, will report back in 14 hours.
When: 20 Apr 11 15:02
I knew it would serve no purpose arguing with an apple fanboy. In a JIT environment, the ONLY company apparently not affected by supply chain interruptions is AAPL because.......they just happen to have "reserve inventory"....LOL.

Perhaps you should be made aware that Americans are also lining up in the unemployment line, the mortgage default line, the maxed credit card line, the food stamp line and that a recession followed EVERY time petrol prices shot over $4/gal in the US. Have you checked the $DX lately?

Jobs "effectively" left AAPL 3 months ago, yes, but Jobs still equals Apple in the mind of the market, and that's what counts. I hope I'm wrong about my morbid prediction but I suspect before year end we'll find out....some of us the hard way.

And I didn't realize that we're trading with a 14hr planning horizon, my mistake.
When: 20 Apr 11 15:02
Every time I have sold Apple, I soon bought them back at a small loss and have been very fortunate to do so. You can buy them back today, Menelaus,at $342!
When: 20 Apr 11 15:03
You can do what you want biscuits, it's your money after all.

My trade stands.
When: 21 Apr 11 07:34
Tim Cook at today's conference call "we did not have any supply or cost impact in our fiscal Q2 as a result as the tragedy, and we currently do not anticipate any material supply or cost impact in our fiscal Q3."
also "staggering" demand for iPad2, Q2 only includes a couple of weeks of these sales so expect very high numbers for Q3.
$353 at after hours close.
When: 21 Apr 11 12:49
"There is no substance to the rumors that iphone4 has reception issues" - Steve Jobs, June 24, 2010

"The dropped calls complaints are blown out of proportion. There is no problem with the iphone4 reception if it's held properly" - Steve Jobs, July 6, 2010

"There is a design problem with the antenna of iphone4 and we've already taking steps to correct it" Steve Jobs, July 16, 2010

Yes, I believe everything that Apple says, absolutely everything........

Hmmmm..."Staggering" demand but ipad sales are down. And the apple fanboys I think missed this part of the call because they erupted in orgasmic rapture with the Q2 beat:

* APPLE SEES Q3 EPS ABOUT $5.03, EST. $5.25

It's your last chance to go short this week, fanboy.
When: 21 Apr 11 12:59
I guess "staggering demand for ipad2" is a state of mind if you're a fanboy

The company sold:

4.69 million iPads, compared to a blogger-analyst estimate of 6.28 million units and the professional estimate of 6.85 million
johnnie walker
When: 21 Apr 11 23:36
menelaus, i dont understand why you have to be so vocal towards people with different ideas.
polybot wants to be long, you want to be short, so be it, that s called a market. (personally i have a slight preference for the long camp and thats s even if i dont like their products. but they sell, even the ipad which is useless. the company is delivering results, hoard cash, and even more, hoards talented people)
there are more shares in the spx that are worth much less hype imo, ready to be shorted. although, again, i think the spx could be rallying for few more months.
one last comment though, lets leave the life of people out of the discussions, it s really bad taste.
even in america, the day it will happen - and hopefully in many yrs from today - no one would sell the aapl shares because it woul be seen as inelegant. pecunia olet,  in these circumstances.
johnnie walker
When: 21 Apr 11 23:46
plus i think your number for ipads look wrong.

CUPERTINO, California—January 18, 2011—Apple® today announced financial results for its fiscal 2011 first quarter ended December 25, 2010. The Company posted record revenue of $26.74 billion and record net quarterly profit of $6 billion, or $6.43 per diluted share. These results compare to revenue of $15.68 billion and net quarterly profit of $3.38 billion, or $3.67 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter. Gross margin was 38.5 percent compared to 40.9 percent in the year-ago quarter. International sales accounted for 62 percent of the quarter’s revenue.

Apple sold 4.13 million Macs during the quarter, a 23 percent unit increase over the year-ago quarter. The Company sold 16.24 million iPhones in the quarter, representing 86 percent unit growth over the year-ago quarter. Apple sold 19.45 million iPods during the quarter, representing a seven percent unit decline from the year-ago quarter. The Company also sold 7.33 million iPads during the quarter.
johnnie walker
When: 21 Apr 11 23:50
no, i posted the wrong date.. :-)
When: 22 Apr 11 00:28
Menelaus, you're confused/grasping at straws. re iPad numbers, as has been clearly said iPad2 only included in 2 weeks of Q2, so the staggering demand for iPad2 will show in Q3. Analysts got the numbers wrong because the change/production cycle was in the middle of Q2 eg shifting old inventory, buyers waiting for new model, production changeover constraining supply. Demand for Mac and iPhone will also increase.
as for the antenna and fanboy remarks, like I say, grasping at straws.

OPT    ►    29    +xx        783.84736    AAPL 100 MAY 11 295 CALL    16.27%    48.27%    56.1    7.4    37.8375
When: 22 Apr 11 01:10
@ JW

I wish you contributed to this forum on a regular basis instead of stepping from behind the curtain every now and then feeling compelled it seems to always provide commentary on my posts and only my posts. I usually respect your opinions but I would suggest a refresher course in elementary english comprehension for you. If you scroll up, and spend the time to read carefully, leaving your personal biases at the door, you'll be able to see that it is not I who berated polybot but rather the other way around. I stated the reasons why I feel the index was rebalanced NOW and answered the question WHY NOW. Polybot doesn't agree and that's fine, but spewing rubbish that have nothing to do with my original post and only serving the purpose of "justifying" a long position, is only just that....RUBBISH. Everyone trades with their own money on the line, so if polybot wants to be long that's fine by me, but that doesn't mean I agree with his position and I should swallow the apple cult mania rubbish he is posting.

@ polybot

My point was simply to demonstrate that Apple has made misleading statements in the past, coming right from the very top, so if you want to believe this nonsense about not anticipating supply interruptions, then believe it at your own peril. Some of our clients are located in Japan and the information we're getting from them paints a lot more dire picture on what is happening in Japan than the one you are getting from reading your local daily.

I called you a fanboy because only those blinded by the apple glitz would keep spewing rubbish about "staggering" demand and miss what is really happening in the US economy at the moment. They are about to be rudely introduced to a lower standard of living, and one I doubt affords them to continue to binge on all things shinny and glitzy. I'll keep an eye out for petrol prices in the US, while you keep reading the apple cult sites, and time will tell us who's right.

In the meantime, why don't you both bugger off.
When: 22 Apr 11 01:38
Some of our clients are located in Japan
I'm guessing you work in a dried fish processing plant in Iceland or a Hello Kitty factory in Vietnam.
In the mean time, I will bugger off and leave you in peace, don't lose too much sleep on that MASSIVELY short and deep underwater position in AAPL.
Have a safe and happy Easter.Happy
When: 22 Apr 11 07:01
poly-  are you saying mellannus is " massively short' AAPL? Don't tell me he ACTUALLY posted  a trade?

What price and how far underwater is he? I bet he did'nt post a price?

He really is a laughable character. And an annoying imbecile.Maybe he has dried fish in his eyes?LaughLaughLaugh
When: 22 Apr 11 11:49
Now now poly. We all know melly is a "boutique M&A director on a 7 figure salary". What he actually directs is anyones guess though. I know he recently went on a trip to new york to advise a hot dog seller named ray, who wanted to acquire a few other stalls. Perhaps he was in japan for the other part of his job - merging cat and dog meat into hotdogs, for ray to sell. Oscar Mayer watch out.

Btw melly - how much are you prepared to lose if the trade keeps going the wrong way? Say it hit $400, what then? I tend to agree with you that apple will eventually fizzle out, but is it now? I don't think the price is going to crash overnight, so I would rather wait a bit to see what actually happens, rather than trying to call the top, and get my arse handed to me. Won't make as much money this way but the risk is less.
When: 22 Apr 11 11:55
AAPL have done brilliantly for investors. The stock has risen 188% in the last two years. Anyone who shorted them would have done very well to change his mind pronto, otherwise a gnawing resentment could gain a hold.
When: 22 Apr 11 12:09
whippet - Is your assumption that Apple will "fizzle out" based on Sir Terry Leahy's assertion that "all companies fail in the end?" Or something more tangible? AAPL shares have been great for me. The only UK company I would swap them for is ARM (they have risen 400% in the last two years). Apple command the gate to growth for a lot of businesses and as for the nuts and bolts of the figures, Polybot seems to have a good grasp of those.
johnnie walker
When: 23 Apr 11 02:42
before buggering off ( i ll come back to it later )

menelaus, im one of the few here who reads what you say, and im one of the few here who think you know your stuff. why am i compelled to come and talk about your stuff then? firstly, for the above reasons.
no need to chat with people who offer no substance.
but also because you push your arguments with too much attitude, and you seem to enjoy only the controversy.
anyone who doesnt agree with your views , will end up in financial ruin as you r the only one who knows how to preserve wealth; everyone who doesnt share your opinion must be a villain, as only you got a nice and well respected job; everyone who claim to make money on a trade you dont like must have dreamt it, everyone who thinks differently is irresponsible and will run his family into poverty.. and so on. finally, even the people you claim to respect, if they dare to move a critic, they can bugger off.
take it easy, i dont know why you take everything so emotionally.
being too emotional in financial matters, make you very weak when it comes to decision making. you dont trade anymore the news and fundamentals, but you end up trading your ego only, which is usually a mistake.

why i dont come to put more comments on the forum? because now it s become a children playground, with people commenting only on each other and not on the markets, so there s no value in it.

lastly, on the bugger off, you ve gone so down in my consideration, that if you hadnt posted million times that you got 2 young daughters, i would have thought your pc had been hijacked by a 12 yrs old boy.

happy easter and good luck next week to everyone,
When: 23 Apr 11 03:21
not "massively short" MrBen, "MASSIVELY short".
price was around $332 heading into earnings report when this disclosure was made with no hint of closing since.
When: 23 Apr 11 03:32
Agreed jw, the bickering is distracting and annoying. in a strange way though, these open and anonymous forums full of cranks, trolls and fantasists alongside honest and accurate info adds value to the argument, even Menelaus.
happy easter to all.
When: 23 Apr 11 08:51
15 Things About the US Economy You Could Easily Miss if You Bought into the Apple Hype Or 15 reasons why you should take a MASSIVELY short position on AAPL:

1. Unemployment (U6) rising
2. Average hours worked decreasing
3. Average annual income decreasing
4. Number of homes in foreclosure increasing
5. Average home price dropping
6. Student loans surpass Credit Card loans
7. Number of credit cards defaulting increasing
8, Number of student loans defaulting increasing
9. Divorce rate increasing
10. Gasoline prices increasing
11. Food prices increasing
12. Taxes increasing
13. Health costs rising
14. 43 million on SNAP
15. Steve Jobs is perceived as Apple

Yes, polybot, FED induced liquidity put a lot of hot air under your AAPL plays this past year but the real economy begs to differ......and the real economy at the end ALWAYS wins.

Will $332, or $350, or anything else now matter in October? How about February, 2012? I don't trade with a 14 hour planning horizon, it seems you do.
When: 23 Apr 11 13:13
Here's a question: why apple?

When the collapse of the US economy arrives, it is not just apple that is going to be up the swanny is it?

The reasons you are suggesting for shorting apple are going to have an even bigger impact on plenty of other companies. So why the obsession with wanting to short apple?

You are obviously trading your ego again. Very dangerous.

You obviously hate apple for some reason, this is obvious by your fanboy comments. I'm guessing you are a PC gamer nerd (this is obvious by the fact that you are such a loser).

You shouldn't trade your hatred or your love for something. You should trade facts. I want to short apple as well, but the time hasn't arrived yet. Yes, you might get lucky and call the exact top, but more likely, you will lose another 30% in the mean time, whilst I swan in later on, when it is actually on it's way down, and get a better entry point with no risk.

Looks like ben was right again. You and your ego are very, very dangerous.
When: 23 Apr 11 18:03
wipeout, I'm starting to be convinced that you are incapable of posting anything without displaying uncontrollable anger and certainly not without ad hominem attacks. As far as your questions go, why don't you go post them on the US Racing forum and perhaps the poster who posts under the moniker the Canadian perhaps will answer them for you.
When: 23 Apr 11 19:30
Or you could, you know, answer the question?

I'm not sure why you go into a tantrum when anyone dares question your opinion.

As for this thread - why does everyone have an obsession with apple? This applies to both the people desperately wanting to short it, as well as the people saying it is the only stock they ever want to own.

This is another thing of egos - you either want to be the person who rode it all the way from $10 to $500, or you want to be the person who managed to short it before it crashed 50%. What exactly does this achieve other than bragging rights down the pub?

If any of you actually did a bit of research, you could find a list as long as my c0ck of better companies to to be buying/shorting. But I guess telling your mates that you made a gazillion quid on AAPL is somehow better than telling them you made it on a company no one has ever heard of isn't it? I know plenty of wide boys like you lot - none of them know what they are doing, and despite all their bragging, most are in debt up to their eyeballs.
When: 23 Apr 11 23:25
AAPL closed 350.69.

Hope you had tight stopsLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaugh

MASSIVELY short, first trade you ever posted and aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT A RESULT.

whats massive for you melly- dozen shares?[smiley:crazy][smiley:crazy][smiley:crazy]
When: 24 Apr 11 01:52
who's AAPL? is he a sprinter or a router? who trains him?

When: 24 Apr 11 02:06
i don't know who AAPL is but Sparkling Style just wired for me at 6 to 1 Cool
When: 24 Apr 11 11:05
It sounds like the Canadian had a few too many last evening.........but well done on your $30K+ super. The only problem for you though is that this is the wrong forum to display that kind of exuberance,  I doubt half the posters on this forum would even know what super is.......well done anyways.

Mr Bean, it sounds like you missed an opportunity to go short AAPL.......and I hate to be the one to break the news to you but you went short gold at the absolute worse time and got totally decimated, and now you came late to the party going long gold also at the wrong time and you are about to get decimated again. I loaded up on a double leveraged gold short ETF (GLL) last Thursday, we'll see how it plays out when Ben (no, no, not you, the Ben that counts, the one with Chairman in front of his name, that Ben) tells us this week "no mas"........for now at least.

Seriously though, do something to control your rants, it's getting nearly impossible to make any sense of your posts anymore.
When: 24 Apr 11 11:29
Do you just ignore any critical posts now?

Come on, answer this - Why AAPL?

Surely with your expert knowledge you would be able to dig out one of the many other companies that are an even bigger short. All the factors you have suggested (which I agree with) will affect many companies just as hard. So why are you putting all your eggs in one basket and going "MASSIVELY SHORT"?
When: 24 Apr 11 11:37
Since my good friend the Canadian paid us a visit and never bothered to answer your question, let me try to help you.

In an economy that just about every indicator is showing heading for a serious recession, what do you think is likely to suffer first:

the demand for food?
the demand for fuel?
the demand for clothes?
the demand of other of life's essentials?
the need to pay for health care?
the need to pay taxes and a myriad of other fees?
the need for things related to education?

or, the "staggering" demand for ipads?

That's why Apple.
When: 24 Apr 11 12:09
wipeout, keep your eyes on this, far more important than fanboy lineups outside of Apple stores:

In the US, a recession followed EVERY time national gas prices went over $4/gal. And in a recession, shiny glitzy over-priced things are the first to suffer.

Are you getting it yet?
johnnie walker
When: 26 Apr 11 21:24
15 Things About the US Economy You Could Easily Miss if You Bought into the Apple Hype Or 15 reasons why you should take a MASSIVELY short position on AAPL:

1. Unemployment (U6) rising
2. Average hours worked decreasing
3. Average annual income decreasing
4. Number of homes in foreclosure increasing
5. Average home price dropping
6. Student loans surpass Credit Card loans
7. Number of credit cards defaulting increasing
8, Number of student loans defaulting increasing
9. Divorce rate increasing
10. Gasoline prices increasing
11. Food prices increasing
12. Taxes increasing
13. Health costs rising
14. 43 million on SNAP
15. Steve Jobs is perceived as Apple

again, i dont want to spoil a good story, but you shud refresh some of your statistics, as they look a bit stale.

1. Unemployment (U6) rising

unemployment: u3 ( the nfp we all look at ) is dropping from a high of 10.2 to 8.9 last reading.
anyway, even if you want to take u6, it s dropped similarly from 17.3 ( h2 2009 ) to 15.7 last reading.

2. Average hours worked decreasing

last reading was for a 34.3 hours per week, on the rise form a low of 33.7 in june09
the highest reading was -twice only- in the booming 2007 at 34.7, with normal highs in times of expansion around 34.5 or 34.6. current level is closer to expansion readings than recession, and def coming up.

3. Average annual income decreasing

hourly earnigns are up 1.7% yoy ( and we know working hours are expanding slightly )
personal income was up 0.3% yoy in april, form +1.1% up in march ( so in case we have a flattening out of the increase, but def not a decrease of personal income ). last time we had a negative reading was in july 09. in meantime gdp per head in the us increased from 45590 to 46350usd.

7. Number of credit cards defaulting increasing

boa and citi both annouced the lowest defaul rae in 2yrs on credit cards ( citibank ads recently as on the 16th april ).
in america from 1yr ago deliquencies dropped from 5.30 to 3.59% , while charge offs decreased ( or better, halved ) from 10.87% to 5.87% in 1yr

9. Divorce rate increasing

this one puzzles me, as normally a higher divorce rate is associated to more liberal and richer economies. divorce rate has been increasing steadily from the 60s till these days, in parallel to the economic growth. funnily enough anyway, divorce rate is today at 3.4%, stable from 2009 and lower compared to the readings of 3.5 and 3.6 of 2008 and 2007.

very true.
although the gdp per head in ppp has been stable and the americans still enjoy a relatively high position in this particular table ( which reads : qatar, luxemburg, bermuda, macau, norway, uae, brunei, channel islands, singapore, kuwait, foroe islands, usa, the other 200 countries ). in fact they only got overtaken during the crisis yrs by the faroe and macau.

there are maybe many more reasons to see apple shares dropping, but in fact, if the sales/results/profits all went beyond expectations when the states were really in recession, it s possible that the trend continues now with the economy in slightly better shape ( although still weak, agreed ).

good luck tomorrow with big ben...
im short usd going into tomorrows speech and will be adding to shorts on any dips for the rest of the month.
When: 27 Apr 11 09:52
JW, I wouldn't always try to get the last word in if the last information posted was accurate

1,2 & 3 : I subscribe to John William's Shadow Stats. I don't believe a word that comes out of any government

7: I subscribe to Chris Whalen's The Institutional Risk Analyst. I don't believe a word that comes out of any bank

9. My comment was based on an article I read in Business Insider (I don't have a link for you). Typically divorce rates spike as soon as the economy comes out of a recession. That's because the recession itself causes strain on marital relationships but people don't terminate the marriage until they can afford to, since the divorce process in the US is not an inexpensive process. Two things to keep in mind however; the last recession was the longest recession on record for the US and all states in the US (the last being NY State in late 2010) have changed the laws and made it easier for people to file for divorce through a process called "no fault divorce". Having said all that, the divorce rate as an economic indicator would be way down my list........I needed 15, it sounded better Laugh

Just as an overall observation, we seem to come to different conclusions since I tend to ignore government data since I'm convinced it's heavily manipulated, as opposed to you who use it and quote it as gospel. To each his own.......

Here's some more things for you to spend time on to try to refute:

35 Facts That Show Just How Much The Average American Has Been Destroyed By This Economy
When: 27 Apr 11 16:34
Stop posting yet more utter rubbish Melanie and get back to your day job of flipping burgers at Macy d's
When: 01 May 11 08:39
Menelaus, you raise some good points. However, do you not think that maybe Apple's target market may be sufficiently well-off to cope with the difficulties and continue to purchase the products?

Still Learning,
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