
Community Guidelines

Betfair Community Do’s

  • Debate, debate, debate: the forum is there for you to share your views and opinions, so feel free to express them, as long as they are not offensive to others.
  • Be considerate: while expressing those views, remember that everyone else using the forum has the right to disagree with you, and to feel comfortable doing so. Be polite and respectful at all times.
  • Take responsibility: when you post a comment, a picture, a blog, whatever . . . remember you are responsible for it. Other users can flag anything they think is unsuitable by using the ‘report’ facility or emailing, and we will remove anything we deem inappropriate (and may take action against the user that posted it – read our Terms and Conditions for more details)
  • Make use of the wider Betfair community: it’s more than just a forum, so use it to the full. Add your own blog, enhance your profile with some pictures, vote in the poll. And if you need to feed back anything to us, use the Site Feedback area (we check it every day!).
  • Link back to us: if you post something from the Betfair Community anywhere else, please be sure to link back. We’re happy for our content to be shared, but be fair...
  • Talk to us: it’s your community, and we want to make it work for you. So use the Site Feedback area to tell us what you like, what you don’t like, what isn't working, raise any technical issues. We’ll always do our best to help.

Betfair Community Don'ts

  • Content we have to remove: we want you to make full use of the Betfair Community, but there are some things we just can’t allow. Particularly comments we consider to be defamatory. Our Terms and Conditions explain the type of content that is not permitted – and we may take action against anyone who breaches our Terms and Conditions.
  • Posting anything that isn’t yours: we’re talking about other people’s photographs, personal information or confidential information (for example, from paid tipping services or publications such as Pricewise/Racing Post etc.). If it’s not yours, don’t use it!
  • Inappropriate images: you can have a picture to accompany your profile, you can create your own gallery – but every image you upload will have to be approved by one of our administrators.
  • Treatment of other people: bullying, harassment and being downright unpleasant is not what the Betfair forum is about. Anyone who feels they are on the receiving end should let us know by using our ‘report’ facility for threads and posts or by emailing But please be aware this is a forum, not a school playground. Although, we do take breaches of our terms and conditions seriously, we are unlikely to take any action against posts which do not breach our terms and conditions and merely amount to heated debate and/or forum banter!
  • Blatant advertising: the Betfair Community is a lot of things, but it’s not Exchange and Mart or a free ads newspaper. Don’t use your posts and blogs to advertise or promote anything which would be deemed commercial activity.