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Lenny the Guvnor
14 Dec 09 12:52
Date Joined: 19 Feb 09
| Topic/replies: 345 | Blogger: Lenny the Guvnor's blog
Right first thing. If anybody is interested in this, first dibs will go to 3 people who have staked me before and i am in makeup with, these know themselves, JS, SB and NS. Also obviously i open myself to ridicule with a thread like this but if you wish to abuse me please open another thread.

Anyway what i am looking to be staked for - $6.50 turbo 45 mans on stars.

Amount needed - $650, can be divvied up into portions no less than $65/10%

Terms - 50/50 on the first $1,000 net profit, 60/40 next $1,000 profit, 70/30 thereafter.

Staking period - 8,000 games completed, if no profit is made after 8,000 games then i expect to go into makeup with those stakers who will then have the option to reload and make me grind until all losses are recovered (this wont happen over 8k games lol).

Any FPPs accrued i will expect to keep.

I'm sure you know a bit about me but incase you don't remember i have played for a living for over 5 years now. This year has mainly been a pretty big rollercoaster with far too many blowups that i would care to imagine! Anyway lets cut the crap and show you some of what i have done pokerwise in the past.

Spent most of my career playing cash. Started with holdem, moved to omaha now. Played everywhere from 10 to 1000nlh/plo. Probably made around $75k in that time, but i was sloppy with keeping records up until this year, so that figure is a very rough estimate. This year has been mostly HU turbo sng for me. A lot of the time being staked by 3 main people on betfair. This was fairly successful and i think using 4 different accounts helped me beat the regs on there consistently (the regs were pretty terrible to be fair)

The sharkscopes for these are all betfair, some of the graphs are not all my games as other people were using the accounts before/after me.

Coca919 - (Tom Ferraris account) First 500~ games are me

skolsuper - (James Keys account) All games are me

KoiCarp - (Paul Miltons account) Games 2500-4000~ are me

McGuvnor - (Paul Miltons account) All games are me

I can get the account holders to verify this and that it was me playing if needed. Slight problem is Milton and Ferrari are travelling Thailand until February so might take a while to get them to contact you (lucky**s!)

I also had a bash at some $1 45 man turbos on stars last week and did alright, small 250 sample but managed 45% ROI.

This can be checked here -

Finally my live cashes profile -

When playing those turbo 45 mans the other week i was 12-24 tabling them (stacking). Not sure which is best for my hourly rate but i reckon 16 is cool. Playing hours are not a problem, i rarely play weekends but have no commitments during the week and can easily play 1,000 games a month although i'd probably look at getting 1500-2000 done to start with to combat any variance demons that try and come my way.

Any questions please ask kindly,


Ben :)

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Replies: 644
When: 14 Dec 09 12:57
If them three are in three ways, I wld put up the other 25% so 163$.
When: 14 Dec 09 12:58
Or anyone to be fair I will throw 163$ at it for 25%
Mavis "Hacksaw" Handbag
When: 14 Dec 09 13:17
These games are SUPER SOFT btw, for anyone interested in staking. I've played a load recently 10-20 tabling.
ka ka
When: 14 Dec 09 13:27
I would also stake you with joffy or... for 25%
When: 14 Dec 09 13:50
If you have played higher which you have i don't know how you can go to so ridiculously low. I know you might be suffering from a lack of funds but surely .10/.20 cent games must be soft and you can make much more? I am not sure of the standard but assuming can't be good?
Mavis "Hacksaw" Handbag
When: 14 Dec 09 13:59
too easy to tilt on cash ...

also, 20 tabling these @ 25% ROI u can play 150 per day easily which equals $225 a day

even if u can only manage 10% ROI ur stil making $90 per day
Mavis "Hacksaw" Handbag
When: 14 Dec 09 14:00
make that $160 a day / $50 a day ok i forgot to add fees as usual but whatever, same point. easy grind aint it.
Mavis "Hacksaw" Handbag
When: 14 Dec 09 14:01
ffs ignore that 2nd post. LDO
When: 14 Dec 09 14:13
I will stake the full $650
When: 14 Dec 09 14:22
don't get the difference between tilting cash and sit n gos? Bad beats a bad beat no?
The Ichtyologist
When: 14 Dec 09 14:24
I'll take 10% if it's still going. Have some spare cash in *rs laying idle.
When: 14 Dec 09 14:34
If you get unlucky in a sit n go you can win your cash back in the time period it takes to finish another one. In cash after people get lucky they tend to rock up and it can take ages to get back and tilt you even more or they just leave.
When: 14 Dec 09 14:37
but you can lose it in the same time.............state of mind i guess
When: 14 Dec 09 14:40
anyways aim acheived
Lenny the Guvnor
When: 14 Dec 09 14:43
Nice to see a bit of interest guys.

To answer a few points. Thanks ka ka, joffy, ysoserious and itchyoligist i will wait a bit longer until the others mentioned have a chance, as i do owe them makeup.

There could be an option once reaching $1220 to play the $12 45 man turbos but we can discuss that as we can go along me and the stakers.

Anna - I do tilt in cash whereas i dont seem to tilt at all in these, as im playing with stacked windows aswell the action is fast and the tables pop up so fast that you dont even get to see what happened when you did x with x hand, all you know is you made the right decision and you dont see an outcome which could possibly affect your mindset.

Would also love to talk regularly with the stakers about strategy, use of scripts etc as i know a few of you that have expressed an interest are speciliasts in this field.
When: 14 Dec 09 14:46
Yeah it is state of mind. I can only speak from experience that sit n goes having a beginning and an end does seem to help with the tilt. Seems a lot easier to get impatient on cash. I could understand why competent cash players would disagree though and it is a flaw.
When: 14 Dec 09 14:53
ill stake 25% if any left ben
Lenny the Guvnor
When: 14 Dec 09 15:24
enjbenjy 14 Dec 15:46
Yeah it is state of mind. I can only speak from experience that sit n goes having a beginning and an end does seem to help with the tilt. Seems a lot easier to get impatient on cash. I could understand why competent cash players would disagree though and it is a flaw.

Very good post
Lenny the Guvnor
When: 14 Dec 09 16:05
Right, if possible i would like to keep all people interested.

To those mentioned at the start of the thread. I guess i can sort the makeup straight from my own winnings anyway..

I propose, if this is ok with everybody:-

joffy 20% - $130
ka ka 20% - $130
Y So Serious 30% - $195
Itchyologist 10% - $65
Engy 20% - $130

If this is ok with everybody then all monies need to be sent to 'Sunday8pm (Bury St Edmunds)' on stars.

As well as being able to see on sharkscope/official poker rankings i will keep stakers up to date session by session on the forum. And privately through MSN if needed. You can add me ol_dirty_8astard@**.com

If there is anything you feel i have missed from a 'contract' point of view then please let me know.


The Ichtyologist
When: 14 Dec 09 16:23
That's cool with me. I should have it sent at about 6 this evening. I presume the "Bury St. Edmunds" bit is just your location and not part of your alias?
Lenny the Guvnor
When: 14 Dec 09 16:25
Yep no hurry, Yes Bury is the location

alias - Sunday8pm

When: 14 Dec 09 16:27
Done mine will come from Evvo as after five yrs of poker I still havent managed to get a stars account
When: 14 Dec 09 16:31
hi mate.. whilst I really appreciate giving me a big share in a consortium of players, I was really only interested in an all or nothing sortof thing, sorry to waste anytime but it would appears all the stakers would be happy to eat up the 30% I am declining.. gl and let me know how it goes on, I am interested to see the results
Lenny the Guvnor
When: 14 Dec 09 16:35
Lol jof.

Yso, with your expertise in this sort of format i would love to have had you as a mentor, but i didnt really wana let anyone down as they wanted a %.

If this is successful then i will be looking at doing another one after the staking period finishes but for higher stakes. Will certainly give you first option on those if you want.

That means theres 30% back on the market for anybody who wants it ($195) Or any part thereof ($65/10%)
When: 14 Dec 09 16:36
Yes but imo it doesnt finish i own ya surely 70/30 till you die ;)
Lenny the Guvnor
When: 14 Dec 09 16:37
Staking period - 8,000 games completed, if no profit is made after 8,000 games then i expect to go into makeup with those stakers

Hahahaha. To be honest 8,000 games is far too much but i wanted to come across as serious about this so i best do it now its in the t&c's!
Lenny the Guvnor
When: 14 Dec 09 16:37
where you playing footy now jof?
When: 14 Dec 09 16:47
I'll give you the full amount for free and with no obligations if you can offer a convincing explanation as to why a profitable, professional player of 5 years needs staked for £400?
The Ichtyologist
When: 14 Dec 09 16:58
Sent just now, I'll keep an eye out for updates.

Best of luck!
Lenny the Guvnor
When: 14 Dec 09 17:07
Farrer - get me on msn pls mate, address above...
When: 14 Dec 09 17:15
Lol ok to be fair i didnt really read any of it, just thought i wld get longer enjoyment out of it than any football bet which generally lasts around 5 - 10 mins.

Playing back in the Bury league 1 where i started 21 years ago lol. Actually quite sueprised at the standard we have a few old ex jewson league players and im not the oldest but probably the slowest, and then a lot of realyl keen youngsters. Its nice to be enjoying it again.

Ill add ya to msn when i work out how to do it anyway gl
Lenny the Guvnor
When: 14 Dec 09 17:16
haha, what club mate?
When: 14 Dec 09 17:21
Lenny the Guvnor
When: 14 Dec 09 17:22
I can sign for any bury club as im only registered in SIL at the moment, let me know if u want another player.
Mavis "Hacksaw" Handbag
When: 14 Dec 09 17:23
Not bad, beat Kettering at the weekend. I wondered who the new striker was, described as fat, slow, and was subbed off after 2 minutes of coming on after complaining he had banged his knee and was scared of the big defender.
Lenny the Guvnor
When: 14 Dec 09 17:38
Haha, my knee is in retirement condition at 23 years old. Havent yet got a date for an op but will be next year sometime. Feels better now and ill be able to play again in the new year, will just have to see. Fat mavis. NO. Ive been swimming twice a week trying to lose the fat and gain some more muscle. 15st down to 14,4 at the moment but im piling it back on whilst i cant really do any exercise!
Peter Parkers brother
When: 14 Dec 09 17:57
Do bots not play your style at these stakes?

If not, why not?
Nova Sicko
When: 14 Dec 09 18:00
skolsuper has been used by more than one person
Nova Sicko
When: 14 Dec 09 18:02
go play the games at the snooker hall in bury near the fly over imo
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