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Mull It Over

Bangors & Mash

10 Nov 10 11:36
It’s finally arrived!!!- the Newcomers Open NH Flat race at 4.10 pm sponsored by a friend of mine as part of the Racing Welfare Charity Day. She’s very excited to be presenting the prizes to say the least-almost on the verge of exploding :D

So, without further ado, let’s get stuck into that Bangor card:

1.10 Bang- Wymott (win).

1.40 Bang- Rock Noir (win).

2.10 Bang- Minella Boys & Summery Justice (e/w).

2.40 Bang- Dhaafer (e/w).

3.10 Bang- Safran De Cotte (e/w).

3.40 Bang- Fujin Dancer (e/w).

4.10 Bang- Tarn Hows & Coolbeg (e/w).
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