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The £1Million Challenge

Why I'm Outta Here

06 Dec 11 10:46
Hi Guys,
Yep, I'm off. I started this journey to prove Google wrong - coz they don't approve of 'gambling', but as I no longer give a monkeys what Google thinks it makes the continuation of the 'mission' unnecessary.

Add to that the fact that I don't need run-ins with Morons and crass stupid people who don't believe you can actually make fantastic profits at this game and I see no reason to carry on sharing my knowledge. The task has become a pain.

Anyway, all my methods have been shared on this blog and are there for all who have eyes to see.

So I'll just carry on quietly building my fortune, but out of the public eye. I leave the field clear to my friend Snapper - who will surely succeed as he uses the power of compounding aswell. I'm sure I'll be sailing my yacht to visit his Florida villa some time in the near future.

So, thanks for your visits and interest in my journey and I hope my shared info helps you all to make a ton of money. Im outta here! Good luck to you all in your betting.
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A Quick Note to Followers

05 Dec 11 11:24
Hello again folks,
Just  quick note further to my last message. I should have mentioned that when there are only two meetings I only go for two winners. This is because there are 14 races instead of 21, so it is statistically sensible to do this. Also, and very importantly, I have a Stop Loss of 5% - so the most I can lose per £1,000 is £50, not a disaster if it happens!

Yesterdays winners were LIE FORRIT 11/8, TRIANGULAR 5/2Jt, and ALWAYS RIGHT 9/4.  I continued to the third selection yesterday because I didn't hit my target with TRIANGULAR because I backed 'The favourite' with a bookie and my stake got split due to it being a Joint Favourite winner.

Whatever you're on today I wish you good luck. T.T.F.N.
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Bookie Russian Roulette

03 Dec 11 11:36
Start Bank £1,000
Current bank £8,500

Hello again fellow punters,

Ever had a 'Dear John' letter from a Bookie? I guess most of us won't have because I read that 95% of betfair accounts are in the red, so only 5% are winning and of those only between 1% and 2% are hugely profitable. I also read the other day that the 'hugely profitable' accounts are mainly due to 'Arbing' - backing multiple selections in a race, just thought I'd share that with you. I do this myself quite frequently now and a great free resource I use is at

My Header today is 'Bookie Russian Roulette' and its a great way to avoid receiving a Dear John from them. All you need to do is open up ten accounts and then write them down on a sheet of paper with all the phone, log-in details/internet passwords, (for Christ's sake don't lose it afterwards!)and then follow my strategy, which I'll share with you in a moment and put bet number one on with Bookie Number one, Bet number two on with Bookie Number two,and so on and so forth.

Each bookmaker only knows about the bets you place with them, they don't know about your other nine accounts, so your activities become 'invisible'.

This is what I am doing today. First of all I write down all the days races in time order and then starting at 12 Noon at Aintree I'll be backing the market favourite to win a designated percentage of my bank. If I lose I add the lost stake to my win target and proceed to the next race, which today is the 12.10 at Wetherby. I follow the same proceedure until I get a winner and then 'bank' the profit and start again. I have found that the optimim is three wins per day so that's what I go for now and so far I have had success every day! You can leave out odds-on horses if you wish as the stakes get too high and my rule for these now is 4/6 is the lowest odds I include with a 1% maximum stake in any case.

Re my multiple accounts - you have to move money around a bit but provided each account has a sufficient float you shouldn't have any problems and I call the whole process Bookie Russian Roulette as I wonder which three are going to get a bullet each day. Better to give them a bullet than the other way around!

Here's the thing; If you go for 0.5% per winner you make 1.5% per day. At 1.5% per day your bank grows by 45% per month, every month!

So now you know exactly what I am doing and how you can copy me if you want, so I'll wish you 'Good Luck' and race you to the £MILLION!

Yesterdays winners were; STRATHNAVER 7/4, TINAS SPIRIT 15/8, & JUNOOB 5/4.

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Start Bank £1,000
Current Bank £5,082

Hello again fellow punters. BIG DAY for me yesterday as I managed to recover ALL my previous losses - deep joy! I am now using multiple resources each day, which includes several Best Odds Guaranteed Bookmakers plus my Betfair account of course.

I am also now 100% confident of success because I do believe that I now have the bookies spherical objects firmly in a vice. Imagine an Iron Fist squeezing two tennis balls and you get the picture! They are at my mercy now folks - only they don't know it yet because my accounts are currently too small to cause them any concern.

They'll be concerned soon enough though, don't worry. I am now achieveing MULTIPLE WINS per day which of course is relatively meaningless. What really matters is the rate of financial growth - and at £5082 I am currently at +408%.

Another nine winners yesterday! I've already bagged the first winner today - TAKE COVER at 11/4 in the 12.20 at SOUTHWELL, a good start to what I already know will be another successful day.

More news to follow. Good luck with all your bets today, whatever you are on.
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Start Bank £1,000
Current Bank £2407.98

Hello again friends and fellow punters.

Well it's all happening isn't it - new whip rules, jockey discontent, £50,000 fines etc. Let's hope that common sense prevails and that a workable solution can be found, otherwise I might have to switch my attention to the Greyhounds! Let's hope the BHA adopt a more conciliatory approach than King Richard did after the peasants revolt when he declared "Villeins ye are and Villeins ye shall remain".

My new method is working. I mean actually really working. It's now been three weeks since I chucked away the 'dartboard' approach and started to do things in this methodical way instead and so far it has worked every day and shows a 100% success rate!

Yesterdays winners were ALJAMAAHEER 5/4, CRISTAL GEM 2/1, EQUITY CARD 15/8, & REGAL GOLD 8/1.

I get at least three winners every day and many days with four, five or six!

I am currently +£560 up since I started this three weeks ago and would have been up a lot more if I hadn't suffered some disproportionate losses due to some disproportionate stakes on odds-on horses which lost! I  now have a 1% maximum stake rule for odds-on horses in place so that can't happen again. In fact I don't even need to back odds-on horses any more because I get many good priced winners with this method - like the 8/1 winner yesterday, so they ain't gonna catch me out with them ever again! I also had to make a few other necessary tweaks and I do believe I have now got it 'sorted'. Time will tell.

I intend to publish the exact method if I achieve the glorious goal, so I can't say too much about it right now, but if you see my progress working you'll know for sure that I am on to a good thing!

I am just hoping that we don't have a bad winter like last year when everything ground to a halt.Whatever you're doing today with the 'dartboard' bets I wish you good luck. Time for a cup of tea, T.T.F.N.
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Progress Report

04 Oct 11 13:43
Start Bank £1,000
Current bank £2,257

Hello again friends and fellow punters. Just a quick update on my progress regarding monies and a bit more information about my new 'Holistic' approach for you.

A week ago last Monday my bank had been reduced to £1,847, (see my last Blog entry for why). On Tuesday September 27th I started to use my new approach and I am very happy to be able to report SEVEN CONSECUTIVE WINNING DAYS! Fantastic!

Even better though is the warp speed growth I can now achieve. My new method provided +£409.85 for the week to get the bank back up to £2,257. That is a growth of 22.18% in one week and as my fellow compounders will know and appreciate - that is a truly PHENOMINAL growth rate.

So how am I doing this? Well traditional betting involves selecting your targets and putting your money down and hoping you will win. This is a bit like throwing darts at a dartboard, sometimes you hit your target and sometimes you miss. In betting this means that our money goes up and down and its very difficult to make consistent headway.

My new approach targets the whole days racing on any given day! I do this by having multiple running lines across the board with carefully selected percentage win targets for each line. I also have a 5% Stop Loss to protect the bank in case of multiple disappointments. As far as I know this is a unique approach. So far I have had seven consecutive winning days. Still it's early days yet, but I do believe I have finally 'cracked it' with this method!

One day I will carefully write the whole thing down and make it available for anyone who is interested - and I suspect there will be an awful lot of people interested when I have actually made a £Million with it!

Thanks for your visit today - time for me to get my 'running lines' started. Have a good day.
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Snakes And Ladders!

30 Sep 11 14:05
Start Bank £1,000
Current Bank £2,063.61

Hello again fellow punters and friends. My Header today is 'Snakes And Ladders' and as you can see from the status of the bank I have hit some serious snakes! In fact I've lost the best part of three Grand this month!!! Oh woe is me. Where to start? What  a story I have to tell you.

There I was all confident and approaching the 5k milestone when BAM everything went pear shaped. I mean seriously T*ts up. EVERYTHING I backed Lost and everything I layed Won! My worst day was losing £900 in one day! I have to tell you I was seriously gutted. In fact at that point I almost gave up as I'm sure most people would consider the quest a hopeless cause at that point, wouldn't you?

Well I have to tell you my friends I very nearly ALMOST gave up and then you know what? I had a EUREKA moment! I mean SERIOUSLY. It's like a lightbulb went off in my head and now I see the way so clear it's just absolutely fantastic!

Since I had my revelatory moment my winners have been; On Tuesday- MISTRESS OF ROME 4/7, GRANDAD MAC 15/8, MANGER HANAGMENT at 8/13 and ESTRELANE at 11/4. On Wednesday - BONFIRE 7/2, VAN DER ART 2/1, TAFFE 6/1, THE VIKING ROSE 11/2, ARTISTIC JEWEL 15/8, DESERT VISION 3/1, and COOL IN THE SHADE 2/1. on Thursday AMOURE MEDICI 7/2, HOLLOW TREE 4/7, COME ON BLUE CHIP 15/8, PRETTY PEBBLE 9/2, MUSH MIR 1/3, and ASIFA 5/2.

So, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes I'm on my way again! In fact with my new approach I calculate I can make an astonishing 50% growth per month and I have to tell you that means serious dosh in double quick time.

So what am I doing differently? Well I scrapped what I was doing before - which was backing single events, i.e. a horse to win or lose. And now I have a dopted a 'Holistic approach' which means I bet on the whole event! What that means is in a nutshell I have what I call 'Running Lines' and I have a daily target of three favourites and a second favourite. When I hit my target I can carry on to bag some extra profit or stop and bank my profit! You know what IT WORKS! Hallelujah folks - my bacon is well and truly saved!

I'll tell you more about this later but for now got to dash as the first race at Fontwell is comming up. catch you later. T.T.F.N.
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Hello again,

I am sharing my Saturday bets with you today. My Header is 'Covering the shock result' you know, - the one which nobody expects and we all lose as a result! Last night for example I backed AC MILAN to win against LAZIO but just in case I put a covering stake on the Draw and sure enough the result was 2-2. I didn't win anything but my Draw bet recovered my losing win stake so no harm done.

Today I have backed MAN UTD to win v BOLTON for £100 and covered the Draw with a stake of £25.70 @ 4.9. And I have backed RANGERS to win v DUNDEE UTD with £100 and covered the Draw with £32 @ 4.1. And I have backed ARSENAL to win with £100 and covered the Draw with £22 @ 5.5. OK I don't win as much by covering the Draw but at least I don't have to suffer that awful feeling of disbelief when that shock result happens!

In the horseracing today I have backed CENSUS Each-Way in the St Ledger, 3.10 Doncaster. I got odds of 7.4 for the win and 2.26 for the Place. There are nine runners in the race and CENSUS is a good bet at decent odds. If the horse just manages to Place it will recover my losing win stake and if it wins I'm taking the family out for a decent curry!

I'm hoping for a St Leger Double because I have backed FAME AND GLORY to win in the Irish St Leger, 3.50 at THE CURRAGH. Skinny odds for this though at 1.81 but my £100 returns £81 profit if it wins and there has to be a good chance of that happening. Jamie Spencer is riding this one for A P O'Brien and i'm just hoping that Spencer doesn't leave the horse with too much to do at the sharp end of the race as he often likes to come from off the pace and leaves it nail-biteingly close.

Should be good races to watch and Im just hoping I don't suffer any of those 'shock' results!
Have a good weekend.
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Three For A Treble Today!

07 Sep 11 12:38
Hello again,

My Headline today is 'Three For A Treble!' If successful this one will return £144 (+£119) to a £25 stake so I consider that a good bet and 'worth the risk'.

CARLISLE 3.20 Number 1 ALBASPINA 11/10
UTTOXETER 4.40 Number 4 NEARBY 10/11

Odds given are the expected odds at SP so you might be able to get better on Betfair. If one of the first two blow out I'll probably put £50 on THESPIS OF ICARIA

Good luck if you're on these with me today!
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Start Bank £1,000
Current Bank £4498.43

Hello again,

I have had mixed fortunes this last week. Was rapidly approaching the 5k milestone when I layed a horse for a £25 stake at 16.0, (SNOWY PEAK at Wolverhampton) and it won, ouch!

I am also receiving help regarding my lay bets from a very brave chap who lays at £100 per bet, but after that experience I am a bit wary of potential large losses - don't want to lose £1500 in one go! So I am now using a Betting Bot which calculates my lay stakes for me according to my chosen Liability - brilliant! Send me a message if you want to know more about the betting bot and where to get it from.

My headline today is 'Doubling Your Chances of Success?' I put the question mark because if you're not careful you can double your loss! In these bets I look for two horses which clearly head the market, preferably at 2/1 ish each with a nice big gap in the betting to the rest of the field and Timeform and all the pointers saying that the winner should come from one of these two - then I back both of them. So long as one of them is at odds against I have a good chance of collecting and where one is at say 6/5 and the other is at 5/2 you frequently collect on the second favourite, breaking even if the shorter priced horse wins.

I have bet on two races in this way today; HEREFORD 2.10 Number 1 PRIORS GOLD at 6/5 and Number 2 SPIRIT IS NEEDED at 5/2. And CARLISLE 7.35 Number 1 SHARP RELIEF at 5/4 and Number 3 ROYAL BONSAI at 3/1 and obviously I am hoping for the second favourites to win. Either split your normal stake or put a point (1%) on each of them.

Other horses I have backed today are BATH 4.00 Number 4 DUBAWI DANCER and CARLISLE 5.05 Number 2 DUKE OF FIRENZE. See TIMEFORM/Racingpost for reasons. Good luck if you back them aswell.

Cheers for now.
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