Sep 11, 2021 -- 6:01PM, windsor knot wrote:
emma sussed a certain mood , so in the post match interview she showed why she will be the multi millionaire 20 y old . handled it very , very well . a lot of much older politicians could learn from her .
Multimillionaire - She could be a billonaire by time she is 20 yr old if she is advised correctly and puts her name to the right product.
Jan 10, 2022 -- 7:56PM, Giuseppe wrote:
now 9th favourite for AO at 27.0 traded as low as 7.20is this because people think she is injured or think she is ****?
should be 270
Apr 26, 2022 -- 4:40AM, SamuelMertensBertens wrote: one of the best coaches there is and going with LTA coaches instead She doesn't seem to have much patience. And this just after a very good result on the clay in Stuttgart, the third best result of her career.
such rookie behaviour