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19 Apr 14 23:33
Date Joined: 20 Dec 02
| Topic/replies: 23,004 | Blogger: Platini's blog
How would you explain one of the most one-sided head-to-heads in tennis?

1. Is it mental - Wawa is just intimidated by his "friend"
2. Is it technical - Federer is just a very bad match up for Wawa ?
3. Is it personal - is Wawa in love with Fed, in awe of him ?

or is it all of the above?
Pause Switch to Standard View Can you explain Federer's utter...
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Report DStyle April 20, 2014 12:10 AM BST
poor mental/tactical match up

wawa waits for openings and like to stay back, fed creates chances and tries to close down the point quickly and move up the court.

although the match in stockholm when wawa was hitting tracer bullets on a fast court and f'ing him in the a for a set and a half before choking is worth remembering.
Report freundDERsonne April 20, 2014 9:14 AM BST
Mental issues vs top players but this is over now
Report Platini April 20, 2014 10:03 AM BST
really?  I'm not convinced.
Report caramba April 20, 2014 10:10 AM BST
he was also 2-16 against Novak and 0-12 against Rafa but beat them both at AO.
Report Platini April 20, 2014 1:24 PM BST
yes but he's not "friends" with those players. This is a big test for him today.
Report Platini April 20, 2014 10:46 PM BST
Major breakthrough for Wawa today. Do we have a new big 3 ?
Report Mike-lfc April 20, 2014 11:14 PM BST
Once he got the grand slam by beating Rafa any mental issues looked to have been removed.
Report The Bhoys April 22, 2014 2:07 PM BST
Rafa was injured tho but yea ur right, or hes possibly doped
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