Apr 20, 2022 -- 12:55PM, Escapee wrote:
lfc and sticky are wondering why They can't get a NHS dentist15 years of Tory government your heroes are putting your money in their own pockets you dunderheads"Why don't you blame a 15yo girl"
This started a long time ago, when Blair invited the 3rd world onto our island
20 Apr 22 10:33
Is there such a thing as a NHS dentist in this country ? It seems they only do checkups
And try to ‘encourage’ patients onto a monthly payment plan
And charge or don’t do emergencies or even a brush and descale etc it’s a complete disgrace what is happening
Has the NHS dentist been privatised
lfc1971 20 Apr 22 10:39
This country really is a shambles , everything’s getting worse
20 Apr 22 10:45
Impossible to get an NHS dentist, I send an email periodically to 10+ local dentists & am on 'waiting lists' for a few of them
Most don't even reply or say they aren't taking on
I wonder if the dinghy boys have to wait for dental treatment?
these posts are so funny from the 2+2=5 mob, I'm going to be laughing and bringing this to the top for years.
[beer + whiskey + lol emojis]
My Dentists receptionist asked me what time I would like my next appointment ..... "Tooth Hurty", I said