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30 Mar 14 17:11
Date Joined: 04 Aug 06
| Topic/replies: 62,785 | Blogger: casemoney's blog
trash imo
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Report oberfuhrer9 March 30, 2014 11:46 PM BST
hardly trash its only dominated by aa kk qq ak
Report casemoney March 31, 2014 7:14 PM BST
complete trash
Report chipfire227 March 31, 2014 9:51 PM BST
Think Daniel Negreanu described it as the most expensive starting hand in poker for inexperienced players.

I'd much rather play small pairs or suited connectors like 45 or 56 in the early stages where you generally know exactly where you stand post flop. Its an auto fold for me early on in games if there's been any action before it gets to me.

It obviously a decent hand to pick up when you are in a push/fold situation in STT or MTT but like Negreanu says its a hand you regularly see people calling big raises pre and then stacking off with on an ace high or queen high flop.
Report Dooberama April 24, 2014 1:39 PM BST
Somebody bump the nit thread from 2007?

Afternoon all, quiet here
Report Mrdozey1 April 24, 2014 3:37 PM BST
Afternoon Doobs

Trust you and the family are well.
It is finito here.

Report Fela Kuti June 12, 2014 7:47 AM BST
Depends on situation. 200+ runner tournament down to last 10. Wake up in big blind with AQ short stack. Cut off relatively short stacked goes all in. I'm all in with AQ.
Report casemoney January 2, 2016 5:43 PM GMT
MUST FOLD THIS HAND Laugh fckin cant count the amount of times I have been knocked when holding AQ
Report casemoney January 2, 2016 5:45 PM GMT
Should be Called Bubbly .if ur on the Bubble AQ will soon sort matters out ..
Report s.kenbo January 2, 2016 10:10 PM GMT
Don't they call AK the Anna Kournikova? It looks good but doesn't win as often as they should.

It's the first time I've looked in here for ages and it's still as dead as fook!
Report Ovalman. January 4, 2016 1:04 AM GMT
One of my biggest winners, you must be doing something wrong?
Report Ovalman. January 8, 2016 5:04 PM GMT
Hi King, U2. I look in occasionally like yourself.

I tried to generate a bit of interest in the poker site by blogging but my third post was removed without reason so I gave up. I'm gonna blog on my own site, I have the domain set up but not much content. I'll post the link when I'm ready.

I see the Jackpot games are being removed when they are won. The Dirty Dozen has gone and the rest will be removed when they are won again. I calculated they could afford to pay out the DD every 3 days. They were a great ra@ke generators so I can't understand the logic. The thing I'm concerned with is the money grab they will do if the jackpots are not won by 2017. It's pretty hard to win 4 in a row for the DD and I never managed 5 but to win 6 is almost impossible. To make a point, the jackpots now stand at €120k and €170k each. I think they won't be won and I-Poker will have a great Xmas party.

It also annoys me that Betfair have cut their own promotions. The One Night Stand and Welcome games have both been removed with nothing replacing them. There were usually overlays in these games but it was pennies but they were great for new players to dip their toes as they all got free tickets. It certainly doesn't encourage any new player to join the site considering they can play the same games on a load of other skins.

I still play here but that's because of 30% RB. If I were to join another skin then I can get their start up bonuses which works out a bit more. I set up a 365 account but am going through their 100% match up bonus on the gambling site before I transfer.

Good luck.

Casemoney, I've had AQo/ AQs 80 times this year  in tourneys and have won 161BB/100. It should be one of your top earners so if you lose then you must be doing something wrong with the hand.
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