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03 Oct 13 23:44
Date Joined: 30 Nov 05
| Topic/replies: 22 | Blogger: TonyC's blog
Is it just me, or has everyone abandoned the forum? Maybe it's because it's 'altered' in favour of Betfair. I've noticed that every time a topic is raised criticizing betfair, the topic is pulled from the forum.
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Report brassneck February 25, 2014 8:43 PM GMT
the hit their rock bottom tonight,no football betting only singles.a very sad day for all.
Report chipfire227 February 26, 2014 5:13 PM GMT
Complete and utter waste of time.

Its fine for them to push their arcade games on the Poker Forum - see March Poker (sic) Promotions thread which is essentially advertising their arcade, but anyone wanting to have a serious discussion will have their comments pulled by some jobsworth who probably knows the square root of FK all about poker.   

Couple of interesting articles in Poker Player this month, one about the demise of Black Belt, another by Sam Grafton on how the networks are making it harder for anyone to make money from online poker.

Grafton states :

" I think its really important for players to be really vocal about the direction they want poker to move in. The poker community, and the industry that surrounds it, have numerous challenges to face in the months ahead, and these challenges can only be overcome by working together for solutions that serve both parties interests.

The number of profitable players is in steep decline, yet its a game that should produce a high percentage of long term winners.

The big operators in sports betting are lowering their the same time poker operators continually up the rake and cut back on player rewards games online are slowly becoming unbeatable "

I completely agree with his comments but how do you have dialouge with people running poker sites when they continually delete threads that break absolutely none of their own Forum rules simply because they dont agree with the content ?

Ultimately if you have a forum censored in this way, people stop posting,and if you run a site where you stop listening to your customers they go elsewhere. Thats why I stopped posting/playing here.
Report Aunty Post July 24, 2014 8:21 AM BST
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