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26 Apr 13 17:20
Date Joined: 23 Dec 10
| Topic/replies: 6 | Blogger: outsucked's blog
playing 3 SnG and now that... did anyone have also problems
Pause Switch to Standard View disconnect for new betfair and unable...
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Report YZF_R1 April 26, 2013 5:30 PM BST
This problem have it everyone and not for the first time.
Report Ovalman. April 26, 2013 5:38 PM BST
Seems OK for me but I've been suffering intermittent disconnects again. This is not just Betfair but Boyle as well.
Report mattylaff April 26, 2013 7:04 PM BST
Plus 1 - not good enough BF
Report ForrestGump April 26, 2013 7:29 PM BST
So I'm not the only one who have been disconnected constantly?

I thought it was just my awful asian internet-connection.
Report chipfire227 April 26, 2013 9:07 PM BST
I gave up on BF I-Poker after 3 days back in January. Klup has been running a weekly game via Betfred and I had the same issues on Tuesday night. I can only play if I turn off absolutely everything else on the laptop and dont try and play more than 2 tables. If I try playing one game on 888 and one on I-poker it will kill my 888 game, yet I can play 3 tables on Ongame and 3 tables on 888 at the same time with no problem at all.

I still have no idea why BF went with I-poker, and especially before the contract with Ongame ended. They struggled running one skin, God only knows why they thought they could split their customers across two.

I get the impression the only customers they care about are the ones who play their live events, which are admittedly good. There is now no Customer Service whatsoever, they dont even pretend to have one. As others have said, you send an email and you either dont get a reply, or they say its a known problem which will be sorted shortly, now fk off and stop pestering us.
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