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The Klup
06 Sep 11 20:26
Date Joined: 17 Feb 10
| Topic/replies: 3,226 | Blogger: The Klup's blog
TEXAS_HOLDEM, NO_LIMIT, T5-172888871-45
played at "Table #1" for USD TC from 2011-09-06 14:21 until 2011-09-06 14:22
Seat 1: Backdated (2,000 in chips)
Seat 2: Eachie (1,735 in chips)
Seat 3: VladPk (2,610 in chips)
Seat 5: M.A.M.73 (1,490 in chips)
Seat 6: GHADAFFI (4,305 in chips)
Seat 9: THE_KLUP (9,235 in chips)
Seat 10: Varnatraderx (6,125 in chips)
, Backdated posts small blind (80), Eachie posts big blind (160),

VladPk folds, M.A.M.73 folds, GHADAFFI folds, THE_KLUP raises to 320, Varnatraderx folds, Backdated raises to 2,000 and is all-in, Eachie folds, THE_KLUP calls 2,000.

FLOP [board cards: 8H,4C,QH ]

TURN [board cards: 8H,4C,QH,9H ]

RIVER [board cards: 8H,4C,QH,9H,6D ]

Backdated shows [ KD,AD ]
THE_KLUP shows [ QS,8C ]
THE_KLUP wins 4,160.
Dealer: Varnatraderx
Pot: 4,160
Backdated, loses 2,000
Eachie, loses 160
VladPk, loses 0
M.A.M.73, loses 0
GHADAFFI, loses 0
THE_KLUP, bets 2,000, collects 4,160, net 2,160
Varnatraderx, loses 0
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Report chipfire227 September 6, 2011 10:16 PM BST
Getting 6/4  to call with q 8 off vs a k suited I've deffo seen you make worse. [;)]
Report singlecask September 6, 2011 11:59 PM BST
how much do you lose a year ??
Report The Klup September 7, 2011 9:55 AM BST
I took a bit of stick from eachie for making the call, i didn't think it was THAT bad.

@singlecask According to my stats and bank statement, i don't. Last big dip i had lasted three months and was in 2007.
Report Apocolypse September 7, 2011 10:38 AM BST
I think it's pretty close. With the table seeing this i reckon they will tighten up v you,
thinking that you'll call with anything letting you get more steals through.
Report ave,it September 7, 2011 1:46 PM BST
poker in a nutshell
Report WELL PED OFF September 7, 2011 2:27 PM BST
Come on mate show how you got the 9k chips rhino 70% to win(8k in the pot) you hit
mam playing nuts (no change)
now with queen high you call his all in he had not played a hand for an hour..raising there (stealing the blinds)..what price do you put on your hand,you can fold,When your caught... 1680 to win 2160  at best you were 50/50 ..if he wins hes back in the game???????
Do you think it was rightplease let us know why you called
Report The Klup September 7, 2011 2:56 PM BST
1) I agree the call was not great, and I made the call at the time, knowing that it wasnt a great call - but given my stack and my loose image (which entices people to 3 bet me) was it really that bad?

2) rhino ran into a set - 66 vs QQ and flop came 10-6-2 (or similar), chips went in on the flop
3) mam - i flopped nut flush draw and had him adequately covered.

As you can see from my new Forum icon photo, Ghadaffi also raged that i got lucky on him. But what he doesn't say is I had 17800 chips, 3 handed with 2 seats on offer. He was in SECOND on 4800 chips. I raised on the button (for the 8th or 9th time in a row) and was holding AQ. When he shoves on me (he had KK), was I supposed to fold?

Anyways, it was such a super soft satelite - standard of my opponents was dire ;)

Afterall, I had rhino, slaven and BigMark at the table! :D
Report Apocolypse September 7, 2011 9:51 PM BST
Klup you are totally right on point no.1, thinking about it now i can't see how you can fold lol!!
Report appollo September 8, 2011 12:42 AM BST
Got to agree, not your greatest ever call, but your running good and you've got to take your chances when you can. Also agreed your opposition was poor, just remind us again what the Greek is for 'Donk'
Report JoKeR373 September 8, 2011 12:43 AM BST
i think terrible call he wins u lose 2?3 r ur stack on q 8 if desperate fine too call on ur bb but even then hard q8 off vs unkown hand descent odds about 43 % vs 57 but nowing ur player u know ur behind so odd s go different do thats not an odds call just a luckbox one
Report JoKeR373 September 8, 2011 12:45 AM BST
can u fold totally thats the point of ur first bet and loose image gives u the right too fold
Report JoKeR373 September 8, 2011 12:48 AM BST
anmd according too appocolyse id just catch u ?
Report JoKeR373 September 8, 2011 12:51 AM BST
point 2 and 3 u done well and got the hands and played them well
and point 2 and 3 is good poker
not fkn luckbox on point 1
Report JoKeR373 September 8, 2011 12:54 AM BST
and appoclypse the table knows him already
and he the table
Report The Klup September 8, 2011 8:42 AM BST
You do make a valid point Joker - my min raised to 320 was intended to give me fold equity. However, with short stacks i tend only to fold in such situations when there are two all ins or a 3 bet, 4 bet senario.

Eg ... if eachie called the initial all in, i then fold.

I also did not want to get into a situation with varnatrader either as he was chipped up and had position on me.
Report chipfire227 September 8, 2011 8:33 PM BST
Without sitting at the table and seeing how things were unfolding its  impossible to be critical of the min raise, despite it looking spewy taken in  isolation.

In Klups position here Im wanting to establish what the minimum size raise is that gets through unopposed and then stick to it religously. If min raises are drawing 3 and 4 bets then I will try 2.5 x bb and see how that fares.

The advantage of being Klup is that everyone assumes he is raising with junk all the time, and his big hands regularly get paid off.
Report The Klup September 8, 2011 9:01 PM BST
all my hands are big hands chip. Laugh
Report GHADDAFFI. September 17, 2011 9:20 PM BST
I can't believe that there is anything to discuss about that call. I think this is only another exercise by Constandonkos to attract attention to himself. I firmly believe that that is his main motivation . Never mind the poker.. just look at MEEEEEEEEEE
Report Helmuthian Folds September 17, 2011 9:29 PM BST
Says the man who ordered the bombing of Lockerbie.

People in glass hoses and all that! [;)][;)][;)][;)]
Report Helmuthian Folds September 17, 2011 9:29 PM BST
houses even
Report GHADDAFFI. September 17, 2011 9:31 PM BST
errrmm... help me there helmuthian. I'm lost.. where is the connection?
Report Helmuthian Folds September 17, 2011 9:34 PM BST
While Lybia was falling to the rebels you were only interested in making attention seeking radio broadcasts, as with all African dictators the whole exercise seems to be a bit attention seeking! Shocked
Report GHADDAFFI. September 17, 2011 9:38 PM BST
do you engage your brain before posting these comments? I doubt it. In any case they don't deserve a reply
Report chipfire227 September 17, 2011 10:22 PM BST
You just replied ????
Report GHADDAFFI. September 17, 2011 10:33 PM BST
another one who can't help himself
Report chipfire227 September 17, 2011 10:35 PM BST
I'm not too proud to ask for help.
Report pillspillspills September 17, 2011 11:52 PM BST
might get some stick for this but in all honesty,i raise 320 wiv 9k and hav to call 1,7k allin not hard to decide with 9k,like red or black...IF Eachie calls also even more reason to call,dnt think klup really meant it when he says hed fold if Eachie was in.BUT im as donkyfied as theklupmeister so there you go.:)NOT THAT I RATE THE CALL but its really not too much to calculate really..jeeez i sound like a turd now haha
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