just thinking it looked like a stand alone bet rather than bot generated but I may be wrong. Either way it was a bad lay for a 13/8 fav that was still in the race and proved it.
just thinking it looked like a stand alone bet rather than bot generated but I may be wrong. Either way it was a bad lay for a 13/8 fav that was still in the race and proved it.
i believe nothing..in this instance if you clicked with a 46 overide there'd have to be nothing in market to go to the front at 46..if a person submitted a 46 lay in play it would sit until its been bigger then came back into a position where its perceived as not a 46 chance.
i believe nothing..in this instance if you clicked with a 46 overide there'd have to be nothing in market to go to the front at 46..if a person submitted a 46 lay in play it would sit until its been bigger then came back into a position where its per
It was never bigger than 46 ( except to buttons ) I was surprised to see 46 matched to decent money thought it was never more than a 12/1 shot if that. But of course you have to think the horse has a big chance on form to think that.
It was never bigger than 46 ( except to buttons ) I was surprised to see 46 matched to decent money thought it was never more than a 12/1 shot if that. But of course you have to think the horse has a big chance on form to think that.
Asgards Captain 46 25.00 Lay 12-Dec-24 12:50 -1,125.00 *Average odds: On Off Back subtotal: 0.00 Lay subtotal: -1,125.00 Market subtotal: -1,125.00 Commission : 0.00 Net Market Total: -1,125.00 IT was a person a very silly person
Asgards Captain 46 25.00 Lay 12-Dec-24 12:50 -1,125.00*Average odds: On Off Back subtotal: 0.00Lay subtotal: -1,125.00Market subtotal: -1,125.00Commission : 0.00Net Market Total: -1,125.00 I
assuming he's clicked the 1st pink box as 46 has landed in it..schoolboy error from dixi..need to submit the price ewe want to lay the way the bots set up.
assuming he's clicked the 1st pink box as 46 has landed in it..schoolboy error from dixi..need to submit the price ewe want to lay the way the bots set up.
"need to submit the price ewe want to lay the way the bots set up" I'm not a software user but I take it u mean the MAX price dixi wanted to lay pre-entered in the box ? ( eg 8 or 9 if he wants single figures )
"need to submit the price ewe want to lay the way the bots set up" I'm not a software user but I take it u mean the MAX price dixi wanted to lay pre-entered in the box ? ( eg 8 or 9 if he wants single figures )
When i click the lay box, I have it set to lay 20 ticks above the current price. Its something i need to do to get matched when laying fav,s at short odds. So i have clicked to lay it but the price has spiked then i have put in 20 ticks above that! If i had clicked my auto level lay button i would of been fine. Just a bad mistake that i will not do again for a while :)
When i click the lay box, I have it set to lay 20 ticks above the current price. Its something i need to do to get matched when laying fav,s at short odds. So i have clicked to lay it but the price has spiked then i have put in 20 ticks above that!
unless theres plenty liquidity in the boxes offering 20 ticks above in the current climate isnt advised..the bot will normally lay ewe all the way up to the 20 ticks..it did with me anyways..ive dropped mine to +1 sew i cant be annaly rayped.
unless theres plenty liquidity in the boxes offering 20 ticks above in the current climate isnt advised..the bot will normally lay ewe all the way up to the 20 ticks..it did with me anyways..ive dropped mine to +1 sew i cant be annaly rayped.