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24 Feb 22 08:57
Date Joined: 12 Apr 07
| Topic/replies: 2,350 | Blogger: timberman's blog
Hard to know where it'll all end , Ukraine now Poland next year , Finland? Germany ? UK?
Putin and the Russians have been shaping up for a number of years , lots of Russian cash in London  , Salisbury Poisonings , Chelsea Russia Football club ?
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Report moisok March 6, 2022 9:13 PM GMT
george who is one of them will deny it all and say the russians are not targeting civilians and the invasion is legal
you must be happy  at your friend putin  doing all this child killing
Report GLASGOWCALLING March 6, 2022 9:41 PM GMT
   we seem to have several putin apologists and anti western activists on here  where are they financed from?

     .... JSA I should imagine.
Report GEORGE.B March 6, 2022 9:44 PM GMT
moisok06 Mar 22 21:13
george who is one of them will deny it all and say the russians are not targeting civilians and the invasion is legal
you must be happy  at your friend putin  doing all this child killing

Then produce the evidence of me saying these things. I bet you can't. So why do you lie, moisok?

Can you copy and paste? Then produce the relevant posts that you're claiming I've made.

No waffle please, I'm waiting.
Report smirnoff2therescue March 6, 2022 9:45 PM GMT
my only poast on ere ...... seems Sting knew all along SadSadCryCry
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 6, 2022 9:55 PM GMT
My last 3 posts with the links to 2 interesting articles and another with what I think of the Biden administration have been deleted. Of course, they wouldn't have been deleted if I'd posted the same things about Trump. Pathetic!
Report timberman March 6, 2022 10:12 PM GMT
Just seen dead children on the streets of Ukraine  killed by russian shelling - Very hard to watch and know Putin is laughing at the rest of the world
Report barstool March 6, 2022 10:28 PM GMT
"The policy of NATO expansion infuriated the Russians"  extract from Peter Hitchens.

I cannot recall anyone forcing those countries to join NATO. Did we invade them and I missed it?

Start believing that man and soon you will be looking for fairies at the bottom of your garden.
Report mitolo March 6, 2022 10:35 PM GMT
vicious dictator and mass-murderer invades democratic state. unknown thousands of civilians have been killed. but all george b wants to talk about is the u.s. how is it relevant? so desperate is this idiot for a moral equivalent that he asks what would happen if putin put missiles in mexico. as if he would support the u.s. blasting mexico to bits. no he wouldnt. yet that is his justification here. defending the indefensible.
and hes not alone. ancient idiot salmon said the same and is so desperate to drag the u.s. into it he brought up something that happened in the 70s. the u.s. unseated a 'democratically elected' leader. aside from the fact that he would never be elected again as he was about to become a dictator. pinochet who unseated allende, was a hate figure while an unelected undemocratic dictator in cuba was revered by cretins like salmon.

dont forget georgy said the west wants this war. whys that then? what do they expect to gain from it? you are a useful idiot. you hate the u.s. which gives you all your toys like facebook instagram microsoft twitter amazon netflix etc (none of which i use) but have nothing to say about russia which brings nothing but murder and chaos or china that has unleashed a virus that has killed millions and bankrupted the world.

imagine said virus had originated in the u.s.?  georgy the conspiracy loon would would be screaming about secret labs and area 451 and cia. and demanding bazillions in reparations

amazing how all conspiracies point in one direction only. does anyone really think vicious autocracies like russia and china, that kill their enemies everywhere, do not engage in any of this stuff? yet the interweb truth-seekers arent interested. could it be the troll-farms heavily invested in by russia and china that spew out this poisonous garbage while denying their own people access to it could be responsible and that dupes like gorgeous and co. pick this nonsense up and spread it, giving the perpetrators plausible deniability. 

prob with conspiracy loons is that they only believe the utterly incredible. they dont have a theory
Report GEORGE.B March 6, 2022 10:35 PM GMT
Peter Hitchens, a political correspondent for decades who has worked and lived in Moscow, worked in Ukraine too, been writing about the situation there for years.

and barstool, your credentials to comment on the situation there are what exactly?
You've read The Sun and watched a bit of the BBC News?
Report GEORGE.B March 6, 2022 10:39 PM GMT
mitolo, where are the quotes of me saying the things you accused of me saying?

Do the posts not exist by any chance?
Report mitolo March 6, 2022 10:41 PM GMT
which bit is untrue?
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 6, 2022 10:41 PM GMT
Ukraine was the line in the sand for Putin. Again, why is the West pushing this guy? If Ukraine was told that joining the EU/NATO is a complete no go for the time being, we wouldn't be in this situation and innocent people and children wouldn't be getting killed. Ukraine doesn't even meet the requirements to join the EU/NATO. So, I wonder who's letting them think its a genuine possibility? Look to the USA & Biden & Co. for your answer.
Report GLASGOWCALLING March 6, 2022 10:46 PM GMT
Shocking as you say Timberman, young family trying to leave their homeland, that image was truly awful. Not often I pray but I will Tonight, may they RIP.
Report GEORGE.B March 6, 2022 10:47 PM GMT
mitolo 06 Mar 22 22:41 
which bit is untrue?

here's how it tends to work on here:

You take a quote you wish to respond to, like I have here of yours, or you can use the quote button on the new forum, then you reply to it and the original poster will know what you're referring to.

What your little mind is currently doing is making sh*t up about stuff you've misinterpreted.
Report dave1357 March 6, 2022 10:48 PM GMT
pootin is a thug and a thief who hates democracy and seethes that the people of almost all the former soviet EU members are now better off than russians.  He will not allow that to happen in ukraine so is destroying it.
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 6, 2022 10:49 PM GMT
America loves nothing better than promoting insatiability in other countries. The vile creature Kamala Harris is visiting Europe next week. Why? GTFO!
Report barstool March 6, 2022 10:54 PM GMT
I was stating a fact.

No one forced Hungary, Poland, Bulgarai, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania etc to Join NATO.

I suppose my credentials are just like yours.

Not worth much.Laugh
Report mitolo March 6, 2022 11:02 PM GMT
so putins response to countires seeking to join nato is to blast them to bits and its all bidets fault? and they were a long way from it, the reason the baltic states were so desperate to join was to protect themselves from putin. what fools they are. nato is a smokescreen. putin has said repeatedly that ukraine is russian. the idea he is 'de-nazifying' it is grotesque.

the u.s. loves nothing more than stability. it wants free trade. it will sell none of its world-leading products where there is war. it wants the opposite you moron. putin wants chaos, and sows it wherever he can.

and gorgeous did you not say 'what if russia put missiles in mexico? a stupid non-argument, given that if they did, and its super-unlikely, would you support a u.s. invasion? bollox.
Report GEORGE.B March 6, 2022 11:10 PM GMT
Who knows what deals, if any, were done for those countries to join NATO, not me or you barstool because as you correctly say, our credentials for commenting on such matters are not worth much.

But btw barstool, the same politicians who sacked care workers and threatened doctors and nurses with the sack if they didn't consent to having a novel medical procedure performed on them, or the ones in countries in the west mandating the experimental jabs, or the politicians in Canada freezing innocent people's bank accounts under "emergency laws", do you think they give a sh*t about the "democracy and freedom" of a foreign country, like we're being asked to believe?

Or are there other factors at play here?
Report GEORGE.B March 6, 2022 11:16 PM GMT
mitolo 06 Mar 22 23:02
and gorgeous did you not say 'what if russia put missiles in mexico? a stupid non-argument, given that if they did, and its super-unlikely, would you support a u.s. invasion? bollox.

Well done mitolo, you're getting the hang of this, something I did actually say / ask.

And it's an easy one to deal with because we have at least one example from history of a similar scenario.

The Bay of Pigs / Cuban Missile Crisis. WW3 nearly broke out. That was how the Americans responded.

Anything else I can help you with?
Report mitolo March 6, 2022 11:18 PM GMT
gorgeous; what do you think of putin? do you consider him entirely ratin0al and reasonable? you are clear that bidet is no good. quite so. clearly evil. but what about rasputin?

ive read a lorra books about the geezer and russia in general and have formed an opinion based on that. i can be very boring on the subject, as all my chums will attest. i constantly confront interweb fictions, which is why ive been chucked off twitter 1 million times.

never mind. what do you think?
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 6, 2022 11:22 PM GMT
Mitolo, you clearly act on emotion. The Baltic states are of no interest to Putin. Ukraine is of great strategic value, geographically and in other ways. He has told the West/Nato/EU on a number of occasions that he doesn't want Ukraine becoming part of the West, this was his line in the sand. What, you think he was bluffing? Now this is where we are and you can be sure he won't back down until Ukraine is flattened. So, what's the end goal for those fighting against him?
Report mitolo March 6, 2022 11:22 PM GMT
no. not the same. the bay of pigs was way before the missile crisis. and as ever, you bring it back to the u.s. the u.s. hasnt invaded ukraine. we are dealing with here and now.

why did you mention mexico? how is it relevant?
Report mitolo March 6, 2022 11:26 PM GMT
the fact HE doesnt want ukraine joining the 'west' shouldnt be an issue. they want to. so he can fro, you moron.

its called self-determination and if a vast majority of ukranians want to join the e.u.(thats what started it in 2014) its up to them. its pure blackmail. do what i say or i will kill you. same as adlog. di
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 6, 2022 11:27 PM GMT
When countless lives are lost and the country is wrecked. What then? Wouldn't it be better to back down. He won't be in power forever and the next guy in might be more forward thinking and be more open to the Ukraine joining the EU/Nato. Common sense has never been in shorter supply in 2022(Nap)
Report brain dead jockeys March 6, 2022 11:30 PM GMT
all these countries joined nato to avoid what is now happening to ukraine.......its not rocket science.......if u r in nato, Vlad wont bomb you
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 6, 2022 11:31 PM GMT
They wouldn't even meet the requirements to join the EU, you moron! And they certainly when the country is flattened! What a clueless, emotionally unstable mong.
Report GEORGE.B March 6, 2022 11:32 PM GMT
mitolo 06 Mar 22 23:18 
gorgeous; what do you think of putin? do you consider him entirely ratin0al and reasonable? you are clear that bidet is no good. quite so. clearly evil. but what about rasputin?

ive read a lorra books about the geezer and russia in general and have formed an opinion based on that. i can be very boring on the subject, as all my chums will attest. i constantly confront interweb fictions, which is why ive been chucked off twitter 1 million times.

never mind. what do you think?

You've obviously researched Putin a lot more than I have, so I'm prepared to bow to your superior knowledge on his state of mind.

So he invades a neighbouring country based on a perceived or actual threat from NATO expansion on his doorstep.

Blair and Bush invade a far away country based on a lie.

Which of them is the maddest / most evil in your opinion?
Report mitolo March 6, 2022 11:32 PM GMT
ukraine voted in a referendum in 1999 90% for total independence, and even the 'states' in the east putin claims to be 'supporting' voted 80%.

he has no right or mandate and he knows it. if those in the eastern regions wanted to secede from ukraine they might have set up political parties to help achieve this. they didnt. ukraine should be in the eu. when it voiced an interest in joining, putin took over ukraine the same year. to him, its russia, and a lorra people are going to die because of his messianic belief in re-uniting the motherland.
Report GLASGOWCALLING March 6, 2022 11:37 PM GMT
More chance of me winning the national lottery than the Ukraine

giving up, a blind man could see from day one these are proud and

fearless patriots, fair play to their president, doing well for an

ex comedian, couldn't see mcintyre or Jimmy Carr leading from the front.
Report GEORGE.B March 6, 2022 11:40 PM GMT
mitolo 06 Mar 22 23:22 
why did you mention mexico? how is it relevant?

The Cuban missile crisis showed the Americans were not prepared to have soviet missiles located in a relatively nearby country.

How do you think they would react if the Russians signed a military pact with Mexico, or to put it another way, if the boot was on the other foot?
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 6, 2022 11:40 PM GMT
I'm not saying I agree with how he acts. I'm totally against what he's doing. But it would be better to wait for another time, a time when he's no longer in power.
Report mitolo March 6, 2022 11:51 PM GMT
not the time for moral relevance gb. i doubt you were having such a chat about this when iraq happened. did you compare it to ussr in afghanistan? i doubt it. i was dead against. the iraq war was a calamity, but this is different. iraq was not about conquest, however barmy it was. it cost zillions and unleashed horror(one thing hussein did was keep a lid on the loonies, mainly by exterminating them)

the difference is you constantly seek to draw attention away from the reality, namely putin is a maniac and by pointing the finger at bidet and co you serve his agenda. he spews out lies daily on the interweb, he crushes all dissent and he is president for life for a reason; he cannot leave. when he assumed the presidency, the 1st thing he did was guarantee immunity from prosecution to yeltsyns family, who had been raping the gaff. hes been raping the gaff for 20 years and has become as sickly cynical as stalin, trusting no-one. he will die in office. sadly, many others will also.

he doesnt want people like you to believe him; he doesnt want you to believe anyone. and hes got it. the interweb is alight with crazy conspiracies and lies. truth is lost in the fog of misinformation. why could you not have a discussion on this without bringing in the u.s.? thats what hes wrought. 'they are all as bad as each other' is what you hear. but they aint as bad as him. and youve bought it
Report mitolo March 6, 2022 11:56 PM GMT
er,, you have sought to explain putins actions by comparing a hypothetical u.s reaction to a super-hypothetical scenario.

i do not know how they would react to russian missiles in mexico, but my point was that i do not think you would be in any way understanding of a u.s. invasion of mexico as you seem to be about the russian invasion of ukraine.
Report doantwin2easy March 7, 2022 1:38 AM GMT
Whichever way you look at it, this is the end of Putin and the end of Russia for a very long time - as an economic power, and as a diplomatic state. The upshot will be similar to that of the restrictions imposed on Germany post 1945. Either that or a nuclear war. I don't see many other options.

No one will want to touch Russia / Putin after this. Not even China. China will wait for their demise before using it as a springboard. The west has drawn a line in the sand over Ukraine and some of the east aren't far behind.
Report doantwin2easy March 7, 2022 2:06 AM GMT
For those of you who slag off the BBC, how many of you would put your lives on the line to tell the story of the killing of innocent children?
Report Hayden March 7, 2022 2:20 AM GMT
Can only comment on Sky as never use any other news channel , have to say for reporting bravery i'd put Stuart Ramsey and Alex Crawford top of that list.
Report Life-Lucky March 7, 2022 8:25 AM GMT
Apart from George's all-weather competition I'm giving up on the forum for awhile, too many 'experts' in 'ere for me, Covid and Russia, shrill voices screaming unresearched opinions. Life's too short
Report salmon spray March 7, 2022 10:38 AM GMT
I haven't been reading this because it has all got a bit silly and overheated imo.
My position is nothing like GEORGE's. He and I have crossed swords on several occasions and now tacitly avoid each other.
However I see that mitolo apparently can't tell the difference and calls me an ancient idiot and a credit for making some points which he is entitled to disagree with,but gives him no right to descend to personal abuse ( I particularly object to ancient as I am considerably younger than the the last two US Presidents )
Perhaps he would like to google The Monroe Doctrine and consider an apology.
Just to be clear I wholeheartedly condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Report mwnn March 7, 2022 11:35 AM GMT
Wise decision Life-Lucky considering your post on Feb 25 at 12.52.

Where you suggested that the west is pushing for Ukrainian 5yo's to be educated in the basics of LBGT culture.
Report salmon spray March 7, 2022 12:19 PM GMT
In my above post I meant cretin not credit. Freudian slip.
Report xmoneyx March 7, 2022 1:51 PM GMT

hes fcuked Wink
Report mitolo March 7, 2022 2:06 PM GMT
fisface, your slip was not freudian and i have no need to google the monroe doctrine, or anything else.

anyone who brings up pinochet on a fred about putin is an idiot, ancient or adolescent.
Report carrot1960 March 7, 2022 2:13 PM GMT
Mitilo , If you think Putin / Russia was going to stand by and do nothing as Ukraine under the guidance of America placed missile basis all along the Ukraine / Russian border you need sectioning.
Report salmon spray March 7, 2022 2:15 PM GMT
You are a man of no manners mitolo. You've been banned before. Unless you call me a paedo or rapist I won't report you but I rather hope someone else does.
Report xmoneyx March 7, 2022 2:15 PM GMT

Britain’s private schools face funding shortfall as sanctions on wealthy Russians tighten
Report carrot1960 March 7, 2022 2:38 PM GMT
xmoneysx , more media bullsh1t , hot on the heels of  last nights Daily Mail  headline of , America gives Poland green light to give MIG fighters to the Ukraine , which was quickly  followed by Poland stating it has no intention of doing so or being drawn into the conflict  and getting attacked it's self . Then today's little gem is " Biden how can we not stopia being drawn into the war with what is going on , which was followed an hour later by "Ukraine on the brink of defeating Russia"
Report mitolo March 7, 2022 2:42 PM GMT
there are no plans to place missiles all along the border and ukraine was a long way from nato. putin is the one who needs sectioning.

he started bullying ukraine in 2014 when it made overtures to the e.u, that well-known nazi organisation. he took crimea shortly after. you think that reasonable? he smashed up tiny georgia. hes been bumping people off worldwide for 20 years

theres a reason the baltic states and now sweden and finland are lovers of nato. they are fed up with his cyberattacks and incursions into the baltic. you seem to think putin has a veto on nato membership.

even aside from that, putin is a devotee of ivan ilyin(a nutcase pseudo-philosopher) and quotes him regularly. he clearly says ukraine is not a country and is part of russia. thats the root of it. he cannot countenance a free liberal eu member state next door shining a light on his murderous kleptocracy and those who run with fear of nato nonsense, on left and right are serving his agenda, albeit unwittingly.

youve swallowed all the propaganda about fear of nato. you think it wants to invade russia?
Report GEORGE.B March 7, 2022 2:50 PM GMT
Defence Select Committee Chair and Tory MP Tobias Ellwood tells Julia that President Vladimir Putin's "days are now numbered".

Tobias says "Europe is now at war" and the West needs to think about what more it can do as "Putin cannot afford to fail".

Doesn't sound like Tobias is much interested in finding a rapid and peaceful solution to this disaster.
Report mitolo March 7, 2022 2:52 PM GMT
s.s- had no idea you are so sensitive. but your post was rubbish. call me anything you like, i wont burst into tears or complain.

what makes you think ive been banned?
Report mitolo March 7, 2022 3:04 PM GMT
gb back again. you thinks tobes wants more war? hes right about putin, as ive been boring on for years-he will never relinquish power and will die in the kremlin, adolf-style in the bunker. thats why hes so dangerous and 20 years of appeasement of him havent worked.

i well remember the fool obarmy sending hilda clinton to grovel before sergei lavrov, the worlds greatest liar, and proposing a 'reset' of east-west relations. it was effectively a capitulation and was saying we know youve been naughty, but we will let you off this time, lets start again. he responded with a s**** and putin did his utmost to install trump. entirely plausible the damage he did hacking hildas emale made the difference, but who knows?
Report mitolo March 7, 2022 3:07 PM GMT
cripes. you cant type s- n-i- g-g- e- r. although i can see why.
Report salmon spray March 7, 2022 3:07 PM GMT
Because nobody's called me fishface since 13 Apr 2021 when you supposedly first appeared.
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 7, 2022 3:52 PM GMT
WARSAW, Poland — Polish government officials say that Poland has not sent, and will not send, its fighter jets to Ukraine to support Ukraine’s defense against Russia.

A deputy foreign minister, Marcin Przydacz, says in an interview on Radio Zet: “We will not open our airports and Polish planes will not fight over Ukraine … Polish planes will not fight over Ukraine.”

Thankfully some leaders have common sense. Again, this is the US encouraging Poland to help intensify the war in Ukraine. When, instead the west should be trying to defuse the situation. The Biden administration are fully in bed with the Weapons industry so this comes as no surprise. Why can't the rest of Europe see that America is fanning the flames of this war. Now we have a situation whereby the abhorrent Kamala Harris is visiting Europe to do some more work for the Arms industry. GFTO!
Report carrot1960 March 7, 2022 4:03 PM GMT
President Putin raised these arguments again in his annual news conference
on 23 December 2021:
We remember, as I have mentioned many times before and as you know very
well, how you promised us in the 1990s that [NATO] would not move an inch
to the East. You cheated us shamelessly: there have been five waves of NATO
expansion, and now the weapons systems I mentioned have been deployed

in Romania and deployment has recently begun in Poland. This is what we are
talking about, can you not see?
We are not threatening anyone. Have we approached US borders?
Or the borders of Britain or any other country? It is you who have come to our
border, and now you say that Ukraine will become a member of NATO as well.
Or, even if it does not join NATO, that military bases and strike systems will be
placed on its territory under bilateral agreements. This is the point.
At the heart of Russia’s new proposals on security guarantees, therefore, are
three fundamental premises:
• That NATO will not expand any further eastward, including accepting
Ukraine as a Member State.
• That US/ NATO will cease bilateral military cooperation, including the
basing of military infrastructure, in countries of the former Soviet Union
that are not already members of NATO, including Ukraine.
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 7, 2022 4:14 PM GMT
They must have thought he was A) Bluffing or B) It's playing out EXACTLY how the US want it to.

The US would be completely fine with this War simmering along for months or even years. They've got Boris the chump and most of the Western leaders completely in their pocket on this too.

Send unlimited supplies, food and medical and let Ukraine citizens live in the rest of the EU until this war is over. But no way should Western countries be sending Ukraine weapons and fighter jets! FFS! let this War peter out with the minimum of lives lost, which it will if Ukraine aren't given an endless supply of weapons.
Report mitolo March 7, 2022 4:15 PM GMT
because he says something, it doesnt make it true. he said there were no russian troops in crimea. he said there were none in eastern ukraine.

you make him sound like a reasonable person with legitimate concerns. nato does not want to attack russia. one thing he cannot say is that he doesnt reognise ukraine as a state and that he will make it part of russia, whether they like it or not. so he uses the nato excuse. and theres little doubt his lifelong kgb mindset is part of it. cynical and mistrusting beyond belief, much like salin was.
Report mitolo March 7, 2022 4:17 PM GMT
hard to credit how wrong or how great an erbert you are wp. the u.s to blame as ever. they want this war to go on for years? course they do. unbelievable juvenile ignorant tripe.
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 7, 2022 4:26 PM GMT
Do some research on the Biden family's connection with Ukraine. And the Biden administration connection with he Weapons Industry. I can't post it because some clown mod deletes it on here.
Report carrot1960 March 7, 2022 4:32 PM GMT
Mitolo the hardware is  already  in place , a move that was only ever going to result in conflict
Report dave1357 March 7, 2022 4:37 PM GMT
Report mitolo March 7, 2022 4:56 PM GMT
its resulted in conflict because of putin being a fanatic. if there was a democrat in the kremlin it woulndt be happening. you seem very sympathetic to the loon. please dont say you are being a realist, the usual answer. hes not a realist or reasonable. this was inevitable when he took over and made himself president for life.

he writings read like mein kampf. that was ignored.
Report carrot1960 March 7, 2022 5:02 PM GMT
NATO  forces along the Eastern border there are 12000 NATO and American troops deployed along with 22 fighter jets in the region along with a "ballistic defence center( ha ha) in Romania along with another being built in Poland is hardly "drivel is it "
Report mitolo March 7, 2022 5:09 PM GMT
you forget every country that has any nato troops or hardware has requested it and in the case of poland offered to pay for a lot more. they dont want to attack russia. they fear putin. cant understand why. the president of estonia said 14 years ago he would try and reclaim ukraine. he was accused of wramongering and russophobia. he was correct.

if nato didnt exist hed have grabbed ukraine. russia annexing ukraine and belarus is the bare minimum for him. hes nicked bits of georgia and moldova also but you dont hear about that.
Report dave1357 March 7, 2022 5:27 PM GMT
the citizens of almost every former soviet EU state are better off than Russians. That is what pootin hates and wants to destroy.
Report tobermory March 7, 2022 6:16 PM GMT
america's main involvment in the war in syria was to take out ISIS


America's policy was to take out Assad. This meant Assad had to concentrate his forces on the American proxy armies of 'moderate' islamists.
Report gpz6316 March 7, 2022 9:57 PM GMT
the gangster states devoid of humanity whom play games with real people and kill them , need to be dismantled . clearly Putin worded xi , watch this mate ima taking back the Ussr and i,m gonna control europe after your games !  xi is like ok lets see that then i,m gonna do it ......after you . Both Russia and china need to be split up into many small countries and de-nuclearized . dont buy chinese goods your funding a tyrant
Report elise March 7, 2022 10:01 PM GMT
Report gpz6316 March 7, 2022 10:10 PM GMT
yes glue ! righteousness . obviously a long way off , but , needs to happen . Or continue to spend with them and become a gimp !
Report gpz6316 March 7, 2022 10:32 PM GMT
sick foks whom don't believe in liberty want to take it off you and are using all possible threats they can to cower you . Dont be  cowed by bullies . were the most powerful union , fck corruption , we should be looking at this as a opportunity to cleanse . get a backbone . these gangsters that came out of the curtain of decency cos their that confident we will bow ! no . not only will russia lose .  it will lose its state , it will become 20 different countries
Report Callisto-moon March 8, 2022 10:30 AM GMT
think its time to buy an electric car
Report 11kv March 8, 2022 7:12 PM GMT
AAA Batts
Report ladycarla March 8, 2022 7:26 PM GMT
^ Nickel gone through the roof electric cars to fly up in price
Report Callisto-moon March 8, 2022 7:49 PM GMT
just get a good condition used one as a temp fix
Report doantwin2easy March 10, 2022 11:27 PM GMT
there are no plans to place missiles all along the border and ukraine was a long way from nato. putin is the one who needs sectioning.

he started bullying ukraine in 2014 when it made overtures to the e.u, that well-known nazi organisation. he took crimea shortly after. you think that reasonable? he smashed up tiny georgia. hes been bumping people off worldwide for 20 years

theres a reason the baltic states and now sweden and finland are lovers of nato. they are fed up with his cyberattacks and incursions into the baltic. you seem to think putin has a veto on nato membership.

even aside from that, putin is a devotee of ivan ilyin(a nutcase pseudo-philosopher) and quotes him regularly. he clearly says ukraine is not a country and is part of russia. thats the root of it. he cannot countenance a free liberal eu member state next door shining a light on his murderous kleptocracy and those who run with fear of nato nonsense, on left and right are serving his agenda, albeit unwittingly.

youve swallowed all the propaganda about fear of nato. you think it wants to invade russia?

great post.
Report doantwin2easy March 10, 2022 11:33 PM GMT

Can you imagine history repeating and how angry you'd feel.
Report doantwin2easy March 10, 2022 11:52 PM GMT
For Ilyin, any talk about a Ukraine separate from Russia made one a mortal enemy of Russia. He disputed that an individual could choose their nationality any more than cells can decide whether they are part of a body.[6]
Report doantwin2easy March 11, 2022 12:22 AM GMT
When countless lives are lost and the country is wrecked. What then? Wouldn't it be better to back down. He won't be in power forever and the next guy in might be more forward thinking and be more open to the Ukraine joining the EU/Nato. Common sense has never been in shorter supply in 2022(Nap)

The previous guys were more forward thinking. Yeltsin, Gorbachev etc.

And as a result Ukraine gave up their nuclear missiles in the early 90's under the assurance that they would be protected by the east AND the west.

At that time the Ukraine arsenal was 1/3 of the former soviet republics total warheads. We can't let Putin's regressive ambitions go unchecked in the hope that, eventually, someone better comes along
Report driver2 March 11, 2022 7:02 AM GMT
I agree that for the sake of humanity, Zelensky must find an acceptable (to Putin) compromise, while he still has a few chips left to bargain with. He must know that Putin will not stop short of using nuclear or chemical weapons, after which Ukraine would cease to be!
Report mitolo March 11, 2022 12:58 PM GMT
how ukraine must regret giving up its nukes.
Report howard March 11, 2022 2:29 PM GMT
Yeah Zelensky must know there will be nothing left of the country if this goes on for many weeks longer. It clearly is US policy to help him give Russia a tough time.  It would have been better not to supply Russia with weapons imo.  Get it over fast without risking a wider war with Nato countries. But US wants to damage Russia and make it a pariah & not supplying gas to Europe.
Report howard March 11, 2022 2:37 PM GMT
* not to supply Ukraine
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 11, 2022 2:46 PM GMT
The US have been rumbled. They've been funding a Bioweapons Lab in Ukraine. How would America feels if the boot was on the other foot? This War has been instigated by the US and if you do some research on the kind of people who make up the Biden Administration, then it all becomes clear why they want this War.
Report mitolo March 11, 2022 2:51 PM GMT
course they do. luckily for them, the fool putin fell for it and invaded. what a mug. how could he not see he was being tricked?

what an epic cretin you are. please go away.
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 11, 2022 2:58 PM GMT
SEN. MARCO RUBIO: Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons? 

VICTORIA NULAND: Ukraine has a biological research facilities, which, In fact, we are now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of. So, we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.

Why does a poor country like Ukraine have "biological research facilities" and why are they're so concerned about the "research materials" falling into the hands of Russian forces? So, it's not just basic research, its actually some really nasty stuff.
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 11, 2022 3:02 PM GMT
US media continues coverup of State Department admission of biological weapons labs in Ukraine
Kevin Reed
9 hours ago
The Biden administration and the corporate media are continuing to cover up the acknowledgment by Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland that biological weapons laboratories have been operating in Ukraine under US direction.

During her testimony before a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday, when asked by Senator Marco Rubio (Republican of Florida), “Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?,” Nuland responded that there are “biological research facilities” in the country.

While she did not discuss prior US government involvement in these facilities—and Senator Rubio also did not ask her about this—Nuland said that the State Department is “working with the Ukrainians on how we can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.”

As the scripted exchange continued, Senator Rubio said reports that Russia had, “uncovered a plot by the Ukrainians to unleash biological weapons in the country, and with NATO’s coordination,” were propaganda. Then Nuland went on to say that “it is a classic Russian technique to blame the other guy for what they are planning to do themselves.”

As numerous international news outlets began reporting Nuland’s comments as confirmation that US-backed biological weapons labs did in fact exist in Ukraine as the Russians have maintained, the State Department was forced to issue a denial on Wednesday in an official statement by department spokesperson Ned Price.

Price did not confirm or deny or even refer to the statements by Nuland. Instead, he wrote that the Kremlin is, “intentionally spreading outright lies that the United States and Ukraine are conducting chemical and biological weapons activities in Ukraine.” He called the Russian reports “disinformation,” and “total nonsense,” that had been “debunked conclusively and repeatedly over many years.”

Price then repeated the claims made in a lengthy tweet on Wednesday by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, stating that the US, “does not own or operate any chemical or biological laboratories in Ukraine” and is in full compliance with both the Biological and Chemicals Weapons Conventions of the UN. Price also said that Russia has a “track record of accusing the West of the very crimes that Russia itself is perpetrating.” None of these assertions were backed up with substantiating facts or evidence.

At a press conference on Wednesday, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby was asked by a reporter—once again without mentioning Victoria Nuland’s comments—to explain, “to us what the relationship if any, there was between the Pentagon and the Ukrainian side on any biological labs,” and, “When was the last cooperation and what do you say about these Russian accusations?”

Kirby refused to answer the question and replied by saying the Russian accusations were “absurd” and “laughable,” and added, “There’s nothing to it. It’s classic Russian propaganda. And, and I wouldn’t, if I were you, I wouldn’t give it a drop of ink worth paying attention to.”

As of Thursday evening, no national daily newspaper in the US—including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and USA Today—had reported on the statements of Nuland before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Tuesday. CNN buried Nuland’s comments in an article on Thursday that accused China of promoting “Russian disinformation.”

In its summary of the events on day thirteen of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Times mentioned Victoria Nuland’s Senate testimony, but only concerning the proposal from Poland to deploy Soviet-era MiG-29 aircraft to the US airbase in Germany.

Fox News aired a 16-minute segment by Tucker Carlson on Wednesday evening that included a clip of Nuland’s testimony and accused the Biden administration and Pentagon of lying about Ukrainian bio labs for reasons connected with the network’s promotion of the Wuhan lab conspiracy theory about the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.

The State Department replied to an inquiry by Fox News stating, “The US Department of Defense does not own or operate biological weapons labs in Ukraine. Under Secretary Nuland was referring to Ukrainian diagnostic and biodefense laboratories during her testimony which are not biological weapons facilities. These institutions counter biological threats throughout the country.”

Late Wednesday, Newsweek published a report saying an unnamed State Department official had “clarified” the nature of the “biological research facilities” mentioned by Nuland that were “at the center of dueling accusations between US and Russian officials.”

It is very clear that the exposure of US-sponsored biological warfare operations in Ukraine explodes the entire narrative concocted by the Biden administration and faithfully propagandized by the corporate media that Russia is solely responsible for the present war crisis.

The anonymous State Department spokesperson admitted this fact to Newsweek, saying that the US has maintained all along that, “Russia is continuing to invent false pretexts to justify their horrific actions in Ukraine. Neither the United States nor NATO has any desire or intention for conflict with Russia.”

Recognizing expressions of culpability in the hysterical denials emanating from the US, UK and Ukrainian officials, the head of the Russian delegation at the Vienna Negotiations on Military Security and Arms Control, Konstantin Gavrilov, described the reactions to allegations about the bio labs as “amazing.” In an interview with the Russian language Rossiya-24 outlet, Gavrilov added that he had seen nothing like it in his 30-year diplomatic career.

Referring to representatives of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), of which all four countries are a part, Gavrilov said “they have done everything to evade the issue in their speeches, emphasizing that Russia is conducting a war, aggression, twisting the facts and everything like that. Both in the media and here.”

“Nothing new. But they are avoiding this topic in every possible way,” Gavrilov added. “We raised it proactively and generated a flurry of reactions.”

Documents have been published by the National Pulse that show the Obama administration signed an agreement with Ukraine for the construction of biolabs handling “especially dangerous pathogens.” The documents, which have since been removed, include a post from June 18, 2010, entitled, “Biolab Opens in Ukraine” explains how Barack Obama while serving as an Illinois Senator helped negotiate an agreement to build a Level 3 bio-safety lab in the Ukrainian city of Odessa.

The National Pulse also quotes a 2011 report from the US National Academy of Sciences which said, “This laboratory was reconstructed and technically updated up to the BSL-3 level through a cooperative agreement between the United States Department of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine that started in 2005. The collaboration focuses on preventing the spread of technologies, pathogens, and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons.”

The report went on, “The updated laboratory serves as Interim Central Reference Laboratory with a depozitarium (pathogen collection). According to Ukrainian regulations, it has a permit to work with both bacteria and viruses of the first and second pathogenic groups.” The lab provided “special training for specialists on biosafety and biosecurity issues during handling of dangerous biological pathogenic agents.”

As with all Pentagon-directed technologies, operations and facilities, the use of the terms “defense,” “security” and “safety” are euphemisms for US imperialist strategic military superiority and war preparations. For example, in March 2017, when hackers breached the CIA’s cybersecurity servers, nearly 9,000 documents were stolen from what was called “Vault 7.” These documents were essentially a massive arsenal of offensive malware, viruses and weaponized “zero day” exploits that had been part of the CIA’s international hacking and cyberwarfare operations.

See, I use facts and don't resort to emotional outbursts. What a complete clown you are Mitolo
Report Whippin Piccadilly March 11, 2022 3:15 PM GMT
It is very clear that the exposure of US-sponsored biological warfare operations in Ukraine explodes the entire narrative concocted by the Biden administration and faithfully propagandized by the corporate media that Russia is solely responsible for the present war crisis.

I have nothing else to say on this.
Report Hayden March 11, 2022 3:23 PM GMT
It's fair enough pasting someone else's thoughts and supposed quotes Whippin ,but what do you think yourself ?

Sometimes we all read something and believe it because we prefer it to be true.
Report Hayden March 11, 2022 3:55 PM GMT
Fair enough mate   Happy
Report timberman March 14, 2022 10:20 PM GMT
Depressing looking at the BBC news at ten - watching Russian missiles bombing the pulp out of Ukrainian cities killing men-women-children for fun.
Cities already look like an Apocalypse scene - much and all as i love cheltenham its hard to really enjoy with mass murder happening in Ukraine.
Report dave1357 March 14, 2022 10:26 PM GMT
yeah and with filth like GEORGE.B and whippin Piccadily justifying it
Report GEORGE.B March 14, 2022 10:29 PM GMT
For two years solid you've ridiculed and posted abuse at anyone who questioned govt policy or the "narrative" in an attempt to shut them up. You think no one's noticed? You are the forum's number one "narrative" c0ck sucker.
Report dave1357 March 14, 2022 10:33 PM GMT
No I've just questioned pathetic people like you who live in a world structured by paranoid delusions. Luckily your generation will die out soon, and be held in contempt like similar pathetic examples of the human race from the past.
Report GEORGE.B March 14, 2022 10:39 PM GMT
You haven't questioned anyone, you've largely posted abuse at anyone who has questioned govt policy or "the narrative".

You might have attempted to defend the indefensible eg the u-know-wotty safety data that they wanted to kept hidden for at least 75 years.

"all medicines have side effects" Laugh

Report GEORGE.B March 14, 2022 10:48 PM GMT
the beads of sweat start to appear on dave's head as he frantically searches for a post where he asked a question rather than posting abuse.
Report The Knight March 14, 2022 10:50 PM GMT
As terrible as Ukraine is, funny how the emotion driven West has managed to enjoy Cheltenham and much else during all the years Syria has been torn to shreds with just as many inhumane killings etc.
Report GEORGE.B March 14, 2022 10:50 PM GMT
dave1357 14 Mar 22 22:26 
yeah and with filth like GEORGE.B and whippin Piccadily justifying it

Where did I "justify" it, davedumbers?

No waffle please, I'm waiting.

Please provide the relevant referenced quotes.

I bet you can't. You're full of sh*t.
Report timberman March 15, 2022 9:45 AM GMT
The Knight- you are right about Syria and we didn't take enough notice of what the Russians did there.
First Syria now Ukraine where will be after that Poland - Germany?- London ??

Will Putin justify bombing London over his Buddy at Chelsea been barred from carrying on with Chelsea? There's no common sense with Russians
Report GLASGOWCALLING March 15, 2022 10:06 AM GMT
....   Vladimir Putin's Olympic gold-winning gymnast mistress is allegedly hiding with their four young children in a private chalet in Switzerland.

Alina Kabaeva, 38, who was once called 'Russia's most flexible woman', supposedly has four children with the 69-year-old Russian tyrant.

It is thought Putin has two sons and two seven-year-old twin daughters with the decorated gymnast.

  .. She must be draining all the sense out of him. !!
Report Whippin Piccadilly February 24, 2023 5:56 PM GMT
It's been 1 year, so let's check in and see how the War is going? The degenerate Zelenskyy "War going well, send more money now!"

Date Joined: 05 Sep 10
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14 Mar 22 23:26Joined: 05 Sep 10 | Topic/replies: 19,591 | Blogger: dave1357's blog
yeah and with filth like GEORGE.B and whippin Piccadily justifying it

Do you still think myself and GB are filth?
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