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halcyon days
15 Jun 17 10:06
Date Joined: 29 Jun 05
| Topic/replies: 31,447 | Blogger: halcyon days's blog
Pal of mine is having his pay reduced from next January, second time in eighteen months !

Imminent FOBT max spin reduction, cue mass hysteria from CEO's / owners of High Street betting companies !
Pause Switch to Standard View W illiam Hill cut pay of manager's...
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Report halcyon days June 15, 2017 10:06 AM BST
Spread bettor's...

how many will close ?....
Report Dav_vin03 June 15, 2017 10:09 AM BST
how can they justify 2 pay cuts while announcing huge profits?

i hope your friend finds another job
Report longbridge June 15, 2017 10:13 AM BST
"how can they justify 2 pay cuts while announcing huge profits?"

I'd guess because (according to 2016 results) their shop estate made £160m profit on betting revenues of 400m and gaming revenues of 500m; they're very vulnerable to loss of gaming revenue.
Report halcyon days June 15, 2017 10:15 AM BST
He tells me, they've built in a ''reduction to £20 max '' into there business model !
Report equine flew June 15, 2017 10:29 AM BST
They want it all ways longbridge.   They don't increase salaries on the possibility of increased future profits.  scum
Report ph. June 15, 2017 12:18 PM BST
are the area/regional managers getting similar treatment? And the Directors getting reduced bonus rates?
Report RothmanMike June 15, 2017 1:03 PM BST
Most of them only got /keep their jobs because of FOBTs.
Absolutely no sympathy for these people,get a proper job.
Report OVERSEAS June 15, 2017 1:20 PM BST
a business model built on non risk/non gambling (namely FOBTs) has to end.......the men at the top are still dining out..
Report Mikael D'Haguenet June 15, 2017 1:39 PM BST
RothmanMike seems like a compassionate bloke...

What do you call a proper job?
Report Willie Shafter. June 15, 2017 1:52 PM BST
proper job yfdsc?  any different to your missus working 7-12 in a chip shop 6 nights a week?
Report hulk23 June 15, 2017 1:59 PM BST
eff all left to manage so seems perfectly reasonable ...
Report hulk23 June 15, 2017 2:01 PM BST
make sure sandra's opened the shop up and she's switched all the fobt's on. 

then back home in time for homes under the hammer.
Report elise June 15, 2017 2:01 PM BST
any different to your missus working 7-12 in a chip shop 6 nights a week?

a battered sausage would definitely be different between a bookies and a chip shop ....
Report chavman June 15, 2017 2:28 PM BST
Do William hill sell pineapple fritters now ,I might start going in a bit more
Report chavman June 15, 2017 2:31 PM BST
Hal quite looking forward to wearing a pinny
Report chavman June 15, 2017 2:32 PM BST
One with mum written on it
Report RothmanMike June 15, 2017 2:46 PM BST
Mikael,these blokes preside over wretched folk who cannot control themselves doing their families money,and most are happy to see the gloom and despondency unfolding before their eyes everyday of the week.Dont talk to me about compassionate people,please.
Report the dealer June 15, 2017 2:58 PM BST
was it an okay job thirty years ago RM, where people used them all the time and many done their brains on a daily basis backing horses and dogs they couldnt even see.
Report the dealer June 15, 2017 2:59 PM BST
or is your view purely FOBT based
Report RothmanMike June 15, 2017 3:07 PM BST
Yes, which is 90 % of the business.
In days gone by they read the Sporting Life,knew a bit about sport and if you like, earned their keep.
Not any more, and the delight on their faces when some poor bugger walks out skint, is sickening to me.
I'm out.
Defend it if you will, but I wont be around to listen.
Report the dealer June 15, 2017 3:15 PM BST
i doubt it is 90% of their business and i dont think many will defend them but to insinuate that all staff have no compassion or laugh when people lose imo is way off the mark.
Report wondersobright June 15, 2017 3:23 PM BST
FOBTs are a bit over 50% of their high street turnover

generally most betting shop staff couldn't give a toss about racing/sports/betting and most are clueless although I haven't come across many that I have suspected that they take pleasure in people losing
Report the dealer June 15, 2017 3:34 PM BST
30 years ago very few women in management role, today the vast majority of managers are women. the role has completely changed, companies are happy to pay less for less knowledge.i agree WSB the vast majority wouldnt know a jockey from a football player.
Report impossible123 June 15, 2017 5:06 PM BST
If fobt is the high street bookies main source of revenue and if some of them will have to close in the event of a massive reduction in maximum stake allowed then sobeit. There are many other more respectable businesses and employment to be involved in; this form of revenue/trade is an indecent and deceptive way of obtaining money from the venerable and least privileged through addiction.

Fobt should never be allowed in any high street bookie. Instead they should only be confined to establishment such as private clubs and/or casinos because of its addictive quality and the ramifications it generates.
Report wondersobright June 15, 2017 5:10 PM BST
^agree completely
Report newlawncailin June 15, 2017 6:14 PM BST
they work more hours than the bakers cat for very very poor pay just few pennies more tham min

its part of a phat cat culture where ony a few big cheeses get all the spoils
every bet not collected goes into a big phat cat kitty and is shared among
the elete  , id you think they are tight laddies did not even take their staff for a Crimbo night out
despite getting £50 per head tax free beak from inland revenue, every company gets a one of tax rebate of £50 per man/woman to take them out once a year ie xmas night out and claim it back
what they done was spend it all in the phat cats and the shop floor workers got a card !
the greed is obscene not even afforded a xmas night out while the elete few sip  champagne
workers like hamsters on a wheel , being asked for more and more for less , i know some nice people who work for these companies they dont get home to 10 pm and start at 10 am be better stacking shelves less stress Sad
Report pleasedontgetinjuredclanroyal June 15, 2017 8:21 PM BST
i think there are a lot of these bookie arcade workers who would love to be home for 10 pm and starting

at 10 am the next day newlawn !
Report smirnoff2therescue June 15, 2017 8:34 PM BST
Hal thank fook you don't have too far to go b4 you can put ya feet up

Just heard that a shop I used to punt in many years ago b4 they decided to ban anyone that had a Scooby and turn the place into an amusement arcade is due to close in the near future - big shock to a lot of the staff within said company as the shop was one of the best for trade/profit for many years in the area but went down the fbots route as per company procedure when it was a cash cow for em and yet now nobody punts in there - karma has well and truly come home to roost and this is b4 any reductions to the fbots regs LaughLaughLaugh
Report chavman June 15, 2017 8:37 PM BST
Good job you only go the bingo nowadays soft lad
Report smirnoff2therescue June 15, 2017 8:39 PM BST

you luv a luvbite don't ya LaughLaughLaugh
Report homefortea June 15, 2017 8:52 PM BST
My last shop...

Used to be five of us on a Saturday in 2000...

It was the life and soul of the area.The local football teams used to meet I kept all the money for the hot drinks and could settle 3000 bets with the fidgety ones given over to the trainee..

Had two slots machines made £400 per week paid a few bills.

It was bustling.Took over £50k per week in the winter.

And now - one girl opens up and another comes in at 12 on a Saturday.Clueless individuals.

The FOBTS keep it open,

A whole generation of punters lost due to sheer incompetence..
Report newlawncailin June 15, 2017 9:07 PM BST
chav shearer might be good at bingo he got a full house up early 80s

Report Breedingmad June 15, 2017 9:19 PM BST
I once won maybe 12 or 13 bingo games on the trot and left with two carrier bags of rubbish
generously given by the fairground for the efforts of my endeavour,  the glasses lasted half an
hour and I think a lit cigarette may have resulted in accidentally destroying the furry toys and
the sticks of rock were handy to swell the coffers of our local Dentist...I see we have no longer
have a full house on the forumSad
Report halcyon days June 15, 2017 10:27 PM BST
Cr$ig, your post re: Roy Larner shows you to be the G 1 *unt you are !
Report halcyon days June 15, 2017 10:28 PM BST
Cross party ( hung parliament ) makes a ''score'' max per spin look odds on !
Report halcyon days June 15, 2017 10:30 PM BST
Labour/ Lib Dems / Scots Nats had £2 max in there manifesto's !
Report halcyon days June 15, 2017 10:30 PM BST
It's been a long campaign, but hopefully.....
Report halcyon days June 15, 2017 10:32 PM BST
Homme, good evening .

The good old days, we can but hope !
Report parispike June 15, 2017 10:36 PM BST
One Badblokes in Cheltenham (there are 4 ffs!) failed to open again today. Staff shortages blamed. Anecdotally however it seems the halcyon days (sorry halcyon days) of the machines raking it in are disappearing.

What will they do when the stakes are slashed?

Perhaps they could take up an alternative related business such as bookmaking.......
Report halcyon days June 15, 2017 10:40 PM BST
Coming soon parispike I can assure you !   Wink
Report halcyon days June 15, 2017 10:42 PM BST
Some very senior people in the High Street betting scene are getting seriously worried !

The smart one's will change there business model before October !

I move !
Report smirnoff2therescue June 15, 2017 10:43 PM BST
parispike you are bang on - said company was one that Ronnie rails has posted about - they had two shops within half a mile of each other - had to get rid of one cos of merger wiv Laddies so they got rid of "quieter one" and now their crown jewel is pulling the shutters down for good very soon ShockedShocked - except its not a shockSadSad
Report halcyon days June 15, 2017 10:45 PM BST
^ It's the end of the beginning !
Report IDKW June 15, 2017 10:59 PM BST
Who's gonna be sorry to see any Ladbrokes or Corals shop close?
They've both long since forgotten how to trade as a Bookmaker.........good riddance to them I say!!
Report smirnoff2therescue June 15, 2017 11:05 PM BST
Aint arguing wiv that mate but once upon a time the shop I was talking about was proper bouncing and now its dust - just like anutha posters view of anutha shop .

When they reduce the limits on fbots to £20 then maybe just maybe they will go back to being what they were supposed to be- and maybe even getting the pictures back on LaughLaughLaugh
Report gibs June 15, 2017 11:56 PM BST
Here's what may (or may not!) happen...whatever amount the max spin is reduced to , let's say £2 though i think that is highly unlikely-the loons who spin at £50 a pop will not bother with roulette altogether-lets face it at £2 a spin its dead in the water...but they will start playing these arcade games at 2 quid a spin and will end up losing just as much money in the long run...however because the fobts will be occupied for longer periods of time, a few of them will undoubtedly start to throw £20 singles at dogs or horses while they wait...some of these fellas will over a period of time begin to develop an affinity with certain horses/jockeys who do them a favour and become regular-ish otc punters...hopefully the shops that do survive will return to more sensible opening hrs for the benefit of all concerned...8pm closing should be more than adequate, in fact this should be forced on them thru legislation...far more effective in dealing with problem gambling i would've thought
Report Dav_vin03 June 16, 2017 9:31 AM BST

Jun 15, 2017 -- 4:59PM, IDKW wrote:

Who's gonna be sorry to see any Ladbrokes or Corals shop close?They've both long since forgotten how to trade as a Bookmaker.........good riddance to them I say!!

the worst on the high street, although we don't have **** on the UK mainland!

Report homefortea June 16, 2017 8:37 PM BST
halcyon days

I have all but given up on the game...

Have done more walking than ever before and I love it..

As regards those alleged "bookmakers" shops the sooner they are all closed down the better.

Zero unemployment so those muppets behind the counter can get another minimum wage job  at Aldi...
Report homefortea June 16, 2017 8:39 PM BST
I just hope that when you get a bunch of bananas to the till you are told that you can only have one and to put the rest back....
Report casemoney June 16, 2017 8:52 PM BST
People have Betting shops on their Phones
Report pixie June 17, 2017 10:02 AM BST
Correct, Casemoney, that's the real reason why they're dieing.
Report Blackrock June 17, 2017 11:01 AM BST
Homefortea  settling 3000 slips on his todd. LaughLaughLaughLaugh
Report mini me June 17, 2017 12:13 PM BST
How much do branch managers get paid in small country towns?

Do they get commission?
Report ronnie rails June 17, 2017 8:45 PM BST
just under a hundred lad coral shops to go soon one word for the retail side DIRE
ps the hundred is just for starters
Report halcyon days June 17, 2017 8:54 PM BST
Hiya Ronnie, if you've going to the Dante Meeting, I'll be there on the Thursday ?...

Well sort a ''meet'' if you're going ?...
Report ronnie rails June 17, 2017 8:59 PM BST
hal I was at the dante meeting only had one bet the second in the dante
just go back from two days at York never had a bet
I take it you meen ebor down all four days
Report halcyon days June 17, 2017 10:02 PM BST
I do mate, losing it,, I'll phone you the week before .
Report twizzle22 June 18, 2017 9:17 AM BST
Call centre business on its knees(Corals)
Report halcyon days June 18, 2017 9:24 AM BST
The end is nigh na guy !
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