He is starting a greyhound syndicate, he has been doing it with horses as well and established. The pup is unraced and only trialling (Yarmouth) . I was interested to see how he would address the syndication as he seems a decent guy with the horses. The info from his website is as follows . Name is Bish Bosh Bashy (may need name change to this name) as he was trialling Sunday at Yarmouth but not named in trials. Jan 23 pup trained by Jason Bloomfield. No details of breeding tho i expect this will be on application. Cost is £10/month for a 100th share per month or £100 a year if pre-paid. Prize money will be shared when training fees are deducted. Seems a good earner for him. Does anyone have any more information, and comments welcomed.
Having watched his horse racing videos and his dog track visits, seems genuine enough fella. However, admits he knows nothing about Greyhound racing from owner / trainer stance. So a Jan 23 unraced puppy is the opening dog. He claims expected to go Open class, good luck with that theory. 100 members at £10 a month… £12,000 a year. Wants to be open class at that cost. I’d be wary of an unraced 22 month old puppy. Why at 22 months has it not got any form on the card.
Having watched his horse racing videos and his dog track visits, seems genuine enough fella. However, admits he knows nothing about Greyhound racing from owner / trainer stance. So a Jan 23 unraced puppy is the opening dog. He claims expected to go O
Neveron, i wonder if its Newinn Dixie previously trained by Mark Wallis. I looked at bashers blog and he said its Jan 23 but didnt say it was unraced. The dog trialled at Yarmouth sat night under Jason Bloomfields Name and it fits the criteria. Just a wild guess though.
Neveron, i wonder if its Newinn Dixie previously trained by Mark Wallis. I looked at bashers blog and he said its Jan 23 but didnt say it was unraced.The dog trialled at Yarmouth sat night under Jason Bloomfields Name and it fits the criteria. Just a
Basher has admitted its how he makes his money, by syndicates, which is fair enough. Horse syndicates are popular with thousands in one syndicate making it lucrative for them and affordable for clients. Each to their own i suppose. He claims its a £6000 dog and time will tell, greyhound racing certainly needs a boost and his participation may open up the sport to new people.For a tenner a month its throw away money for an interest.
Basher has admitted its how he makes his money, by syndicates, which is fair enough. Horse syndicates are popular with thousands in one syndicate making it lucrative for them and affordable for clients. Each to their own i suppose.He claims its a £6