Oct 16, 2016 -- 7:35AM, wondersobright wrote:
they haven't bought it because they are businesses and interested in 1 thing only...making moneyHF poured fortunes into that stadium to get it up and running, there just simply isn't the money or interest in greyhound racing to justify it...sad but true
yes, location is everything, Monmore is central, good public transport - Trains less than five minute bus ride,also it is a city location, and that is where greyhound racing should concentrate its interests.
Oct 21, 2016 -- 10:43AM, irishone wrote:
Monmore is more susceptible to track maintenance than wimbledon ever was. Check out today's bias
major stumbling block irish, however if monmore was re-laid and the new surface was decent then monmore 480 would be a runner