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05 Nov 09 11:14
Date Joined: 27 Nov 08
| Topic/replies: 3 | Blogger: aussie39's blog
I am from Australia and would be pleased if I could get a few points of view.
Dealing with the difference in the greyhound odds shown on William Hill and Betfair. As expected the odds in Betfair are higher, due to the percentage but frequently two dogs that have the same odds in William hill have significantly different odds in Betfair. For example the 23:12 at Sheffield box 1 & 6 both were 4.00 of willhill but on B/f box 1 was 7.00, and box 6 was 5.80- By the way box 5 was 7.00 in both B/f and willhill. Question?? do you think the B/f odds actually represent the chance of a dog winning or is it the w/h odds. Also why do you come to that view.. Thanks for the help.
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Report [x] These checkboxes suck November 5, 2009 11:16 AM GMT
neither... it's all about how wrong they are... :)
Report aussie39 November 5, 2009 11:18 AM GMT
If that is the case I should ask who is the most wronger b/f or will hill
Report ROMFORD-EXILE November 5, 2009 11:18 AM GMT
Don't matter what price wh are showing, they will not take a bet from anybody who wins long term anyway.
Report Kwijibo November 5, 2009 11:24 AM GMT
that's a bit of a negative (although very true) statement Romford.

I worked with the H1lls liability team for a bit and the funniest thing was a £100 punter in a shop had a very high strike rate at a BAGS northern track - they would always knock him back to £50 then all get on their phones to back it !
Report ROMFORD-EXILE November 5, 2009 11:26 AM GMT
Report Kwijibo November 5, 2009 11:33 AM GMT
to original poster - some would say that bf odds are a truer reflection of a dogs chances as bookies odds tend to follow bf as opposed to visa versa.
Report Magical Feast November 5, 2009 11:55 AM GMT
OI... [x]s..!!

If you are gonna quote me use """" or at least italics imvhco.. :p
Report [x] These checkboxes suck November 5, 2009 12:03 PM GMT
common sense innit

Report Magical Feast November 5, 2009 12:09 PM GMT
3. Price. Do not assume that the prices on course, from the firms or on Betfair are correct. It is more a question of how wrong are they. It's all about opinions baby!

AND DONT CALL ME COMMON AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!! .. Im quite posh dont you know.. ;)
Report [x] These checkboxes suck November 5, 2009 12:20 PM GMT
sorry.... :p
Report CUPRA November 5, 2009 12:21 PM GMT
and it's 'trap one two etc' not 'box' ffs
Report November 6, 2009 8:13 AM GMT

The serious answer to your question is that on Betfair THEY KNOW.

As a very astute on-course bookmaker once said to me - I dont want to know what's going to win, I want to know what isn't going to win.

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