12.12 betting t3 here also have a sneaky feeling t4 may smash at a tasty price so betting that aswell cannot see how t5 can clear them so at its price has to be a lay
12.12 betting t3 here also have a sneaky feeling t4 may smash at a tasty price so betting that aswell cannot see how t5 can clear them so at its price has to be a lay
12.42 t6 may well lead here not quite sure if its ready after season and with 1n4 turning handy in the wing mirrors can see it holding on bet 4n1 and having a 146 combo t/c
12.42 t6 may well lead here not quite sure if its ready after season and with 1n4 turning handy in the wing mirrors can see it holding on bet 4n1 and having a 146 combo t/c
6 races he has said that the leading dog off the last bend is getting caught, all have won.Last week he called the winner of the photo twice and got both wrong, in one case even after the result did not believe it.It is becoming a waste of time listerning to the commentaries, a blind man could do better.
6 races he has said that the leading dog off the last bend is getting caught, all have won.Last week he called the winner of the photo twice and got both wrong, in one case even after the result did not believe it.It is becoming a waste of time liste