Hi all, fairly newbie question but hopefully not a daft one.
I am curious as to what is actually happening behind the scenes when you see the figures in the back best price suddenly jump up? Seeing as I thought this is just money that has been lay'ed - and you can't actually lay at the best price (I think!) at that particular point - how does this extra "back" money suddenly find its way into the pot?
Hi bantex. One thing I have found helpful over the years is that if I see the back/lay odds changing significantly and quickly, don't rush in! There may be news that you are not aware of that is causing the odds to change. Take a little while to check out why and allow the market to settle where you feel it should be. Also, folks sometimes massively overreact to news that is not particularly significant, a snippet here, a tweet there etc.
Hi bantex. One thing I have found helpful over the years is that if I see the back/lay odds changing significantly and quickly, don't rush in! There may be news that you are not aware of that is causing the odds to change. Take a little while to chec