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turnip turns
05 Nov 09 20:05
Date Joined: 10 Jun 07
| Topic/replies: 7,015 | Blogger: turnip turns's blog
Dear ,
This email addresses the following topics: delays, subscriptions, BetTrader Pro,
and the release of BetTrader Evolution.
We would like to apologise for the lack of updates lately. There's been a lot going
on here at RacingTraders HQ, and we have fallen behind on answering some emails.
The good news is that we are currently on version 1.1.4 of BetTrader Evolution
in the beta testing, and we haven't run into any major bugs yet.
Therefore, we are releasing Evolution to everyone on Wednesday 11th November.
Evolution will work as a subscription service. You will be able to purchase periods
of 1, 3 or 12 months from within the application. BetTrader Evolution will also
have a free grid and ladder mode.
To introduce Evolution to as wide an audience as possible, we will be making Evolution
free for the rest of November. On December 1st we will start subscriptions.
All PayPal auto-renewals have been stopped. Nobody should get money taken from their
PayPal account from the 5th November onwards. Those of you who have been charged
subscriptions while the service was unavailable will have their subscription time
added to Evolution. We will also add some free time for all subscribers for any
inconvenience caused.
Those of you who have minutes or subscriptions remaining from BetTrader Pro will
have their remaining time added onto Evolution, starting from the 1st December.
We are pre-releasing BetTrader Evolution now for anyone who wants it.
Send an email to and we will work through this list
as fast as we can.
Full Release
We will be releasing BetTrader Evolution from the main website
on Wednesday 11th November. As stated previously, this is also subject to Betfair's
200-a-day release limit and we cannot distribute during the weekend.
BetTrader Pro
The BetTrader Pro servers are still down. A final decision will be made next Wed
11th on the future of BTPro. At that point we will send an email to everyone on
this matter.

Best regards,

Adam Todd

Looks like it's nearly ready at last ;\
Pause Switch to Standard View Betrader Evolution.
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Report BJG November 5, 2009 10:09 PM GMT
They can f00k off now imo ;\
Report thehun10. November 5, 2009 11:50 PM GMT
How can their servers still be down after all this time?

Bunch of amateurs.

They shouldnt be using the term Evolution they should be using Creative design, it would make more sense for this nonsense.
Report thetitan November 6, 2009 12:37 AM GMT
they made a fancy advert for evolution a while ago, still not sure what was wrong with BTP, it was a hugely valuable, free tool
Report page-413 November 6, 2009 7:49 AM GMT
its nearly all over I am sure
Report basacasa November 6, 2009 9:27 AM GMT
Will never pay a penny to Adam again. Wrote to their support and asked they to cancel my subscription. There was no answer and they took a new monthly payment. Asked to get the money back still without answer. Had to send a mail to paypal to cancel my subscription, that is some quality customer care.
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