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The end of Britain. How stupid are the British public?
Pause Switch to Standard View HOW THICK ARE THE BRITISH
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Report tommo1000 June 25, 2016 6:35 PM BST
What would have happened if we didn't have the EU? Easy to blame it for everything but war is more likely when other countries are left to rot. I suppose your response is leave them to it, but we still ended up in a war twice whether we wanted to or not.

who would be going to war???this is an incredibly stupid statement,have you never heard of nato
Report berti June 25, 2016 6:45 PM BST
We could do our own checks and send them back straight away no problem.
Report charwell. June 25, 2016 6:47 PM BST
Captain Christy?!

More like Captain Morgan.

Put away the rum as it heightens your ignorance.

Aside from NATO, why would a war break out because of our decision to leave the EU?!
Report DirkDiggler June 25, 2016 7:08 PM BST
The most likely war, is the civil war the remainers seem to want to provoke.
Report n88uk June 25, 2016 7:41 PM BST
A war they would be certain to win given they have the majority of younger people, wealth on their side, and most likely to receive support from abroad...
Report charwell. June 25, 2016 7:45 PM BST
With the French at the heart of it I hardly think so.
Report tommo1000 June 25, 2016 7:54 PM BST
you are now plumming the depth of stupidity and are frankly showing yourself to be not very intelligent
Report Hamsterdam June 25, 2016 8:00 PM BST
Remain voters were statistically more intelligent as per voting demographics.

On reflection, this was definitely Turkey's voting for Christmas.
Report Captain Christy June 25, 2016 8:24 PM BST
I'll explain it slowly just for you Charwell. If there is no EU then disputes become more likely such as that over immigrants, these disputes particularly where there is a history of animosity can escalate. Hope that was simple enough for you, try reading some European history rather than living in ignorance.
Report DirkDiggler June 25, 2016 8:42 PM BST
A war they would be certain to win given they have the majority of younger people, wealth on their side, and most likely to receive support from abroad...

What a dimwit you are.
Report n88uk June 25, 2016 8:43 PM BST

Jun 25, 2016 -- 1:54PM, tommo1000 wrote:

n88ukyou are now plumming the depth of stupidity and are frankly showing yourself to be not very intelligent

I wasn't the one to bring up a civil war? I was just stating the facts of what would happen in the apparently civil war that person was talking about.

Report OnePercenter June 25, 2016 8:43 PM BST
Alreadt Merkal is saying she wants good trade relations with the UK. We take 16% of their exports. We take 60% of Irelands. If the EU tries to punish us they will not only emulate East Germany in threatening those wishing to leave but shoot them selves in the foot.
Report n88uk June 25, 2016 8:44 PM BST

Jun 25, 2016 -- 2:24PM, Captain Christy wrote:

I'll explain it slowly just for you Charwell. If there is no EU then disputes become more likely such as that over immigrants, these disputes particularly where there is a history of animosity can escalate. Hope that was simple enough for you, try reading some European history rather than living in ignorance.

The other part is it also gives a free hand to countries like Russia to do what they like, as there's nothing to really stand up and stop them.

Report DirkDiggler June 25, 2016 8:44 PM BST
Remain voters were statistically more intelligent as per voting demographics.

It's a shame they didn't think to vote in greater numbers then.
Report DirkDiggler June 25, 2016 8:45 PM BST
The other part is it also gives a free hand to countries like Russia to do what they like, as there's nothing to really stand up and stop them.

Have you ever heard of NATO?
Report OnePercenter June 25, 2016 8:47 PM BST
Scotland wants to join the EU, guess who takes most of their exports Laugh
Report tommo1000 June 25, 2016 8:58 PM BST
it takes ages to join the e.u and Scotland will have to accept the euro,it`s most likely they`ll end up like the other basket case economies of Greece and Portugal,sturgeon leading them to oblivion imo,it`s the English who keep them afloat,apart from whisky,what meaningful exports do they have,they claim the oil is theirs,but who does the drilling and refining?
Report charwell. June 25, 2016 9:24 PM BST
Remain voters were statistically more intelligent as per voting demographics.

I would love to know how you can measure intelligence by voting demographic. Perhaps you could enlighten us?

Hope that was simple enough for you, try reading some European history rather than living in ignorance.

I must have gotten my history and politics degree by reading The Beano.
Report n88uk June 25, 2016 9:34 PM BST
Report Autocue June 25, 2016 9:37 PM BST
Scotland will always need handouts from someone. Sturgeon's plan is to get the begging bowls out in Brussels. As for this thread there are more thick people in London than anywhere else in the UK but they voted remain. Sad losers.
Report charwell. June 25, 2016 9:44 PM BST
As petitions are being drawn up to have another referendum, David Lammy (MP) calls on Parliament to reject the result completely we (the undersigned 'thick' British public) will do well to remember this:

“You are a slow learner, Winston."
"How can I help it? How can I help but see what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four."
"Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.”

― George Orwell, 1984
Report Captain Christy June 25, 2016 9:51 PM BST
Yeah and 350 million how does that add up please?
Report Captain Christy June 25, 2016 9:58 PM BST
And gbp vs dollar down 10%, could have sworn this idea of the currency being trashed was all part of an Orwellian 'project fear' tactic.
Report charwell. June 25, 2016 10:00 PM BST
Yeah and 350 million how does that add up please?

With one pound added to another added to another.......and repeat until £350m is reached.

Is that difficult to understand?
Report charwell. June 25, 2016 10:01 PM BST
CC you are incredibly dim if you didn't know this would happen.

Even the 'Out' campaign accepted this; as the mass hysteria and collective clowns behaved like turkeys voting for xmas.

It's headline news.

In 6 months time when the £ is higher not so newsworthy.
Report Captain Christy June 25, 2016 10:02 PM BST
It woul appear so, for the likes of yourself
Report Captain Christy June 25, 2016 10:04 PM BST
These people are using real money. No use pretending it didnt happen now.
Report Captain Christy June 25, 2016 10:06 PM BST
Anyway, well done on being the only person with a degree to vote leave, mind you knotty ash degrees are not generally recognised
Report skygreenzone June 25, 2016 10:09 PM BST
Best thing this hard working country has ever done now we reap the dividends this is not about immigration its about the fact most people haven't had a proper pay rise for 8 years too much piss taking done by the goverments for many a year now gravy train has stopped too many people getting too rich with money they will not spend in 10 lifetimes yes 10 things have too change sweden norway and the swiss survive so will the english and welsh.
Report Hamsterdam June 25, 2016 10:11 PM BST
The £ may modestly recover but nobody is going to be confident whilst it's all up in the air and it's going to take 2 years minimum before we come out the other side.

A rescission is certainly possible. Growth will stagnate. And this is with us STILL in the EU...once the trade deals are sorted it will be even more difficult.
Report tim6 June 25, 2016 10:13 PM BST
sky Sweeden are still in the EU, people keep bringing up Norway as an example but Norway have vast natural resources which they use for their people and good luck to them. As for the Swiss all the money in the world there so easy for them.
Report Captain Christy June 25, 2016 10:14 PM BST
Just with reference to the op, Sweden is in fact in the EU.
Report Captain Christy June 25, 2016 10:15 PM BST
I am amused when they keep bringing up Norway, total fcuking fcukwits.
Report skygreenzone June 25, 2016 10:17 PM BST
Most people could not give a flying feck about inflation or the euro its about us little people saying feck you. we feel let down.Thats why so many people voted.
Report Captain Christy June 25, 2016 10:20 PM BST
Yeah the sort of people who licked the windows rather than listened at school
Report Hamsterdam June 25, 2016 10:20 PM BST
sky, i agree that's what happened.

Hearts over heads.
Report skygreenzone June 25, 2016 10:21 PM BST
Sorry im spouting sh11te i read somewhere sweden were not in but we can look after our selves can't we the world is a bigger place than it was when we joined.
Report tim6 June 25, 2016 10:21 PM BST
whatever else happens England will really need a winston churchill type character as half the battle will be to unite the country from this deep division. If Boris gets it then game over.
Report scandanavian_haven June 25, 2016 10:52 PM BST
Economists a few years ago said Britain should join the single currency and give up the pound or they will face a bleak future, that didn't work out too well, no point making predictions of the future, there is a no real way of knowing until people really know how the land is going to lie, that will take over 2 years at least as leaving negotiations become clear. The experts who make a living at understanding how money works got something as big as the Euro wrong, they could just as easily be as wrong again.

Immigration levels wont alter much so people who voted on this alone so wont get what they voted for.

4 million people voted directly on an anti immigration stance.......for UKIP at the last election, 13 million more people without Farage in the official camp, still voted out of the EU just 12 months later, this should tell you there is much more to the leave vote than simply the movement of people.

The ideal scenario would have been to stay but to have had real reform, Cameron went to Brussels and asked for something of substance to take back to the UK, they threw him a bare bone instead but one rolled in glitter, like they always do, it was this complete lack of understanding of the situation in Britain and the underestimation (is that a word? or do I need a degree?) of the anti establishment feeling/movement in the UK, that has ultimately lost them the vote. Merkel looked absolutely devastated today, she genuinely never saw it coming.

Other countries, more likely Holland and Sweden, will follow suit of a referendum once article 50 has been invoked for Britain and once they watch events unfold, if it fails for Britain, the EU dream will live on for Merkel, if succeeds a domino effect is guaranteed.
Report n88uk June 25, 2016 11:44 PM BST
Sweden are not going to follow suit. I asked a Swede on this forum about this earlier as I thought it sounded like bs, so I thought I would get it from someone in the know.

"poll from a week ago had 72% stay, 17% leave, 11% don't know"
Report scandanavian_haven June 26, 2016 12:11 AM BST
Which poll was that, a recent poll by TNS Sifo had said most Swedes would want a Swexit if there was a Brexit. Swedes have never been EU fans either, they also chose to reject the Euro in favour of the Kroner.

Poll though are polls, they are not accurate reflections of reality a we have seen starkly in the last 12 months, there was no hung parliament at the general election, there was no Remain vote at the referendum, even private polls got it wrong.

You've absolutely no idea if Sweden will follow suit so please don't insist they wont. Based on the tone of your posts on this thread calling British people thick for exercising their opinion, I would imagine you also insisted that it would be a remain vote.

The future is unclear and as we have just seen, anything can and will happen.
Report tomtimtum June 26, 2016 12:14 AM BST

Jun 25, 2016 -- 7:12AM, FatherMaguire wrote:

Most Leave voters I have seen interviewed have appeared somewhere between slightly and utterly retarded

I noticed this as well when watching on BBC Laugh
The BBC definitely picked out the biggest idiots they could, can't imagine why Wink

Report tim6 June 26, 2016 12:30 AM BST
The impression I get from people interviewed who voted to leave is that they wanted to kick the authorities who have driven austerity down their thoat. They got leaders like BJ, farage etc who promised them everything but even now they are going back on all their promises, genuinely think the leavers were duped. Having said that merkel better cop on and give Europe back to the people where it was meant to be. Good wake up call to Europe get rid of the beauracrats.
Report charwell. June 26, 2016 2:00 AM BST
I think people should read this very carefully (from an articulate remain voter) before throwing any more ridiculous tantrums:
Report efisio. June 26, 2016 9:41 AM BST
The filthy rich win again. All the Peasants arguing amongst themselves about stuff they are blinded about. The smokescreen from The New World Order has baffled the un-chosen ones. Crazy
Report trilby22 June 26, 2016 9:51 AM BST
Report OnePercenter June 26, 2016 9:58 AM BST
The arrogance of the REMAIN voters is staggering. While it's true a lot of the LEAVE voters from run down parts of England & Wales have not had a very good education they are not thick. They know a bad deal when one smacks them in the mouth and tells them they and their aspirations don't matter.

REMAINers do a lot of talking but they don't do too much listening.
Report DirkDiggler June 26, 2016 10:16 AM BST
I noticed this as well when watching on BBC Laugh
The BBC definitely picked out the biggest idiots they could, can't imagine why Wink

They did, completely biased. You could sense the tears in the BBC studio as Thursday night wore on and the result became clear, Keunnsberg was almost in tears. The BBC were nearly as biased as they were over the Scots ref.

They didn't managed to find one of the few under 25's who managed to vote, who voted out either.
Report Outpost June 26, 2016 10:48 AM BST
A lot of the young remain crowd wanted to vote but they were so busy texting that they forgot.
Report CLYDEBANK29 June 26, 2016 10:53 AM BST
The BREXITers won because the older generation of Middle England wanted an independent country rather one integrated with Europe and were worried about the number of East Europeans entering our country.  They didn't like the fact that Brussels decided on things such as health and safety laws.  These weren't people on the fringes of society struggling, most of them would have been comfortable and reasonably well off.

Personally I couldn't give a flying fook who decides our health and safety laws, I think European integration and freer trade restrictions are a very good thing and we have more in common with the people of Europe, than anywhere else except Australia and NZ.  I believe that European immigration might well have been a net benefit to our economy.  I trusted it was the right decision to remain because the 3 main parties all held the same view, and they were professionals with first hand experience of the economic impact of the EU.  Had they been split the decision of BREXIT would be easier to rationalise.  As it is, to me it does seem like turkeys voting for Christmas. 

There are implications of the breakdown and closeness of the vote.  The gulf in views between the old and young, the fact that the decision is irreversible in the foreseeable future, and the fact that within a small time frame of that foreseeable future the majority of people in this country will have wanted to stay.  If thinks don't work out ok, this is going to split the country, Scotland will leave, and I fear it's the most vulnerable in England and Wales that will suffer most. 

The fook you vote was a minority vote that was always there and I don't think that took anyone by surprise, what surprised was old Middle England.
Report OnePercenter June 26, 2016 10:59 AM BST
CLYDEBANK29, head in the sand to blame the older middle class voters. Take a look at the voting map you'll see he poorer the area the greater the LEAVE vote. Even in London.
Report OnePercenter June 26, 2016 11:01 AM BST
Q - If the EU is so great why isn't America, Canada, Japan & Switzerland begging to join it?

A - The EU has been mired in recession since 2008 and its leaders haven't a clue what to do.
Report CLYDEBANK29 June 26, 2016 11:14 AM BST
Middle England is not Middle Class.  The home counties nearly all voted to BREXIT.  My safe Tory constituency voted BREXIT.  The poorer parts of the country had the added fook you vote.

Scotland didn't vote to leave, despite being far more left wing in political terms, because it didn't feel it was voting for independence in the same way.
Report trilby22 June 26, 2016 11:20 AM BST
38% of circa 2.5 million Scottish voters did vote to leave.

Wake up call to Fishy and Fishy, imo.

Speaking of which, Scotland's fishermen vote OOT!
Report trilby22 June 26, 2016 11:23 AM BST
Scottish turnout = 2,679,513

38% Leave

62% Remain
Report trilby22 June 26, 2016 11:24 AM BST
Estimated 2016 population = 5.422m
Report CLYDEBANK29 June 26, 2016 11:24 AM BST
As someone who has been reliant on gambling winnings for over 12 years, I can't stand taking 5/6 on an even money shot.  If the market says the price is evens, then I'd have to be extremely confident to take 5/6.  Anyhow 5/6 is the price taken, so we'll have to roll with that. It might end up winning.
Report OnePercenter June 26, 2016 11:39 AM BST
Look at Brexit this way; twice in the last century the British acted to save Europe from the despots. Last week we acted to save Europe from another, Jean Claude Juncker and his clueless mates in Brussels.

In 10 years time Europe will thank you for giving it the wake up call their inept politicians simply couldn't ignore.
Report Coachbuster June 26, 2016 1:35 PM BST
sky green - I can hear what youre saying ,esp about pay freezes and banks etc - disgusting practice.

i believe that Brits now are thinking it is better we were all fairly poor than  a  few getting very rich at the workers expense .

Most need to understand immigrants aren't the blood suckers ,it's the banks .   Same for the housing myth, most  immigrants live 4 to a house .
It's those who buy multiple properties and charge enormous rent to cover interst rates that in turn  also prop the banks up with BTL interest .  Stop  BTL and things would right themselves .

If the good immigrants now decide enough is enough ,which they will ... wait until all the  various sh1te  jobs arrive  in the guise of Youth 'training' Schemes Shocked

We may just be left with the sh1te immigrants

Report Coachbuster June 26, 2016 1:36 PM BST
gamble either way  - could be good ,may be a bag of sh1te
Report MrMeaner June 26, 2016 4:51 PM BST
The leave voters obviously fall into one of 4 categories.

A - Non-entity politicians who's only hope of climbing the political ladder is to get rid of their leaders by fair means or foul.

B - The ignorant & uneducated who believed all the false promises from those in category A.

C - The right-wing extremists who actually believe that Johnny Foreigner is the Devil's spawn.

D - The clinically insane.

Of course, it is possible that some may fall into more than one category.
Report tenpins June 26, 2016 4:54 PM BST
false promises?

Oh those false promises.
Report tommo1000 June 26, 2016 5:01 PM BST
remain rage ranters, you`ve lost,get over it and stop crying,you`re beginning to all sound like the inept,insane and frankly extremely,dangerously undemocratic david lammy
Report kincsem June 26, 2016 5:15 PM BST
Q - If the EU is so great why isn't America, Canada, Japan & Switzerland begging to join it?

I think you are confusing it with the Eurovision song contest (probably like a lot of the electorate).
Report MrMeaner June 26, 2016 5:33 PM BST
get over it and stop crying

Perhaps you can pacify me & soothe my nerves by telling me how things are going to improve for me, & all those close to me, over the coming years. I don't even have the comfort blanket of an improved NHS to help me cope with the stress of it all. Big Boris has seen to that.
Report Ron Pillock June 26, 2016 5:43 PM BST
The defeatism of the remainers is beyond a joke.  I'm amazed these people would even step outside their front door without a cast iron guarantee that it won't rain.
Report Hamsterdam June 26, 2016 5:53 PM BST
Brexit didn't have a plan before and they don't have one now....good article below from Brexit paper

Other countries will think twice about leaving when they see us bomb into recession.
Report gotitwrong- June 26, 2016 6:01 PM BST
the others are going to export less to the uk if they hit us with tariffs , and that will push them in to a recession anyway -there growth rates are lower than the uk now
Report DirkDiggler June 26, 2016 6:13 PM BST
A ban  issued from Downing Street on Brexit preparations – lest it boost the leave campaign – meant Britain’s most senior officials were permitted to “think” about a Brexit, but not allowed to write anything down.

Another dereliction of duty by Cameron, putting himself before the country.

Quick rundown.

1. Called a referendum for himself.

2. Failed to allow preparations for Brexit, because it didn't favour his campaign.

3. Ran away the moment he lost anything for the 1st time in his life, selfishly IMO.

Pretty selfish if you ask me.

Here's another one - George Osbourne, just when you do need him as Chancellor, he's gone into hiding. As soon as they lose they disappear...

Report n88uk June 26, 2016 6:16 PM BST
Why set sail on a ship certain to sink?

Cameron would have to be mad to get the ball rolling himself. Whoever does all the dirty work will likely be the worst prime minister in the publics eyes since Neville Chamberlain in the future when it tears the country apart. Why if you didn't believe in it would you put yourself in that position? You wouldn't.
Report Ron Pillock June 26, 2016 6:22 PM BST
Why set sail on a ship certain to sink?

Says 48%

52% say different

Of course the 48% are very intelligent and the majority are just knuckle dragging thickos but hey ho that's democracy for you.
Report tim6 June 26, 2016 6:22 PM BST
Dirk I think Cameron was a good leader for England. He believed that the EU needed reform which he is right as it has become a dictatorship with the likes of Junker. But as he was defeated he has the good grace to step down and allow those lunatics which the vote supported Borris and Farage to drive the way forward or backward depending on our own view. It is now for Borris and his gang to drive the bus and they have a totally different view of the way England should go to Cameron. Genuinely think Engalns lost on 2 counts had a very good leader and left the EU, but thats the way the vote went and will take years to see who was right but Cameron in my book was a good leader for Britain whatever else happens I think Borris will just play cricket all the time.
Report gotitwrong- June 26, 2016 6:23 PM BST
isn't he the worst now , for calling and losing the referendum ?
Report MrMeaner June 26, 2016 6:43 PM BST
Of course the 48% are very intelligent and the majority are just knuckle dragging thickos but hey ho that's democracy for you.

Maybe you can show us how intelligent you are by highlighting how we'll be better off being out of the EU. It'll be difficult mind because you have nothing really to go on other than opinion. As a nation we were doing very well prior to the referendum. There's absolutely no way can you, or anyone else, say that things are going to improve. So why vote leave in the first place ?
Report ImSoLuckyLucky! June 26, 2016 6:46 PM BST
Well i wont be conscripted into the Euro army
Made slave by Frau Merkel

Or told to do silly walks by Mr Juncter

Report charwell. June 26, 2016 6:52 PM BST
Mr Meaner try looking at facts. You are like a lemming jumping into a pit of despair after falling for the brainwash:
Report charwell. June 26, 2016 6:59 PM BST
And your ludicrous assertion 'we were doing very well' doesn't seem to ring true when less than 1/3 of the eligible electorate wanted to keep things as they were.

Hence why people voted leave. You clearly live in a very  insular world and are frightened that the masses may disturb your status quo. By definition it makes them racist/stupid/gullible.

Just grow a pair and embrqace the opportunity to govern ourselves. In due course you will see the EU needs us more than we need them.
Report n88uk June 26, 2016 7:42 PM BST

Jun 26, 2016 -- 12:22PM, Ron Pillock wrote:

Why set sail on a ship certain to sink?Says 48%52% say differentOf course the 48% are very intelligent and the majority are just knuckle dragging thickos but hey ho that's democracy for you.

Terrible argument. 77% supported appeasement in 1936. Again, remind me how that went?

There was one guy who was very vocal against appeasement though, you might have heard him, his name was Winston Churchill.

Report lockup June 26, 2016 8:01 PM BST
youre not the bloke who started the dodgy petition with all the fraudulent signatures on are you because you lost?,your whingieng and insulting everyone who didn't play on your team is boring and offensive, I am sure that which ever E.U country you move to will welcome you warmly.
                 Leave 1 remain 0. get over it.
Report MrMeaner June 26, 2016 8:04 PM BST

For you Charwell. I'd say your economist was sugar-coating the consequences of Brexit just a little, wouldn't you.
Report OnePercenter June 27, 2016 8:13 AM BST
Maybe you can show us how intelligent you are by highlighting how we'll be better off being out of the EU.

We'll be making our own laws in future. We'll be making our own trade deals. We won't have to put up with benefit tourists.
Report ieff7 June 27, 2016 8:44 AM BST
Paolo Barnard - italian economist - the truth about Brexit

You'll never see this guy interviewed by bbc
Report MrMeaner June 27, 2016 9:39 AM BST
We'll be making our own laws in future. We'll be making our own trade deals. We won't have to put up with benefit tourists.

Wouldn't that pretty much apply to the other 27 existing members of the EU ? & yet we're the only ones - up to now - who feel we'd be better off out of the EU. We're a strange lot us Brits. Very insular & Parochial. It must have a lot to do with us being an Island I suppose. Coming from Liverpool, I've seen first hand a government who openly admitted to wanting to let one of it's own major cities slip into a managed decline. It was thanks mainly to the EU that Liverpool was able to pull itself back from the brink. & it also explains why Merseyside voted to Remain. You see we don't trust our leaders to make the right decisions. Our experiences from the 80's & the long fight for justice for the 96 who died at Hillsborough have made us like that. Me personally, I'd rather the EU had more of a say in how we run our country, not less. & if you don't agree with me now, you'll soon change your mind as soon as Boris Johnson takes charge.
Report Si-K June 27, 2016 9:46 AM BST
British are the smartest bravest people in the world. Sticking it to the EU and grubby career politicans like a boss.
Report Si-K June 27, 2016 9:48 AM BST
Just look at the turmoil in westminster... the astonishment of the politcal elite turning on one another quicker than an infected zombie, the bitter writhing anger of the trendy virtue signalling metropolitan young students, clutching their blueberry muffin and £3 latte furiously calling for old people (Who gave them Great Britain) to hurry up and die

Report salmon spray June 27, 2016 10:01 AM BST
It's odd that three senior politicians played it about right. Boris and Teresa are the favs to be the next PM. Jremy is being hounded out by his own party.
Report OnePercenter June 27, 2016 10:03 AM BST
Being a typical leftie (well educated, no mortgage, still living the life of a student) my eldest is Indignant.

Told her she has  a great future because we have a business friendly Tory government not because we are in the EU. Told her to take a look at EU youth unemployment figures.

Told her until she wouldn't be an adult until she started voting Tory! LaughLaughLaugh
Report n88uk June 27, 2016 10:37 AM BST
Boris already planting the seeds in the public's minds for never leaving.
Report Hound-Dog-2 June 27, 2016 12:08 PM BST
This comment on social media sums it up: ' was political Russian roulette & now everyone's surprised to find the gun was loaded.'
Report CJ70 June 27, 2016 2:26 PM BST

Jun 27, 2016 -- 3:39AM, MrMeaner wrote:

We'll be making our own laws in future. We'll be making our own trade deals. We won't have to put up with benefit tourists.Wouldn't that pretty much apply to the other 27 existing members of the EU ? & yet we're the only ones - up to now - who feel we'd be better off out of the EU. We're a strange lot us Brits. Very insular & Parochial. It must have a lot to do with us being an Island I suppose. Coming from Liverpool, I've seen first hand a government who openly admitted to wanting to let one of it's own major cities slip into a managed decline. It was thanks mainly to the EU that Liverpool was able to pull itself back from the brink. & it also explains why Merseyside voted to Remain. You see we don't trust our leaders to make the right decisions. Our experiences from the 80's & the long fight for justice for the 96 who died at Hillsborough have made us like that. Me personally, I'd rather the EU had more of a say in how we run our country, not less. & if you don't agree with me now, you'll soon change your mind as soon as Boris Johnson takes charge.

You contradict yourself in the post. If Liverpool doesn't trust it's leaders why did it back Remain whose campaign was run by the establishment?

Report DirkDiggler June 27, 2016 3:51 PM BST
This comment on social media sums it up: ' was political Russian roulette & now everyone's surprised to find the gun was loaded.'

Social media?

It'll be a cold day in hell before I take my opinions from facebook or twitter.
Report CJ70 June 27, 2016 3:56 PM BST

Jun 27, 2016 -- 9:51AM, DirkDiggler wrote:

This comment on social media sums it up: ' was political Russian roulette & now everyone's surprised to find the gun was loaded.'Social media?It'll be a cold day in hell before I take my opinions from facebook or twitter.

How are you going to know what Gary Lineker or Eddie Izzard or doing? How do you make a decision if you don't know how they are voting??

Report CJ70 June 27, 2016 3:56 PM BST
Report DirkDiggler June 27, 2016 4:25 PM BST
How are you going to know what Gary Lineker or Eddie Izzard or doing? How do you make a decision if you don't know how they are voting??

I'll clearly have to have a re-think.

Report tobermory June 27, 2016 4:38 PM BST
Under 30s seem to accept as gospel the hysteria Cameron churned out about what happens if Britain leaves the EU.

Virtually every aspect of the doomsday case is simply a rehash of what was certain to happen if Britain did not join the single currency in 1999.

This has been airbrushed from British history now by Europhies , but it was funny to see , point by point , all the things that Mandelson and Ken Clarke et al warned of circa 1995-1997 being dredged up again , without any acknowledgement of how wrong they got it 20 years ago.

Back in the mid/late 90s the conventional wisdom - excluding everyone but the far right of the Tories and far left of Labour - was that Britain 'could not survive' outside of what came to be called the euro .There were letters to the Guardian signed by 300 odd economists , dire warnings almost word for word the same as we are getting now . It was said , if Britain was deluded enough to keep the pound , that by 2003 whoever was Prime Minister would be going to Brussels on his knees begging to be allowed to join on any terms.
Report donny osmond June 27, 2016 4:42 PM BST
This comment on social media sums it up: ' was political Russian roulette & now everyone's surprised to find the gun was loaded.'

Social media?

It'll be a cold day in hell before I take my opinions from facebook or twitter.

......or betfair forum Laugh
Report DirkDiggler June 27, 2016 4:56 PM BST
Under 30s seem to accept as gospel the hysteria Cameron churned out about what happens if Britain leaves the EU.

They would do, they're entirely selfish and yet, failed to vote. Typical. They kicked a fuss up about being excluded because facebook/twitter wasn't trending the referendum until it was too late, or getting real late to register.

The vast majority have no interest in anything that's not happening 6 inches in front of their eyes.

Pretty typical of this self-obsessed selfie generation is the call for everyone over 50 to just die.

I wish i'd be around to see how they like a taste of their own medicine from the young in 40-50 years time. It'll be far harsher.
Report DirkDiggler June 27, 2016 4:57 PM BST
......or betfair forum Laugh

Report Outpost June 27, 2016 5:44 PM BST
well it's clear that the young don't have the brains to think for themselves.

they believed all the lies told before the vote and now somebody has invented a stat that all the old voted to leave and all the young voted to remain and they believe it implicitly.

the perfect argument for raising the voting age to 30.

at least by that age they will begin to realise that a lot of the stuff they watch on TV is not real life and also that there is another world outside facebook.
Report FIGJAM June 27, 2016 5:52 PM BST
I live on the Kent/London borders, in the village I live in most of the youngsters voted out, anyone who blame the old farts are barking up the wrong tree, those who know voted out, whatever the age.

However all the present up and downs will be inconsequential a brief hiccup in life's rich pageant when Greece collapses and the pack of cards come tumbling down.
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