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16 Jun 20 10:48
Date Joined: 25 Aug 05
| Topic/replies: 14,569 | Blogger: InsiderTrader's blog
EXCLUSIVE: In a now-deleted tweet, Ant equated the Black Lives Matter movement with the English Defence League as he branded both 'absolute scum'

Channel 4 star Ant Middleton has apologised for calling Black Lives Matter “absolute scum”.

The SAS: Who Dares Wins star equated the protest group to the far-right English Defence League in a now-deleted tweet which was passed to the Mirror.

The TV hardman had said: “The extreme left against the extreme right. When did two wrongs make a right. It was only a matter of time. BLM and EDL are not welcome on our streets, absolute scum. What a great example you are to your future generation. Bravo.”

He was responding to a video claimed to be of “BLM/Antifa agitators… hunting lone veterans and football lads in packs”.

Last night Ant said: “On Saturday night, I made comments about the violence breaking out across our streets.

"While I remain dismayed at these actions, I am horrified to realise that my wording could be misconstrued.

“I did not mean to say that BLM are scum, or to imply that BLM and the EDL are equivalent.

"I was trying to make a comment about violent protestors of any kind who I despise.

I accept that my tweet was inappropriate and offensive and would like to apologise unconditionally.

"I am anti-racist, anti-hate and anti-violence.

“I believe in the right to protest, but change must come about through peaceful and legal means.”

Pressure will now build on his employer Channel 4 to discipline the star after it set out a “new and clear commitment” to be an anti-racist organisation last week.

Weyman Bennett, of Stand Up To Racism, said it was “mad” for Ant to compare BLM with the EDL, saying: “There is a side calling for justice and the other is not.”

He added: “Channel 4 have to go through a process of educating and making sure Ant Middleton takes the right side of history.”


Another one censored for implying that all people who use violence, attack the police, pull down statues etc are bad.

Only one side can be blamed.
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Report PorcupineorPineapple June 16, 2020 10:52 AM BST
“There is a side calling for justice and the other is not.”
Report mecca June 16, 2020 10:54 AM BST
That's the end of his TV career
Report InsiderTrader June 16, 2020 10:54 AM BST

Jun 16, 2020 -- 10:52AM, PorcupineorPineapple wrote:

“There is a side calling for justice and the other is not.”


The cops involved were arrested. Murder charges. That is about as swift as it gets.

Report InsiderTrader June 16, 2020 10:55 AM BST
The thugs who pulled down statues and deface Churchill no news yet on if they have even been arrested.
Report saddo June 16, 2020 11:27 AM BST
Justice for a career criminal getting killed committing crime is riots and looting? The BLM agenda is about creating division, and is probably going to end in blood and tears.
Report casemoney June 16, 2020 11:37 AM BST
Personal Attack by Chauvin  , and cannot understand why unless he Didnt know Floyds history ??

Had to be on a 3 and out and facing 15 to Life , would there have been riots then ??
Report casemoney June 16, 2020 11:41 AM BST
Had smashed a pregnant Womens front door in ,Decked her and stuck a gun in her stomach , I cant think of much worse bar Murder..

The trial may prove a bit more interesting than many think ................
Report Injera June 16, 2020 11:59 AM BST
Weyman Bennett, of Stand Up To Racism, said it was “mad” for Ant to compare BLM with the EDL, saying: “There is a side calling for justice and the other is not.

Bollox. Justice for whom exactly? The EDL had a motto of Black and White Unite. BLM want no unification, only division. How does burning, looting and defacing memorials further the cause of black skinned people?

How does removal of the police, courts and capitalism serve the black community?? These people are insane to be blind to what’s going on.
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