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16 Jun 20 03:45
Date Joined: 29 Sep 10
| Topic/replies: 8,509 | Blogger: zorrostrikes's blog
Draw a rainbow kids..

I just watched a documentary about water shortages.
Deep underground is three times the volume of water in the surface oceans. Locked up in rock.
In genesis, the bible, god opens the vaults of the deep and floods the earth. He also makes it rain. It could have just been rain?  The above scientific article ends with a description of the earth if all the water was on the surface. No land. Genesis 7:11 .. The same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, ...

Today in over six locations worldwide there are seed banks, in specially constructed fortified buildings around the world. Its ironic that one was flooded and some rate seeds were damaged.
I could describe suuch a building as containing every plant and tree imaginable?  Does that sound absurd?

The potential to flood the world exists.
The ability to reduce animal stocks down to embryos exists today.
In all of our history, the oldest example of a rainbow depiction is dated to iraq,messopatamia, 1500 bc.
Today, every child is drawing a rainbow. I have been pointing out on many chat rooms going back yrs, that a rainbow is easy to draw. Children using crayola crayons draw theirpatenys,a house witha fence,a cat, a dog, a tree , a sun, and a rainbow. Its a universal image. Like hand prints. If we go to the ancient caves? If they are ancient, we srr hand prints, the moon,the sun,animals, hunters, but no ruddy rainbows. I see a rainbow i look at it. I might say... Look a rainbow. Where are all the rainbows pre flood?
Gods promise to noah. I wont destroy the world with a global flood.
Ii maintain we are at the endtimes. Jesus said it will be like the times of noah. But what does this mean,? So many interpretations?  But today we are swaped by rainbows. My street has them in most windows.
Seven bands of colour. Gods number. In heaven the rainbow is a full circle. Not an arc.

A product of light fracturing, splitting. An invisible beam becoming visible. 

Noah was quite an old boy, we live 70-80 yrs on average and ee learn some skills. Over seven lifetimes would you be smarter?  Might noah not live in a quite progressive era? We assume the past looked like egypt.  Perhaps they were more advanced. Genesis is very sparse.
Pause Switch to Standard View NOAH, quite absurd? or is it.
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