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nineteen points
12 Jun 20 09:36
Date Joined: 18 Feb 02
| Topic/replies: 28,407 | Blogger: nineteen points's blog
I think Boris needs to revise his route map that he is clinging to its going down the wrong road!
Pause Switch to Standard View GDP economy cliff edge drop
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Report Platini June 12, 2020 9:56 AM BST
shocking, but still not as bad as many were forecasting.

the good old bbc were expecting a 30% reduction
Report rothko June 12, 2020 10:05 AM BST
its like a perfect storm with the economic impact of Brexit to add on as well
the economy is screwed -lomg peeriod of crisis capitalism, much higher taxes for the masses
A total overreaction by the Govt to the virus - they just needed to shield the vulnerable
Report saddo June 12, 2020 11:35 AM BST
Agree rothko, but at least any financial crisis will give the haters from the Guardian something to squeal about instead of covid/cummings. Those who care about the economy will have to crack on and try to improve things in the face of sniper fire.
Report 1st time poster June 12, 2020 12:14 PM BST
message from rees mugg and fromage
chill out, fill the freezer with frozen chips to go with all the cheap cod you,ll get after jan ,and we,ll have another look in 50 years ,see how its going, LaughLaugh,

todays latest ,take back control to leave the borders as they were, for EU to UK travel, obviously not for UK to EU, travel though unless we ask the EU nicely LaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaugh
Report lapsy pa June 12, 2020 12:25 PM BST
Barnier seems to have had enough fannying around,talking of a demotion of London being a European financial hub is certainly putting cards on the table,hard to argue.
Report GAZO June 12, 2020 12:48 PM BST
like the eu is doing so well
Report peckerdunne June 12, 2020 12:59 PM BST
AAA            Grin
Report lapsy pa June 12, 2020 1:05 PM BST
Not doing great but EU seems to be just starting to call it GAZO, isn't it about time? 4 years.

The EU are taking back control methinks.
Report Cardinal Scott June 12, 2020 1:08 PM BST
The Future

Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- June 12, 2020 1:09 PM BST
20% is just april

We had 5% in March too

May can't be much better than april
Report Angoose June 12, 2020 1:14 PM BST
Perhaps they can get Matt and Dido to do the counting Confused
Report 1st time poster June 12, 2020 1:20 PM BST
so today we rule out an extension
we confirm uk borders will be left open to eu traffic for an unspecified time
and wait to see what the EU,with all their new infrastructure on borders in place will do

wonder when some tory,s will decide the EU transition offer is a better deal, LaughLaugh,

boris putting his pair of 3,s on the table on monday, LaughLaugh
Report Angoose June 12, 2020 1:27 PM BST
Need to be careful though, his pair are suited Shocked
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- June 12, 2020 1:37 PM BST
Prile of 3s is a good hand
Report casemoney June 12, 2020 1:46 PM BST
Of course if we could change History and Steptoe and his Mob were running the Show , the UK would be flourishing during these desperate times ...
Report Angoose June 12, 2020 1:56 PM BST
Come on case, what have you been up to all morning, this thread started more than five hours ago and its taken you all that time to present your tried and trusted response Happy
Report 1st time poster June 12, 2020 1:57 PM BST
taking back  control meant leaving the  EU TO uk border open,who neew

and begging the EU to do the same,who new

maybe goves hoping to wave all the usa dodgy meat straight through to the EU LaughLaughLaughLaugh
Report potlis June 12, 2020 2:11 PM BST
Posts that explain why higher death figures and lockdown were cheered on.
Report lapsy pa June 12, 2020 2:24 PM BST
Posts that aren't colluding with a shambles of a goverment that are a disgrace to the people they are meant to serve,you can be an apologist for them if you want and stick your fingers in your ears and your hands over your eyes.
Report casemoney June 12, 2020 2:28 PM BST
Ang , I was not alerted by the  RIGHTEOUS FLOODERS POSTING claxon that I have , the batteries had failed ,They have been replaced

Please accept my appoligies Grin
Report Cardinal Scott June 12, 2020 2:30 PM BST

Jun 12, 2020 -- 7:46AM, casemoney wrote:

Of course if we could change History and Steptoe and his Mob were running the Show , the UK would be flourishing during these desperate times ...

I'm quite prepared to believe they would have been a disaster too, we'll never properly know.  If Tories had chosen Rory Stewart everything would be better, he called for earlier lockdown and he was right. 

I never voted for Jezza in december.

Report potlis June 12, 2020 2:54 PM BST
Colluding LaughLaugh “supporting in a secret or illegal manner”

If you meant refusing to cheer on any hardships my Country Might suffer, yes that’s me.
Report lapsy pa June 12, 2020 3:14 PM BST
That is your accusation and a cheap one (that people are cheering hardship on). Maybe being a tory supporter is nearer the mark and you don't want criticism of them.
Report macarony June 12, 2020 3:20 PM BST
The world goes into a demented middle class lock down and the economy goes into a nosedive. You know I never thought that would happen
Report nineteen points June 12, 2020 3:27 PM BST
potlis you have done this before.your stock reply is to say everybody who mentions the figures are cheering on the deaths of peoples loved are wrong and you are is insulting for you to even think that never mind say it.if thats your best then take your ball home
Report potlis June 12, 2020 3:56 PM BST
Are you really trying to claim there’s no rejoicing at the difficulties we face in the post above, or just that I’m wrong to point it out.
Report nineteen points June 12, 2020 4:34 PM BST
i am trying to say that whenever someone points out the current situation,the stock answer seems to be either corbyn wouldnt of been better or your happy folk have died.its not constructive and not very imaginative either
Report potlis June 12, 2020 4:49 PM BST
And when the “situation” happens to be something positive for our Country those same “someone” will be nowhere to be seen, why? because they see anything negative for the Country as being negative for a Government they hate.
Report 1st time poster June 12, 2020 4:50 PM BST
anyone listening to the brexiteers and the bright new world ahead of us,would think we,re going to bounce back bigger,better,faster than everyone else,makes you wonder why we,re forecast to bounce back worst of the g  7 countries,never mind theirs worse things than cod n chips for the next 50 years
who,d have ever thought a few 100 ceramic tea pots wont save us, Laugh
Report potlis June 12, 2020 5:09 PM BST
Need I say more, another happy the talk our prospects down, with your ability to predict future movements in the economy you must be making £millions playing the
market, no doubt you sold short before the recent crash and went long shortly afterwards, such a shrewdie.
Report nineteen points June 12, 2020 5:12 PM BST
i will applaud anything good.i will call out anything bad.either one though will be my opinion.i might be wrong but it will be my opinion. i just dont think this situation has been handled well.too many mixed messages too much dithering and not enough honesty. i firmly believe its been made up as we go along with a great wad of fingers crossed hoping it goes away thrown in.
Report 1st time poster June 12, 2020 5:13 PM BST
why would I when we,ve been promised a prosperous future .leading the world for last 4 years,or are you suggesting its a load of shoite Laugh
Report potlis June 12, 2020 5:28 PM BST
That’s fair another NP, you will find post on here of my criticising Johnson, but I won’t sit back and listen to our Country being talked down simply because they don’t like the colour of the Government.

Two recent bits of very positive news for the Country, Nissan and Unilever, and the political loonies could only attempt to rubbish it.
Report nineteen points June 12, 2020 5:48 PM BST
yes i agree. i posted on here days ago about everything having to be either right or wrong whichever side it came fustrates me people cant see good and bad from whover it comes from and be man enough to say so.thats not a dig at you by the way.
Report 1st time poster June 12, 2020 5:54 PM BST
nisaan announced 250 job losses yesterday,will pass on your good wishes,i,m sure they,ll celebrate in style
Report lapsy pa June 12, 2020 6:06 PM BST
Grant Schnapps was asked by a fella from Sunderland have the goverment any plans for job creation giving the job losses due to covid,he couldn't answer and tbf it is a hard question.
This(covid) is going to drag out in the UK,(it seems to be everywhere also), the talk of worst recession in 300 years is a huge claim,how true? it is probably fair that the job losses now will only be the start,there will be a snowball effect as money won't be spent.
You will have a follow on with a likely no deal Brexit,double whammy, there is no positives in that in living standards admitted by Gove.

Would that be a fair assessment, how can i talk it up?
Report potlis June 12, 2020 6:10 PM BST
Aren’t you the guy who was recently revelling in the prospects of millions losing their jobs due to the downturn ? if I recall, when you were pulled on it, you justified it with some crap about Mrs Thatcher and some relative losing their job, weird.
Report lapsy pa June 12, 2020 6:13 PM BST
Report Injera June 12, 2020 6:14 PM BST
Until the dust settles we have no idea. Many furloughed may not have work to go back to. On the plus side many have saved a lot during the lockdown and are ready for a splurge.

Need confidence to return first then see where we are. No idea what affect zillions of public debt will have on the health of the nation but it’s hardly likely to be good.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- June 12, 2020 6:14 PM BST
Schnapps won't have been briefed by sunak

Government must have some job creation ideas

You would have thought fruit picking and customs officials
would have been a decent start for schnapps, maybe history teachers
could do with increasing and maybe there will be jobs for statue movers.
Report 1st time poster June 12, 2020 6:23 PM BST
retail sales are only down 8%,so with job losses coming I wouldn't expect any surge in spending anytime soon
Report potlis June 12, 2020 6:32 PM BST
Sorry  lapse, that post was in reply to 1TP.
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