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09 Jun 20 21:03
Date Joined: 04 Aug 06
| Topic/replies: 62,785 | Blogger: casemoney's blog
Where are their Main Homes :

Barrellhead Blackford : The Isle of Skye LaughLaughLaugh U cannot make it Up

JO Swineson : The rsole of Nowhere in East DumbaronShire , she is not Even scottish  LaughLaugh
Pause Switch to Standard View Famous Luvvies Who Love Diversity and...
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Report casemoney June 9, 2020 9:10 PM BST
No knickers Allen was she not out in the Cotswolds ?? LaughLaughLaugh
Report casemoney June 9, 2020 9:14 PM BST
GAZ OF THE DAY , the Old multi Cultural Dowm trodden Area of Barnes Laugh
Report casemoney June 9, 2020 9:20 PM BST
Any others surely Nothing can beat Barrelhead Grin
Report mukdahan June 9, 2020 9:26 PM BST
Had to laugh today Lewis Hamilton posted that we should remove all racist symbols when wearing a cap with the mercedes benz symbol on it maybe someone should tell him that during the war Daimler Benz used up to 50000 forced labourers in their factories
Report casemoney June 9, 2020 9:31 PM BST
ExcitedGrin Brilliant Muk ,Think he came out of Streatham foooking 50 on he dont live there now ..
Report casemoney June 9, 2020 9:33 PM BST
Distinct Lack of Mosques in these Luvvie Home areas Shocked
Report moonaxed June 10, 2020 12:10 AM BST
Lewis Hamilton comes ftom Tewin wood,a rather nice Hertfordshire village with great pubs,a decent cricket pitch and an average house price in the 800 k bracket.He is a prick tho,cant stand f1 or its fans tbh.Also his father is a deep brown colour so im guessing his mother's white as he seems to be mixed race.
Report Coachbuster June 10, 2020 12:28 AM BST
it's obvious that multi millionaire celebrities aren't going to be living in a downtrotten area .... why would they ?

what i do find interesting though  is that where the liberals live (in most towns) also have a very high white population   ...the areas they generally choose are in good catchment areas  but not always expensive areas - 'bohemian' ? .

Blacks  tend to live in the areas where the schools tend to be fairly poor to start with ...this is also the trend for the  uneducated brexit types  who have chosen to live in poor catchments but where they might get a slightly bigger house for the buck, (or to be among their own sort ) it would appear at first glance that the latter 2 groups  place less value on their children's formal education than the lefties  ...probably the reason why so many of them end up in Uni's
Report grappler June 10, 2020 12:48 AM BST
dunno what downtrotten means. is it german?

right-on types usually live in trendy norf london highgate hampstead and crouch end. they are all middle-class but worship the notion of working class, even if they have nothing in common with them, and dont associate with them. dont blame em for that, as i avoid em meself, as they are boorish and stupid.

blacks live where the council puts them and dont give a flying witches fart about catchment areas. might explain their success. funny that indian and chinese immigrants start off being potless but their children never are, usually ending up as doctors or lawyers. but banglis and pakistanis do badly. whys that then? i know, but do you?
Report macarony June 10, 2020 1:15 AM BST
Uneducated Brexit types its unenforced errors like this that lost you the referendum
Report dukeofpuke June 10, 2020 1:22 AM BST

Jun 9, 2020 -- 6:48PM, grappler wrote:

dunno what downtrotten means. is it german?right-on types usually live in trendy norf london highgate hampstead and crouch end. they are all middle-class but worship the notion of working class, even if they have nothing in common with them, and dont associate with them. dont blame em for that, as i avoid em meself, as they are boorish and stupid. blacks live where the council puts them and dont give a flying witches fart about catchment areas. might explain their success. funny that indian and chinese immigrants start off being potless but their children never are, usually ending up as doctors or lawyers. but banglis and pakistanis do badly. whys that then? i know, but do you?

is it something to do with the religion of peace,they spend so much time involved in the peaceful teachings that they haven't the time to get a job and therefore end up in the evil white supremacist engineered poverty trap of the welfare system with its sub standard barely liveable council houses/flats culture

Report Coachbuster June 10, 2020 1:10 PM BST
'working classes'

There is no such thing as the working classes  .... the working classes as you put it are the 80-90% of the population and encompass a wide range of people ,it's not a small sub group
Report Coachbuster June 10, 2020 1:11 PM BST
macarony ...didn't lose me anything mate ,i didn't vote ! ...i dislike the left as much as i do the right
Report Coachbuster June 10, 2020 1:13 PM BST
blacks live where the council puts them and dont give a flying witches fart about catchment areas. might explain their success.

what success might this be  ? most blacks ,like brexit voters have a below par education
Report Coachbuster June 10, 2020 1:16 PM BST
usually live in trendy norf london highgate hampstead and crouch end

no they don't ...some do  ....most live in normal working class towns but in the better catchment areas .

most people don't have the means to live in trendy north London areas
Report Coachbuster June 10, 2020 1:17 PM BST
provincial towns a better description me at it now Grin
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