Jun 9, 2020 -- 5:13AM, InsiderTrader wrote:
It seems to be a non-issue to most of the population.Piers Morgan this morning suggesting Trump so kneel live on TV. Surely that would be out of touch with the majority?
How many anti-lockdown protests did you attend or organise?
Jun 9, 2020 -- 8:29AM, edy wrote:
Oh, I wasn't aware of that. Never seen him mention it. I'm sorry, it was out of place.Point remains though that attendance of protests does not directly translate to public opinion. How many people attended anti-EU independence protests before the referendum rolled around? Did they come even close to 100k across the UK on specific dates? Yet, as we all know, it was the majority opinion.Was it out of touch with reality/the majority for lockdown opponents to demand the end of the lockdown even though those protests never gained much ground?
You are right of course.
A million went to pro-EU rallies and Brexit was won easily in 3 elections.
I suspect the same is true here. The shouting minority egged on by the media go protesting when most people are not particularly interested and when it is out of the news cycle will not be bothered.
Jun 9, 2020 -- 8:40AM, edy wrote:
Do you think the majority is particularly fussed about some stupid old statues btw.?
I suspect the majority respects law and order and does not want mob rule.