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07 Jun 20 14:50
Date Joined: 14 Jan 18
| Topic/replies: 1,843 | Blogger: woundedknee's blog
its sick Case...plenty of whankkers on here are part of it
Pause Switch to Standard View Why does the White Man
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Report casemoney June 7, 2020 2:54 PM BST
Any form of retaliation is deemed law Breaking ,  Infact sexual assault against the young white female is all part and parcel of daily life for some ...
Report A_T June 7, 2020 2:55 PM BST
from a lamp post? plenty of experience of that I'm sure
Report casemoney June 7, 2020 2:57 PM BST
A T can you go play with the traffic please , TY
Report Escapee June 7, 2020 3:30 PM BST

Do you do anything to seek the much needed Justice for the abused, like peaceful protest or writing too your
many politicians asking why there is no justice?

I'm going to guess you do nothing about this injustice, maybe write your views on the internet, but question your
politicians or go and seek peaceful protest.... I doubt you're bothered enough to actually do anything.

And how do you feel when those that do peacefully protest about this injustice have their message obscured when a
bunch of hitler admirers hijack the protest and divert it violence?
Report woundedknee June 7, 2020 3:31 PM BST
stupid c^^^
Report Escapee June 7, 2020 3:38 PM BST
You see what happens, any sensible conversation is hijacked by an imbecile with insults.

There can be no justice with out discussion.

woundedknee07 Jun 20 14:31Joined: 14 Jan 18 | Topic/replies: 1,778 | Blogger: woundedknee's blog
stupid c^^^
Report woundedknee June 7, 2020 3:40 PM BST
Evidence of Hitler admirers hijacking yesterdays bollox please
Report woundedknee June 7, 2020 3:45 PM BST
Whens your next stunt at the Comedy Club Laugh
Report Injera June 7, 2020 3:46 PM BST

Political party    Tory
Edward Colston (2 November 1636 – 11 October 1721) was a Bristol-born English merchant, slave trader, philanthropist, and Member of Parliament. He supported and endowed schools, almshouses, hospitals and churches in Bristol, London and elsewhere, and his name is commemorated in several Bristol landmarks, streets, three schools and the Colston bun. Many of his charitable foundations still survive.[1] A significant part of his wealth was acquired through the trade and exploitation of slaves.
Report Escapee June 7, 2020 3:49 PM BST
This conversation is about the lack of justice for abused girls of the northern towns, not about yesterdays violence.

The parallels are the same though, you proved that by rushing into this conversation with "Stupid c---"

You are exactly the same sort of person who hijacked yesterdays protest diverting the message of justice to a message of violence.

You are one of the people that obscures the message, you enable everyone to talk about everything but the original lack of justice.
Report Injera June 7, 2020 3:56 PM BST
‘Message of justice’??

Coppers arrested and charged but the bruvvers steal TVs and trainers.
Report Escapee June 7, 2020 4:02 PM BST
Does it make you feel good wounded knee?

Why are you throwing barriers in front of those who seek justice against a cultural abomination that has been allowed to grow
so large in this country.
Report woundedknee June 7, 2020 4:04 PM BST
Evidence LIAR
Report Escapee June 7, 2020 4:06 PM BST
Here is your evidence

Date Joined: 14 Jan 18
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07 Jun 20 14:31Joined: 14 Jan 18 | Topic/replies: 1,783 | Blogger: woundedknee's blog
stupid c^^^
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Report Injera June 7, 2020 4:07 PM BST
Define the ‘justice’ you want.

Black American men are 6% of the population. They’re responsible for 44% of killings. Justice for the 44% perhaps?
Report Escapee June 7, 2020 4:07 PM BST
You're not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Report woundedknee June 7, 2020 4:08 PM BST
Hitler admirers hijacked BLM protest..... LIAR...LIAR...COMPLETE BOLLOX
Report woundedknee June 7, 2020 4:09 PM BST
Report Escapee June 7, 2020 4:10 PM BST
Injera, this thread is not about the current BLM issues, there are plenty of threads on that already.

please don't distract from the lack of justice for the abused girls of the northern towns that this thread was aimed at.
Report woundedknee June 7, 2020 4:12 PM BST
Hope your knees are grazed to fook
Report casemoney June 7, 2020 4:16 PM BST
Northern Towns WAC Laugh Is oxford a northern town  , Shrewsbury a Norther Town you Imbecile ?? It has been nationwide Nothing to do
with Northern Towns u Idiot,  Main abuse took and is taking Place in the Midlands and west yorkshire  Hardly  Northern Towns ...

Can you read a foooking Map Laugh Before you come on  giving it billy big bollix I suggest you at least get your facts Right

I have signed many Petitions ,What I do in person is none of your Business YDC .... HTH
Report casemoney June 7, 2020 4:18 PM BST
The thread is actually referring to TR so another foooking error by yourself , NORTHERN TOWNS Pmsfl Grin
Report casemoney June 7, 2020 4:21 PM BST
The good old Northern Town of Telford Laugh  U cannot make these Mugs up , why were you referring to Northern Towns  would that be acceptible to you ??
Report PorcupineorPineapple June 7, 2020 4:23 PM BST
The important thing is that any interventions are filmed, rather than done through sheer benevolence, to ensure a steady stream of endorsements from Tufton St and donations from thick window lockers to get that precious helped in his million pound house.

Dig deep all.
Report PorcupineorPineapple June 7, 2020 4:28 PM BST

Report casemoney June 7, 2020 4:28 PM BST
Another fooking Lunatic enters the fray ...
Report PorcupineorPineapple June 7, 2020 4:35 PM BST
Nah, you're right. Yaxley Lennon is pure of heart. The drug abuse, assaults and times in jail are simply mistakes. And the million pound house is just an unintended consequence of his work; he'd give it all up tomorrow and go back to Luton if it helped one of these people he cares so much about.

Do continue to dig deep though. Nearly at his latest target.
Report Platini June 7, 2020 4:40 PM BST
a lot of protests (resulting in property damage, destruction, and violence) about historic black slavery.

but not a peep about black slavery going on right now, right now, in Libya

not a peep.  Hmm, wonder why   Laugh
Report Escapee June 7, 2020 4:41 PM BST
Is my euphemism geographicaly wrong enough to become the main source of your outrage now?

Is the lack of justice such a small concern of yours that any small inaccuracy in the language becomes the focus?

1 post on injustice followed by 3 posts on geographical errors would suggest you are easily mislead
Report 11kv June 7, 2020 5:05 PM BST
Are you by chance Black ?
Report woundedknee June 7, 2020 5:21 PM BST
Report casemoney June 7, 2020 6:46 PM BST
Escapee an Apt name , Probably a rampton case
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