Seemingly oblivious to the simple fact that every single comfort and luxury she enjoys, her entire standard of living is seated on the sacrifice and achievement of white people.
Seemingly oblivious to the simple fact that every single comfort and luxury she enjoys, her entire standard of living is seated on the sacrifice and achievement of white people.
Funniest video I've seen in awhile. These BLM supporters are a little strange though aren't they? Hysterical I've decided to give these people a wide berth as they do do seem 100% there if you know what I mean
Funniest video I've seen in awhile. These BLM supporters are a little strange though aren't they? Hysterical I've decided to give these people a wide berth as they do do seem 100% there if you know what I mean
Mobs removing slave trader statues in Bristol are not causing criminal damage they are protesting against racism.
So arrest them for not social distancing.
Mobs removing slave trader statues in Bristol are not causing criminal damage they are protesting against racism.So arrest them for not social distancing.
I,M SURE IF POLICE MURDERED tommy robinson in same way ,I,m sure his supporter,s woiuld come out and say look at his charge sheet he,s no saint, fair cop,
I,M SURE IF POLICE MURDERED tommy robinson in same way ,I,m sure his supporter,s woiuld come out and say look at his charge sheet he,s no saint, fair cop,
Brainwashed morons too are either too thick, too lazy, or deliberately choose to ignore the black slavery going on right now in Libya.
Nah nah, that doesn't count, lets just get in our virtuous time machine and right the wrongs of the selected past
Brainwashed morons too are either too thick, too lazy, or deliberately choose to ignore the black slavery going on right now in Libya.Nah nah, that doesn't count, lets just get in our virtuous time machine and right the wrongs of the selected past
One day maybe 'Leftism' will be regarded as the mental illness we all know it is.
There's a long list of horrendous George Floyd incidents at the hands of the filth but some are more 'worthy' causes than others - don't the Lefties ask themselves WHY?
One day maybe 'Leftism' will be regarded as the mental illness we all know it is.There's a long list of horrendous George Floyd incidents at the hands of the filthbut some are more 'worthy' causes than others - don't the Lefties ask themselves WHY?
These lefties can't help themselves. I say leave them to it, they are making a complete fool of themselves. Maybe one day they will realise but brainwashing can be a terrible thing.
These lefties can't help themselves. I say leave them to it, they are making a complete fool of themselves. Maybe one day they will realise but brainwashing can be a terrible thing.
1TP - I'm sure he already knew of him, but it's the guy's treatment that's horrifying.
He was clearly not an upstanding member of the community but that's no defence for his murder.
I've only heard of Tony Timpo & Kelly Thomas in the last fortnight - they were just as disgustingly murdered as George Floyd but there's a clear media-driven agenda that normal people find appalling.
It's sickening to see people of whatever colour, handcuffed, tasered, defenceless & outnumbered being as good as lynched!
1TP - I'm sure he already knew of him, but it's the guy's treatment that's horrifying.He was clearly not an upstanding member of the community but that's no defence for his murder.I've only heard of Tony Timpo & Kelly Thomas in the last fortnight - t
One day people in this thread will stand up for things rather than just carry on pretending to care about causes when they think they can expose a libs hypocrisy
One day people in this thread will stand up for things rather than just carry on pretending to care about causes when they think they can expose a libs hypocrisy
What do the BLM crowd of Lefties think about this?
A black woman punches a white cop in the face, he does nothing. She does it again and he still doesn't respond...he's far too scared to retaliate. His black colleague 'rescues' the situation with a knockout punch and decks her.
As the commentary says, it's excessive, but what should've been the preferred method used to control her?
I think she has zero defence and got what she deserved (and as good as asked for) though a tasering or pepper spray might've been a better idea.
What do the BLM crowd of Lefties think about this? black woman punches a white cop in the face, he does nothing.She does it again and he still doesn't respond...he's far too scared to retaliate.His black co
Here's another recent puzzler from less than three months ago which hasn't aroused any interest...a totally innocent young black girl was shot 8 times during a botched midnight raid by police (at the wrong address) as she lay in bed. Where is all the outrage for her?
It's a mystery how the masses are THAT stupid, they fail to see that they're being manipulated by a race-obsessed MSM. ALL these deaths at the hands of those who 'serve & protect' are horrible - colour is irrelevant. In the States, police are trigger happy, psyched-up nutters and serious reform is desperately required - they're following suit on these shores nowadays, since they've been armed with'll undoubtedly get worse.
I just despise the faux outrage awarded to some causes, who are effectively martyred, yet others remain anonymous. I've only heard of Justine Damond today (but it's the wrong narrative) who was killed by the same Minneapolis police dept. who murdered George Floyd!
Here's another recent puzzler from less than three months ago which hasn't aroused any interest...a totally innocent young black girl was shot 8 times during a botched midnight raid by police (at the wrong address) as she lay in bed.Where is all the
Yet again...the ONLY news anchor anywhere who's prepared to say it like it is:
9 mins in - criticising BLM is strictly forbidden.
Yet again...the ONLY news anchor anywhere who's prepared to say it like it is: mins in - criticising BLM is strictly forbidden.