If I was buried in a cemetry in India and wanted a peaceful after life, I might consider wanting my coffin wrapped, in that anti-tamper film they use on suitcases at airports. Don't want some wacky shaman using my blood encrusted rotting skull as a pint glass, and god knows what else when the camera isn't there and he's got the guru horn. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8389249/Cannibals-use-corpses-altars-drink-human-skulls-pursuit-spiritual-goals.html
If I was buried in a cemetry in India and wanted a peaceful after life, I might consider wanting my coffin wrapped, in that anti-tamper film they use on suitcases at airports.Don't want some wacky shaman using my blood encrusted rotting skull as a pi