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05 Jun 20 08:20
Date Joined: 18 Sep 09
| Topic/replies: 275,881 | Blogger: aaronh's blog

'As a Foundation and a family, we are aware of a number of posts using images of Lee and his murder in a divisive way to fuel arguments against the Black Lives Matter protests.
'Lee proudly served his country to protect the rights and freedoms of all members of this great melting pot of a nation.
'Seeing his image used to cause hate of any kind especially for those exercising their freedoms in protest against this hurts.
'We find these posts extremely heartbreaking and distressing, and in complete opposition to what Lee stood for.'
'We ask you all to please stop using his image and memory in such posts as he was a lover of all of humanity.
'Every race, gender, creed, sexuality and colour.
'So seeing such use of his name harms not only his family but his legacy and memory.
'Our thoughts and support goes out to George Floyd's friends and family at this tragic time.
'We wish you all love and peace at this time.'

His family has complained several times about Far Right organisations trying to use his murder as part of their propaganda.
Pause Switch to Standard View Lee Rigby's mother asks the fash to...
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Report aaronh June 5, 2020 10:55 AM BST
are you pro police smashing up Gillet Jaunes and Hong Kong freedom fighters, Injera?
Report aaronh June 5, 2020 10:56 AM BST
there was plenty of "rioters" and "vandals" there, as the governments and police have said
Report 1st time poster June 5, 2020 10:59 AM BST
same people who [post abpout lee rigby ,will have all posted about just giving taking 2 million in fees out of colnel toms fund which facebook had to blank for been u ytrue,but their not bothered jus post what their master,s want
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 10:59 AM BST
aaronh I don't want the response of anyone else I want YOUR response

Having to post quotes which read;
the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fcking moron"

to simple yes or no questions because you can't answer without showing inherent bias is the act of a weak person who lacks honesty
Report aaronh June 5, 2020 10:59 AM BST

Jun 5, 2020 -- 4:59AM, DenzilPenberthy wrote:

aaronh I don't want the response of anyone else I want YOUR responseHaving to post quotes which read;the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fcking moron" to simple yes or no questions because you can't answer without showing inherent bias is the act of a weak person who lacks honesty


Report 1st time poster June 5, 2020 11:00 AM BST
same people posting george floyds past criminal records as if its a justifaction for what happened
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 11:01 AM BST
10:54 post isn't you answering my questions aaronh
Report aaronh June 5, 2020 11:01 AM BST
no, yes

Report aaronh June 5, 2020 11:02 AM BST
if you had any sort of reading ability you would have been able to determine those two answers
Report aaronh June 5, 2020 11:02 AM BST

Jun 5, 2020 -- 5:00AM, 1st time poster wrote:

same people posting george floyds past criminal records as if its a justifaction for what happened

sharia law bad but police killing people who may have committed or crime or committed crimes in the past good Happy

Report 1st time poster June 5, 2020 11:03 AM BST
the right going to stand a whataboutery party at next GE
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 11:05 AM BST
Thank you aaronh it's important such blatant hypocrisy and bias is acknowledged
I think all political abuse of such incidents should be condemned along with those supporting
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:05 AM BST

Jun 5, 2020 -- 4:59AM, DenzilPenberthy wrote:

aaronh I don't want the response of anyone else I want YOUR responseHaving to post quotes which read;the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fcking moron" to simple yes or no questions because you can't answer without showing inherent bias is the act of a weak person who lacks honesty

Is there really equivalence between

1) People protesting for their human rights and fair treatment, with the murder being a trigger.

2) People exploiting the murder of someone in reaction to people fighting for their rights in a knee jerk situation, against the clear wishes of the family of the murdered person

for you?

Report aaronh June 5, 2020 11:08 AM BST
it's why I posted the tweet, edy
Report Whisperingdeath June 5, 2020 11:08 AM BST
Your are not making any sort of case Denzil,

The discussion is about a request from Lee Rigby's mother. Do you have anything to say about that? or do you just want to promote your ignorance and bigotry?

Explain yourself a bit better please.
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 11:08 AM BST
Christ, we've now got an edy/aaronh double act
Half a million posts between them of utter sh1te
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:09 AM BST
You are free to answer the question too, FaI.
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:10 AM BST
I gotta tell you though your continued obsession with me still is rather worrying.
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 11:16 AM BST
Fire-and-Ice • June 5, 2020 11:08 AM BST

Christ, we've now got an edy/aaronh double act
Half a million posts between them of utter sh1te

They're blatantly biased to the point of embarrassing
They still believe the lie that blacks in America suffer racial oppression when black people who live there have been saying saying it's nonsense and all political for years.
They don't like people who don't fall for the race baiting nonsense
Report lux June 5, 2020 11:17 AM BST
here is why it is different to weirdos who just shout Lee Rigby every time a black man is killed

1)    Justice was served in this instance, or as good as you deem a virtual life sentence

Perhaps waiting for due process might have been less damaging? Just a thought!

2)    The protests have an end goal and that is to change the nature of policing and put an end to brutality, and you know this will help with the white people that get treated like **** by police too!

The same might be said of Rigby and challenging the dominant orthodoxy which seeks to make excuses for any Islamic wrongdoing. “Religion of Peace” , “Diversity is our strength” blah blah etc

3)    The activism isn't used as a knee jerk reaction when other things are called out

Same applies to Rigby, see response to point 2

4)    his family hasn't demanded anti-police brutality protestors or BLM stop using his name

Maybe his family are stupid?

5)    the government or things ran by it doing things and covering it up are different two the average person doing a crime
??? I think you need to try this one again.

Apart from that, great effort!
Report aaronh June 5, 2020 11:18 AM BST

Jun 5, 2020 -- 5:16AM, DenzilPenberthy wrote:

Fire-and-Ice • June 5, 2020 11:08 AM BSTChrist, we've now got an edy/aaronh double actHalf a million posts between them of utter sh1te They're blatantly biased to the point of embarrassingThey still believe the lie that blacks in America suffer racial oppression when black people who live there have been saying saying it's nonsense and all political for years.They don't like people who don't fall for the race baiting nonsense

true but also I can find some black people that live there and say it is all true, so check mate

Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 11:18 AM BST
Professional outrage artists who undermine people who really suffer in this world with faux foot stamping
There will be something else next week to worry their minds
edy is already 'worried' about me posting at her Laugh
Report aaronh June 5, 2020 11:19 AM BST
professional outrage artists on the right are far more successful, financially compensated and have prime internet and tv spots
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:21 AM BST
Well, FaI, you do have a very strong tendency to enter threads and only address me. Without even addressing the topic. That despite even promising to never address me. A promise you have broken dozens of times.

Then of course you purposefully misgender me every time.

It is plain creepy, sorry.
Report aaronh June 5, 2020 11:24 AM BST
1) it was a cover up until other evidence was revealed. it wasn't the first cover up and it wasn't the first police coverup
2) "muslims bad" is not an end goal and those two phrases I have seen written by white supremacists far more than any
3) the same does not apply to Rigby and it's laughable to even claim that. this thread is about an incident in response to this exact thing lol.
4) you have no answer so insulted them, nice
5) If i shoot you for expressing free speech or the government shoots you for expressing free speech, those are two clearly different things. it's not difficult!
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 11:26 AM BST
Pyscho cop abuses his powers by killing a member of the public (filmed)
Cops have killed people in the past (filmed)

Aaron/edy and their ilk conclude from the above 2 pieces of info that it's a race thing.
The most basic of premise and they reach the WRONG conclusion

I enter plenty of threads edy. If you feel unnerved then leave!
Or riot or b1tch or whatever it is you sort do!
Report flushgordon1 June 5, 2020 11:28 AM BST
Absolute bollox Brendan Cox is doing her pr

When the Islamics blow up a bunch of school kids the very first thing we see on TV is white politicians and the 'Muslim Council of Great Britain' explains to us all that the 'real victims' here are not the dismembered children lying about the place but 'innocent Muslims' who will now have to go about their lives in a an 'atmosphere of suspicion' because of the actions of some 'lone wolf'.

Yet when one single white guy kills a black chap, every fecking white person in the world is somehow responsible and we must all heap sackcloth and ashes on ourselves?
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:29 AM BST
In an alternative to me leaving, you can also just simply keep your promise and not address me.

Or at least, when you do address me, do so in regards to the topic, say something to counter my posts, instead of just plain stalking me like you always do.
Report aaronh June 5, 2020 11:29 AM BST
too many strawmen in here right now
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:32 AM BST
Yet when one single white guy kills a black chap, every fecking white person in the world is somehow responsible and we must all heap sackcloth and ashes on ourselves?

I never felt like I'm being blamed personally. C'mon, flush, even you know better than spread this sorta nonsense. Only the very worst social media race bait grifter influenced sheeple believe this is the case.
Report flushgordon1 June 5, 2020 11:32 AM BST
Don't go Edy we need more reformed nazis
Report flushgordon1 June 5, 2020 11:34 AM BST
It's the same hyperbole coming from the other side.
It's a like for like comparison of the failures of multiculturalism.
Report aaronh June 5, 2020 11:34 AM BST

Jun 5, 2020 -- 5:32AM, edy wrote:

Yet when one single white guy kills a black chap, every fecking white person in the world is somehow responsible and we must all heap sackcloth and ashes on ourselves?I never felt like I'm being blamed personally. C'mon, flush, even you know better than spread this sorta nonsense. Only the very worst social media race bait grifter influenced sheeple believe this is the case.

too much free thought in here Cry

Report edy June 5, 2020 11:35 AM BST

Jun 5, 2020 -- 5:34AM, flushgordon1 wrote:

It's the same hyperbole coming from the other side.It's a like for like comparison of the failures of multiculturalism.

Well, we right-thinking people have to be better. I know you have a history as a leftie, but don't go back to those urges. Be better.

Report flushgordon1 June 5, 2020 11:36 AM BST
I am not guilty of the sins of my father,as is edy.
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:37 AM BST
Don't be one of those weirdo loon wannabe conservatives that still give in to their leftie urges of stupidity. Be a proper right-winger.
Report flushgordon1 June 5, 2020 11:37 AM BST
It's not about being better ,its about being honest.
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:42 AM BST
True. You should be honest with yourself and recognise that people like you are shaming any proper right-winger. Your place as an unwashed pleb is the left-wing. By trying to belong to the right wing, and claiming your ideas represent the right-wing, you are scaring intellectuals away, causing a brain drain for the right, and ultimately its demise.
Report aaronh June 5, 2020 11:44 AM BST
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 11:44 AM BST

In an alternative to me leaving, you can also just simply keep your promise and not address me.

I made no promises and i'll address you if/when I wish. Leave if you want to. A quarter of a million posts of your kind of stuff is way too much anyway. Where do you find the time? Are you unemployable and have plenty of free time?

Or at least, when you do address me, do so in regards to the topic, say something to counter my posts, instead of just plain stalking me like you always do.

I've read threads where you've tried to derail them with smutty schoolgirl language which had nothing to do with the thread. Don't be a hypocrite. A quarter of a MILLION posts from a non-gambler on a gambling site/forum aimed at mainly a few posters could be deemed as stalking too. You see how message boards work edolf?
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:47 AM BST
I never claimed I don't do those things. Good to see you somewhat acknowledge that you do it.
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:48 AM BST
Your dynamic with Denzil is cute btw.

First you congratulate each other here. Then you pick up his cutesy nicknames for me. Pick up his talking points about me.

It's adorable.
Report Whisperingdeath June 5, 2020 11:49 AM BST
Be honest then flush.

Say what you have to say and do not insult us with 

Yet when one single white guy kills a black chap, every fecking white person in the world is somehow responsible and we must all heap sackcloth and ashes on ourselves?

That is insulting. It is no argument at all. It is what some of the ignorant stupid people on here say. So why not articulate what you really want to say or is that what you want to post and really say nothing.
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 11:53 AM BST
Your dynamic with Denzil is cute btw.

First you congratulate each other here. Then you pick up his cutesy nicknames for me. Pick up his talking points about me.

It's adorable.

So are you gunna f--k off or what?
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:53 AM BST
Now now, why so rude?
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:55 AM BST
Don't behave like a leftie. Are you another converted former Labour voter?
Report aaronh June 5, 2020 11:55 AM BST
former Labour voters are the worst
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:56 AM BST
Yeah, they are really dragging the right down.
Report edy June 5, 2020 11:57 AM BST
It frankly didgusts me what those kinda people have done to the right.
Report lux June 5, 2020 12:01 PM BST

1)    There is much we don’t know about the Floyd incident, the assailant and victim were known to one another yet this entire incident has been unequivocally presented as racially motivated. At this juncture, that is unknowable. Let due process take its course.
2)    The usual conflation, Islam is an ideology, Muslims are people.
3)    An incident that is entangled in a wider web of issues regarding the inimical nature of Islam to free society.
4)    Ok, but these people are clearly enthralled with, have succumbed to progressivism.
5)    Are you seriously suggesting that Michael Adebolajo was an “average person doing a crime”

The government have never covered up, or sort to make excuses for any Islamic wrongdoing? Rotherham et al?
Report flushgordon1 June 5, 2020 12:03 PM BST
Mirror virtue signal manoeuvre!
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 12:06 PM BST
edy • June 5, 2020 11:48 AM BST
Your dynamic with Denzil is cute btw.

An example of the edy and aaronh dynamic the BF Chit Chat Wham boys

edy • May 9, 2020 9:26 PM BST
Funny you would say that. I did dream of your soft, but masculine, hands rubbing oil, lavender scented, all over my naked body before you gently went on to spoil me further by massaging my penis with your very skilled tongue and mouth.

• May 9, 2020 9:38 PM BST
Report edy June 5, 2020 12:10 PM BST
That must be about a dozen times you've re-posted that now, Denzil. Don't be that comedian that always does the same old jokes. Come up with new material! Happy
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 12:11 PM BST
What i don't like is foreigners coming on here with their agenda-riddled depopulationist ideas and gullible idealists like aaronh falling for their filth. Chumming up.
Where is this once great country heading with this lot?
Report nofx June 5, 2020 12:12 PM BST
It's heading to become several countries
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 12:13 PM BST
half a MILLION  posts between 'em. Work out the daily rate!
what the eff have they got so much to say?
Report edy June 5, 2020 12:14 PM BST
Betfair is an Irish/EU company. I don't mind you foreigners posting on my EU forum though. Can be good input.
Report flushgordon1 June 5, 2020 12:14 PM BST
Hope not soap!
Report edy June 5, 2020 12:16 PM BST

Jun 5, 2020 -- 6:13AM, Fire-and-Ice wrote:

half a MILLION  posts between 'em. Work out the daily rate!what the eff have they got so much to say?

About 95% of it is shouting "C'MOOOOOOOOOOOOOON RAFA" on the tennis forum or telling GRANTCKING what pizza to order (he always asks for suggestions)

Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 12:16 PM BST

Jun 5, 2020 -- 6:13AM, Fire-and-Ice wrote:

half a MILLION  posts between 'em. Work out the daily rate!what the eff have they got so much to say?

Race baiting and biased fake oppression whining has taken over their lives they're unable to separate personal biases from fact they couldn't lie straight in bed

Report edy June 5, 2020 12:18 PM BST
Uhm...dude...Denzil. How many topics regarding racial matters have you opened? How many have I?
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 12:19 PM BST
edy I found it funny to learn GRANT was your mate given his posts,why don't you give him your race baiting rhetoric Laugh
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 12:20 PM BST
It's a little inconsistent wouldn't you say?
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 12:22 PM BST

05 Jun 20 11:14Joined: 13 Dec 06 | Topic/replies: 228,880 | Blogger: edy's blog
Betfair is an Irish/EU company. I don't mind you foreigners posting on my EU forum though. Can be good input.

It wasn't when you started posting! Only been one for your last 1,000 posts out of a quarter of a million!
Seriously though, be fair, you have to be some sorta c--t to want depopulation like you espouse eh edy?

What was it that drew you to thinking it is a good idea?
How would it be achieved?
You certainly have the arrogance to think you should decide who goes. So who is it?
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 12:24 PM BST
Obviously the black race is safe, so no bio-ethnic weapons on that front i assume?
Hurry up btw, racing starts soon, edy
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 12:27 PM BST
I've read back and notice edy is a Rafa fan
There is no hope.
Report InsiderTrader June 5, 2020 12:27 PM BST

Jun 5, 2020 -- 5:00AM, 1st time poster wrote:

same people posting george floyds past criminal records as if its a justifaction for what happened

There is no justification for what happened to Floyd.

No justification whatsoever.

But that does not mean that everyone has to believe the narrative of what a great guy he was.

Report Whisperingdeath June 5, 2020 12:29 PM BST
Mirror virtue signal manoeuvre!

Nothing to say on the subject then? just throw in the odd grenade and watch the show? Fair enough because there are some dumb people on here who ashley believe some of the sheite they post!

racially motivated

What i don't like is foreigners



They have no argument to make they just wish to post their prejudices
Report Whisperingdeath June 5, 2020 12:30 PM BST
Race baiting and biased fake oppression whining has taken over their lives they're unable to separate personal biases from fact they couldn't lie straight in bed

No debate to be had here
Report edy June 5, 2020 12:31 PM BST
DenzilPenberthy • June 5, 2020 12:20 PM BST
It's a little inconsistent wouldn't you say?

What is inconsistent? That I am able to look past politics to decide who I give daily Domino's suggestions to?

Fire-and-Ice • June 5, 2020 12:22 PM BST

It wasn't when you started posting! Only been one for your last 1,000 posts out of a quarter of a million!

Not quite sure how you know the exact distribution of my posts. Either way, as I said...I welcome you and won't tell you I don't like you foreigners on my EU forum.

Seriously though, be fair, you have to be some sorta c--t to want depopulation like you espouse eh edy?

What was it that drew you to thinking it is a good idea?
How would it be achieved?
You certainly have the arrogance to think you should decide who goes. So who is it?

Gosh, FaI. Denzil always brings back the same post of mine. You always bring up the same topic of depopulation that went far and above your head.

I post so many outright offensive, cringeworthy, questionable ideas and things. Entire books could be filled with them. Can't you find something new instead of warming up the same ol' things all the time? Where is the creativity, man?
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 12:32 PM BST

Jun 5, 2020 -- 6:30AM, Whisperingdeath wrote:

Race baiting and biased fake oppression whining has taken over their lives they're unable to separate personal biases from fact they couldn't lie straight in bedNo debate to be had here

Whispering that definitely applies to you as well you try to hide yours in silly fake posts edy dresses his up with a bit more intelligence

Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 12:37 PM BST
So blah blah blah you do believe in depopulation or you just pass off whatever you say as the ideas of others?
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 12:40 PM BST
Seriously though, be fair, you have to be some sorta c--t to want depopulation like you espouse eh edy?

What was it that drew you to thinking it is a good idea?
How would it be achieved?
You certainly have the arrogance to think you should decide who goes. So who is it?

You sounded just like a spin doctor/politician in your last post.

Answer the questions above
Lets get to the real nitty gritty instead of all the flowery whatiffery nonsense you proffer.
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 12:40 PM BST
They have no argument without hypocrisy and/or bias so can't give straight factual balanced answers
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 12:41 PM BST
Ah feck this, I'm bored
I'll be back later to see what is denied/backtracked on

Betting time!
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 12:42 PM BST
Correct Denzil
Oh, and congratulations Grin
Report edy June 5, 2020 12:51 PM BST

Jun 5, 2020 -- 6:37AM, Fire-and-Ice wrote:

So blah blah blah you do believe in depopulation or you just pass off whatever you say as the ideas of others?

If you are genuinely interested:

As you will probably remember, it was in a thread where terry mccann was blabbering about how 5G is the ultimate evil and that the elites are trying to kill us all for the umpteenth time. I then simply asked him why it would be so bad. Why would it be bad if 5G killed us all? I was genuinely curious. He somehow never answered.

By edy on 4 Apr 20 09:49
So what's wrong with it being deadly? Why is it bad if earth is heavily depopulated?

That then either went over your head, or you understood perfectly well what I was doing and you just decided to stalk me with it for months (I posted it in early april) because you thought continuously posting it out of context would make me look bad. I favour the latter scenario.

Upon you continuously bringing it up in all sorts of threads (another creepy parallel between you and Denzil), I think I played along here and there and used phrasing that's a bit more drastic than the above, but I'm not entirely sure. You will remember that better than  I do.

Got a bit bored now though with it. If you bring me something else, I'll be glad to play along with you along again however.

Report UBLE/REGY June 5, 2020 12:56 PM BST
Well done to Lee Rgby's mother...must be hard to live with the loss of her son

But I agree more killing on either side does not help this
Report nofx June 5, 2020 12:59 PM BST
Wiener, wiener wiener, wiener wiener
One wiener, next to another wiener
Wiener, wiener wiener, wiener wiener
Two wieners alongside yet another wiener
Party, wiener party, wiener party, party party, wiener party, wiener wiener
Soft wieners, nice and soft, non-erect wieners!
Keep them flopping, flopping wieners, floppy floppy, dangle wieners, dangle dangle
Report nofx June 5, 2020 1:00 PM BST
Excuse me I think it was that game of thrones username plus Denzil ever repeating his erotic stories that I suddenly though of this tune
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 1:04 PM BST
nofx you should be asking why edy would post such things to a stranger on a community forum there's an air of unhealthy fixation with penises amongst you lot very disturbing
Report nofx June 5, 2020 1:04 PM BST
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 1:05 PM BST
Nah, it was a rhetorical question.
There was no question mark

I find it really disturbing that on a public forum a german, possible neo-nazi starts posting depopulationist propaganda.
Why is the death of a population wrong. You are curious? You need an answer? Read another book.
Look up Reinhard Heydrich. He probably knew your grand papa.
You could be a dangerous person and if you feel uncomfortable then good.
If you feel hounded then great. You are a wrong 'un imo and I'm a great judge of character.
Evil flourishes when good men say/do nothing.

Shouting vamos to Rafa continuously, as an adult, when you don't even bet............sheesh
Report edy June 5, 2020 1:06 PM BST
What in particular makes you think I am potentially a neo-nazi?
Report Fire-and-Ice June 5, 2020 1:08 PM BST
You shout vamos when Rafa wins a point.
Good grief.
Report nofx June 5, 2020 1:09 PM BST
btw those italics have purpose. that's the chorus so everyone can quickly and easily partake in singing along and have a grand time. your bolds though that's a bit cheeky aint it not
Report edy June 5, 2020 1:09 PM BST
Hey hey, not all Rafa fans are neo-nazis.
Report edy June 5, 2020 1:09 PM BST
So anything else?
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 1:10 PM BST
More nonsense appearing on the thread when they have no answers to any questions
Report edy June 5, 2020 1:12 PM BST
Denzil and FaI take everything far too literally. Or at least pretend to do so. Two human beings can't possibly be so naive.
Report nofx June 5, 2020 1:20 PM BST
Sorry can't chime in on that theory right now. I have to go pee with my penis

Then break quarantine because I have a major throbbing urge to go shopping for some proper erotic fiction

Laters. Think of the song on your next re-watch Love
Report Injera June 5, 2020 1:23 PM BST
Mrs Rigby clearly doesn’t agree but the contrast with the response to her son’s murder and Floyd’s is telling and worthy of discussion.

There have been NO riots following the death of Rigby nor the multiple other Islamic attacks against predominantly white people.

The other day a white Aussie female reporter in London was challenged by a Muslim shouting snackbar and carrying a screwdriver. He was chased off then arrested. Nothing said and no protests.

Floyd, the gun weilding 5 times inside black man is killed by police and 40 US cities suffer violence and looting.
Report macarony June 5, 2020 1:24 PM BST
I wonder if they were pressured into making this statement in much the same way politicians, sports and entertainment either you express certain opinions or your career is over
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 1:33 PM BST
Aye mac look at Corden and Lee Francis today blatant
Report fife June 5, 2020 2:05 PM BST
No the family has some decency about them unlike a racist prick like you macarony.
Report macarony June 5, 2020 2:09 PM BST
More like the family are scared after watching their son get hacked to death in broad daylight and knowing the country is full of is murders sympathisers such as yours fify
Report edy June 5, 2020 2:12 PM BST
It is a bit weird to assume that any statement of very basic decency is made out of fear regarding their careers.
Report edy June 5, 2020 2:14 PM BST
Some people do genuinely not like the far-right knee jerkers.
Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 5:03 PM BST

Jun 5, 2020 -- 8:12AM, edy wrote:

It is a bit weird to assume that any statement of very basic decency is made out of fear regarding their careers.

Fear is the best method of control there is and ever will be

Report DenzilPenberthy June 5, 2020 5:11 PM BST
The scum who murdered her son were reacting to fear and control if you believe everything as it is i.e muslim extremist brainwashed by religion murdering a soldier to get back at military involvement abroad
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