Some of your hateful old goats need to realise anger is harmful to the liver. Life is great for the majority of us. Maybe hateful old whitey should turn to the bottle to speed the demise of the liver. The rest of us are going to enjoy life as long as they let us get on planes and see so much of this beautiful World. Ignorant old whitey is more than welcome to stay in his squalid home complaining of how things were so much better with coal, without central heating, without double glazing and being poor, hungry but happy!
For the rest of us the weekend started last night. The big dilemma is which barbecue to attend this Saturday
Chin chin
poor steveSome of your hateful old goats need to realise anger is harmful to the liver. Life is great for the majority of us. Maybe hateful old whitey should turn to the bottle to speed the demise of the liver. The rest of us are going to enjoy life
Not sure why Whisper but in every post you write there are always insults. You seem to have a lot of built up anger. Why do you constantly feel the need to look for the moral high ground and talk down to others? I suspect you are a racist. Anyway enjoy your barbecue in the rain
Not sure why Whisper but in every post you write there are always insults. You seem to have a lot of built up anger. Why do you constantly feel the need to look for the moral high ground and talk down to others? I suspect you are a racist.Anyway enjo
Old Whitey the most hated man on the planet. Where or who does he turn to?
You suspect I am racist
Not sure why Whisper but in every post you write there are always insults
It must be called virtue mirroring perhaps
Anyway enjoy your barbecue in the rain
I shall It will take more than a loser with a bleak outlook on life to put me off having fun. Enjoy being miserable.
Turn to God stevie.God is loveOld Whitey the most hated man on the planet. Where or who does he turn to?You suspect I am racistNot sure why Whisper but in every post you write there are always insultsIt must be called virtue mirroring perhapsAnyway e
There you go again. Insults and talking down to people. Relax man you seem full of hate. Did you have issues during your childhood? If so you need to resolve them before you can move on. Hope this helps.
There you go again. Insults and talking down to people. Relax man you seem full of hate. Did you have issues during your childhood? If so you need to resolve them before you can move on. Hope this helps.
I will try and be more polite though. Name calling is a little bit playground but I just find it funny when they start it but cannot take it. The poor little luvvies get “ offended “ when I mirror their behaviour.
Thank you Eminence,I will try and be more polite though. Name calling is a little bit playground but I just find it funny when they start it but cannot take it. The poor little luvvies get “ offended “ when I mirror their behaviour.
lot of people I no ,now blindly following their guido fawkes,etc masters and posting clips of that CANDICE OWEN, been looking her up ,WOW what a complete full on wacko ,rightwing nutjob she is, 3 years ago she was a luvie liberal having anti trump rants now she,s a wacko who wouldn't get an interview with arlene foster abortion is only a way of killing black babies hiltler,s only mistake was trying to be the worlds 1st globalist,would have been ok if he,d just made germany better lefties sending themselves mail bombs and blaming the right merkels a witch etc,etc before she became face of young conservative trump supports ,she was a member of every far right wing wacko site in usa,
a real little charmer
lot of people I no ,now blindly following their guido fawkes,etc masters and posting clips of that CANDICE OWEN, been looking her up ,WOW what a complete full on wacko ,rightwing nutjob she is,3 years ago she was a luvie liberal having anti trump ra