It's horrific what happened to George Floyd and I sincerely hope that bástard cop gets one of those 150 year sentences but he'll undoubtedly get an easy time of things a la Epstein.
8 minutes?? I can't abide these virtue-signalling nonsense salutes like two minutes' silence and the clap for carers bollóx, which typifies crafty political propaganda. Mindless idiots are being coerced into complying because one béllend has a 'brainwave'
I'm sure those carers/nurses would prefer a few more quid in their wage packet...not a hollow, meaningless gesture.
It's like a game of 'Simon Says' for brainless sheep devoid of any individuality!
It's horrific what happened to George Floyd and I sincerely hope that bástard cop gets one of those 150 year sentences but he'll undoubtedly get an easy time of things a la Epstein.8 minutes?? I can't abide these virtue-signalling nonsense salutes