He seemed to have a borderline personality disorder, very reckless, took unnessary risks and had very little empathy. He was still in controll at the end, stay at home house husband, claimed benefits and the wife was the family provider.
On the plus side, it showed what a pretentious and gullible lot those in the art world are. Particularly liked how he sold the same Picasso to 4 different collectors.
He seemed to have a borderline personality disorder, very reckless, took unnessary risks and had very little empathy. He was still in controll at the end, stay at home house husband, claimed benefits and the wife was the family provider.On the plus s
I started watching it but found its slow, meandering style is irritating and kept shouting at the telly (well, at iplayer): get to the bloody point!
On the other hand, it was beautifully shot and you can't fault it as a holiday advert for the American tourist board.
I started watching it but found its slow, meandering style is irritating and kept shouting at the telly (well, at iplayer): get to the bloody point!On the other hand, it was beautifully shot and you can't fault it as a holiday advert for the American