Most likely Venus although both Jupiter and Venus were visible before sunrise, with Jupiter being the lower of the two. The fact you quoted "very bright object" then I would guess Venus is the answer. These days my viewing is restricted to the evenings because I no longer wake early enough for the morning planets.
Most likely Venus although both Jupiter and Venus were visible before sunrise, with Jupiter being the lower of the two. The fact you quoted "very bright object" then I would guess Venus is the answer. These days my viewing is restricted to the evenin
Only during the early evening or early morning mouse... middle of the night then a 'very bright object' will more likely be Jupiter, although Saturn was very prominent towards the end of the Summer and Mars was the strongest I've ever seen it in September.
Only during the early evening or early morning mouse... middle of the night then a 'very bright object' will more likely be Jupiter, although Saturn was very prominent towards the end of the Summer and Mars was the strongest I've ever seen it in Sept
Joined: 16 Dec 02 | Topic/replies: 9,683 | Blogger: Aspro's blog Most likely Venus although both Jupiter and Venus were visible before sunrise, with Jupiter being the lower of the two. The fact you quoted "very bright object" then I would guess Venus is the answer. These days my viewing is restricted to the evenings because I no longer wake early enough for the morning planets.
get off uranus!! Joined: 16 Dec 02 | Topic/replies: 9,683 | Blogger: Aspro's blogMost likely Venus although both Jupiter and Venus were visible before sunrise, with Jupiter being the lower of the two. The fact you quoted "very bright object" then I w
by the culvin,your letter is on its way to you,but to get you into court i have to go under uk jurisdiction so expect the postman on the 3 day of april,the court will be full,KNOW WE know,dave 1357,pishkin 99 ,JLP will all be in attendance if my information is correct,and i believe marylebone is the venue where the fat fingers join the faces.
by the culvin,your letter is on its way to you,but to get you into court i have to go under uk jurisdiction so expect the postman on the 3 day of april,the court will be full,KNOW WE know,dave 1357,pishkin 99 ,JLP will all be in attendance if my info
i believe there will be a lot more in attendance but the jury is still out deciding on the test cases,and i believe a minimum of 12 months detention at the pleasure of her majesty will be mandatory.
i believe there will be a lot more in attendance but the jury is still out deciding on the test cases,and i believe a minimum of 12 months detention at the pleasure of her majesty will be mandatory. started hundreds of boring posts about annie power.......many after she must admit you had an unhealthy obsession about post was a joke but by your over reaction I may just have hit an nerve started hundreds of boring posts about annie power.......many after she must admit you had an unhealthy obsession about post was a joke but by your over reaction I may just have hit an nerve
Ignore brass he's not the full shilling. Just look at any of his posts. I really enjoyed his Liverpool to be 2/1 if they lost to Man City with a totally made up formula to say why.
Go on brass say it: Charlie reported for stalking. End of thread.
Ignore brass he's not the full shilling. Just look at any of his posts. I really enjoyed his Liverpool to be 2/1 if they lost to Man City with a totally made up formula to say why.Go on brass say it:Charlie reported for stalking.End of thread.