Sep 21, 2017 -- 12:20PM, tobermory wrote:
I saw the Top 100 list in the GuardianMuhammed 8th .Though Mohammed was 31st and i think Mohammad 68th It's actually Number 1 name if you add them up.Though in the Muslim world it has always been way out in front as the number 1 boy's name , when there has always been more variation in Christian cultures because calling babies Jesus is not on at all for most countries
Yes..... The total for the three Muhammad variants comes out at ..........7084
while Oliver, the so-called top of the list has ...........................................6623
Massaging the figures comes to mind !
( and me a Guardian supporter )
Sep 21, 2017 -- 12:57PM, alun2005 wrote:
Meanwhile, in other profoundly disturbing news this week. the thought that this has anything to do with any Peace-Loving folk who have Culturally Enriched pale stale Britain.
Re-post as posted at same time.