Sep 13, 2017 -- 4:20AM, pxb wrote:
Never understood the fuss about Stephen King. I read one of his books and it was badly written tedious nonsense.
Tried reading him once and couldn't understand why he was(is?) so popular. I vowed to myself then that I would never read such popular crap again. Probably I don't understand that niche.
Sep 13, 2017 -- 12:38PM, Mc Moonbeam wrote:
Haven't seen anything of Ozark & can't seem to find it , but will put it on my next to watch list , what's it about I watched Narcos up until about episode 7 series 2 (when they stormed the house & they all escaped - Pablo was shot dead on the roof but then appears again next episode) just got very bored with it so never finished Mr.Mercedes is good stuff Facts , Brady's just so twisted it makes him very amusing I actually thought it was the same guy from Mr Robot but are 2 different actors!
Narcos is fun. But I didn't like season 2.