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13 Nov 15 21:44
Date Joined: 03 Jan 11
| Topic/replies: 2,796 | Blogger: Clouseau's blog

Gunmen have opened fire in several places in the French capital, Paris, causing several casualties, French media report.
At least one man opened fire with an automatic gun at the Cambodge restaurant in the 11th district.
Liberation newspaper reports four deaths. It also reports shootings near the Bataclan arts centre.
An explosion is also reported to have targeted a bar near Stade de France, where France were hosting Germany.
Reports say President Francois Hollande was watching the match and has been evacuated.
A BBC journalist at the Cambodge restaurant says he can see 10 people on the road either dead or seriously injured.
He says police have now arrived.
Shooting is said to be continuing.
Pause Switch to Standard View Paris... wtf?
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Report treetop November 16, 2015 9:19 AM GMT
In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.”

Still waiting to hear of a fatwa from ISIS demanding muslims attack.......................each other ????? Perhaps the logic is beyond them or they really are full of hate for their fellow mankind,regardless of their faiths.
Report dunlaying November 16, 2015 9:56 AM GMT
Jean Luc Melenchon at the weekend spouted the usual political nonsense about minority, peace loving religion etc. But he also said that what we need to do is cut off the financial aid to IS. Good sense at last.
Report polybot November 16, 2015 10:23 AM GMT
There are 1.5 billion of them Poly.
i hope my use of "playbook of the faithful" wasn't too subtle for some

We have been bombing Arabs and sending in ground troops to their land en masse for 15 years and in one way or another for long before that just to a lesser extent.
you may need to check your maths here, and herein lies a clue to at least the immediate problem.
Report therhino November 16, 2015 10:27 AM GMT
So where are we poly? Where are we going? Instead of debating the semantics of debating, pray tell, what more bombs will accomplish.
Report polybot November 16, 2015 10:39 AM GMT
the bombs are the symptom, not the cause or the cure
Report therhino November 16, 2015 10:46 AM GMT
You got nothing poly. What a load of sh1te you speak. All these posts you make and I have no idea what your actual stance is, aside from the fact you argue against people who argue against more war.
Report polybot November 16, 2015 11:10 AM GMT
well my stance makes little difference to the outcome, to paraphrase stalin "polybot? how many divisions does he have?"

the problem though, lies all around you, as do the solutions
where are we? the university of missouri, hands up don't shoot, the "palestinian" "question"
where are we going? as always, it could go all to hell, or maybe not this time. on one hand most people seem reasonably sensible, yet usually self preserving and cowardly, and yet it only takes a small minority to shift an entire society one way or the other.
Report xmoneyx November 16, 2015 11:18 AM GMT

well worth a look
Report HH Sultan Vinegar November 16, 2015 11:27 AM GMT
good stuff xm - cheers
Report 1st time poster November 16, 2015 11:29 AM GMT
so if you believe the media and security loons these are hardened ,elite trained terrorists,mind you in the last 36 hrs one has managed to get stopped at a road block released and looks like captured again not exactly lord lucan his he,them 2 women on that hunted show managed to survive for a week in the uk[ an island] with the cream of the uk,s surveilance after them
Report xmoneyx November 16, 2015 11:38 AM GMT
most serious terrorist attacks have been westerners converted fed off Internet

pilots 9/11
London bombings
Report howard November 16, 2015 12:01 PM GMT

It has got the financial elites that control the world via banking corporations and politicians exactly where they want to be. Thousands of deaths on both sides doesn't matter to them. They are richer than ever before and America still has the largest military and Saudi petrodollar system. That's all that matters. We count for nothing. We are just slaves for production and profit.
Report xmoneyx November 16, 2015 12:20 PM GMT
good news

LONDON—Gold prices were higher on the London spot market Monday
Report xmoneyx November 16, 2015 12:44 PM GMT
french police don't carry pepper spray
Report Make my hay November 16, 2015 1:20 PM GMT
F*ck the mainstream media ****s and lies..this guy comes as close to the truth as anyone you will ever hear.
Political author Gearoid O Colmain discusses the Paris attacks with RT International.

Published on 15 Nov 2015
Report YOMOMMA November 16, 2015 3:10 PM GMT
That chap in the video said IS was made up by the US Govt!

Nothing to do with mad Muslim extremists wanting to take over the world then.
Report xmoneyx November 16, 2015 4:08 PM GMT
jihadi direct hit mortar while on camera
Report HH Sultan Vinegar November 16, 2015 4:19 PM GMT
supposedly a US Apache escorting/protecting an IS Convoy
Report mecca November 16, 2015 5:44 PM GMT
Ruling elite have underestimated how much sh1t the people will take, and still nothing is done. The atrocities will surely get much worse until they get their much wanted uprising from the indigenous people of the western world. Europe first, then the rest of the world.
Report HH Sultan Vinegar November 16, 2015 6:43 PM GMT
good piece in the Telegraph today by Pakistan's former ambassador to the U.S.

'The Paris attacks are the culmination of a 200-year-long battle over how Islam should respond to the rise of Western power'
Report treetop November 16, 2015 6:46 PM GMT
It may be a Christian WI splinter group

The WI is the military arm of UKIP mobo, very dangerous death cult,so they say.
Report Mighty Whites 2008 November 16, 2015 7:29 PM GMT
Polybot the figure in 2001 was 355 with 3295 killed.

My Point is that since the west declared the war on terror the number of terror attacks has risen from 355 to  13500 and the number killed has risen to 32,727.As stated most of these have taken place in muslim countries and the majority killed are muslims.

The war on terror hasn't made us safer and it is fair to question whether our policy is the right one.

Personally I would get out of the middle east completely and leave them to it. The neighbouring countries have millions of soldiers  who can tackle the situation.
Report YOMOMMA November 16, 2015 7:36 PM GMT
France to save the world from Muslim terrorists, IS ISIS ISIL.

France "is at war," declared Francois Hollande on Monday, the president delivering a charged speech following Friday’s attacks in Paris. Speaking to a rare joint sitting of both houses of parliament in Versailles, Hollande said a bill to extend the state of emergency for three months would be tabled this week, while promising he was committed to "not just containing, but destroying" the Islamic State group that claimed responsibility for last week’s massacre.
Report johnnyrant November 16, 2015 7:40 PM GMT
Corbyn has the right idea regarding the way forward but gets ridiculed.
Report treetop November 16, 2015 8:10 PM GMT
In an ideal world we could all agree with Corbyn but when dealing with people who kill those in wheelchairs it is hard to negotiate and talk,who do we talk to ?
Report xmoneyx November 16, 2015 9:18 PM GMT
mother of suicide bomber said he didn't intend to killCrazy
Report Darlo Bantam November 16, 2015 10:02 PM GMT
To be fair it sounds like he didn't actually kill anyone. Imagine that explanation when they're queuing for their virgins in their so-called heaven.
Report xmoneyx November 16, 2015 11:36 PM GMT
Nigel Farage speech tonight
Report xmoneyx November 16, 2015 11:38 PM GMT
1. he says prob with Muslims in this countryCrazy
Report YOMOMMA November 17, 2015 12:49 AM GMT
When extremist groups like ISIS commit an atrocity or make the news, politicians and commentators inevitably lament how Muslims are not doing enough to “speak out” against the crimes carried out in their name. But when Muslims do “speak out” and “condemn,” as they always have, this seems to only reinforce the tendency to blame Muslims collectively. And if one believes that the horrors perpetrated by ISIS are “plainly” in Islam’s sacred texts and that it is “preposterous” to argue that these texts are being distorted, then the notion that a faithful Muslim could be critiquing ISIS in a moral and rational fashion is discarded. He can only be a sympathizer, a hypocrite, or a dupe who is ignorant of the requirements of his own faith.

All of this puts Muslims in a double bind: If they just go about their lives, they stand condemned by those who demand that Muslims “speak out.” But if they do speak out, they can expect to be told that short of declaring their sacred texts invalid, they are fooling themselves or deceiving the rest of us. Muslims are presented with a brutal logic in which the only way to truly disassociate from ISIS and escape suspicion is to renounce Islam altogether.
Report YOMOMMA November 17, 2015 12:51 AM GMT
imo the koran should be banned.
Report YOMOMMA November 17, 2015 12:51 AM GMT

interesting read on this website
Report Eeternaloptimist November 17, 2015 1:06 AM GMT
I ca only speak for myself yomomma. Not in my name is good enough for me. I leave the theologists to discuss the issues.
Report dustybin November 17, 2015 5:19 AM GMT
Not that dissimilar to the double negative that was saddams sexed up WMD then??
To prove he didn't have them he would have needed to provide them.

Is a person in a wheelchair now worth more than an able bodied person?
Report Danno November 17, 2015 8:47 AM GMT
Whilst the attacks on Friday were appalling, and all the gestures of solidarity and periods of silence etc are right and proper, it does seem unusual that our collective public grief is dependent on the geography of the atrocity.
Eg, in 2004, 192 people were killed in the Madrid train bombings but there wasn't the level of blanket coverage we get after Paris. One wonders if we'd all be singing the Spanish anthem if were playing Spain the week after that. Or if we were playing Russia the week after the plane bombing over Egypt. 

Nobody appears to be comparably outraged when these type of cowardly suicide attacks take place on a weekly basis in middle east countries. Would this dominate the news agenda in the same way if this had happened in Turkey? Or the Czech Republic? Or Switzerland? Or the Netherlands?

I'm not trying to downgrade or trivialise the gravity of events; merely wondering if we only care enough in direct proportion to how close to home it happens.
Report xmoneyx November 17, 2015 8:52 AM GMT

excellent article by John Pilger
Report polybot November 17, 2015 8:57 AM GMT
My Point is that since the west declared the war on terror the number of terror attacks has risen from 355 to  13500 and the number killed has risen to 32,727

a number of serious problems with this use of data, an obvious one is the absence of data on deaths occurring under saddam (by the standing army of 400,000, republican guard of 75,000, and all the intell agencies and police many of whom now are part of isis and its leadership). so if two innocent civilians were shot dead in mosul 10 years apart by the same person, you'd only count the later one.
the reverse of this would be to include current killings in assad's syria,
you could possibly argue the technicalities to justify it but these are obvious and intentional distortions. you could argue the hundreds of thousands of death under saddam (or north korea, etc) don't count because they are hidden or classified differently, but that debunks the notion that your point is humanitarian in any way.

given that the likes of isis and aq now hold physical territory, you could possibly even make the argument the conflicts involving the iraqi and syrian states are in fact wars, not entirely dissimilar to the iran/iraq war, and therefore most or many aren't acts of terrorism at all, but actions of war or war crimes.
though only if you prefer statistical technicalities over more rational views.
Report twizzle22 November 17, 2015 9:32 AM GMT
Thanks for putting that link up xmoney..brilliant speech by Mr Farage.Any indigenous Brit would find it impossible to disagree.
Report treetop November 17, 2015 1:06 PM GMT
In ordinary terms I would say not but in humane terms it says a lot about the killers don't you think ? Lining such defenceless people up and mowing them down is undeserving of any sympathy and merits a shoot-to-kill policy for me.

I look forward to the saturday news quiz when all the left wing comedians on the BBC ridicule Jezza for his sentiments.And pigs might fly.
Report dustybin November 17, 2015 1:14 PM GMT
But the killers killed with impunity, the fact so many died who by logic suggests couldnt escape says that.
Why the press need to highlight the fact (some) were handicapped beats me.
Kitten lovers too I suspect.
Report 1st time poster November 17, 2015 1:15 PM GMT
farage speech falls down on the fact that for all his gesturing and nudge ,nudge about muslims in this country for all the attacks in france,charlie hebdo,jewish supermarket,train attack,friday n ight,etc,etc all happening a 100 miles away no british based people have been proved to have taking part
Report mobo November 17, 2015 1:20 PM GMT
Islam is not compatable with british society or law.  It really is that simple. Start from there and understand where a good muslim stands.
Report xmoneyx November 17, 2015 2:08 PM GMT
750,000 muslims moved to USA since 9/11

terrorist attacks 0
Report Eeternaloptimist November 17, 2015 2:17 PM GMT
I'm not sure I follow your logic there 1st timer. Are you saying that there aren't people in this country trying to make what happened in France a reality in this country?
Report Injera November 17, 2015 3:30 PM GMT
Awesome from Farage. Thanks for the link. He's light years ahead of Cameron and May.

He was given the briefest of interviews this morning on Radio 5.

Nicky Cambell's tone was of so sour it was as if Farage had killed his cat.

It was pitiful.
Report dambuster November 17, 2015 3:55 PM GMT
Where did you get those statistics from.?
Report xmoneyx November 17, 2015 4:11 PM GMT
unlikely place dambuster


on this guys twitter feed
Report 1st time poster November 17, 2015 4:29 PM GMT
not doubting the lads innocence but if your one of 3 brothers who live together one of whoom blew himself up and one is on the run as the worlds most wanted man,how can you cleared and realeased within 24 hrs,do they just check your emails etc,a friday night drunk takes at least 12 to 14 hrs to get out
Report xmoneyx November 17, 2015 4:34 PM GMT
kay burley

dead ringer for the penquin
Report 1st time poster November 17, 2015 4:44 PM GMT
obcessed with pizza boxes,has this happened before, Wink
Report marquemiwerdz November 17, 2015 7:14 PM GMT

Nov 15, 2015 -- 1:11PM, paulypaul wrote:

There is no such thing as god. Never has been, never will be. Fact!!!!!!I can't prove there is....But you can't prove there isn't...can you?

I could have proved it. I met this martian once, who was 1,000,000 years old. He told me there was no god, but wont be back on earth for another 200 years, otherwise I would have put you onto him. Dont tell me you dont believe in matians, if there is life on this planet, there is almost certainly life on other worlds. Next thing your be telling me that there is no Santa, come on, everyone belives in Father Christmas. Lol!

Report marquemiwerdz November 17, 2015 7:30 PM GMT

Nov 15, 2015 -- 1:42PM, marquemiwerdz wrote:

Didn't scientists say that we evolved from ponds. Long live the Pond God. I see  Y & T recently, that Dave Meniketti is a rock god,and he exists.

Clouless,What good book is that, Mayfair. Dont tell me the Bible. That is the biggest selling book of FICTION ever. What! It took God 7 days to build the earth. Bullsh#t! This planet evolved from the big bang.

Report treetop November 17, 2015 8:06 PM GMT
xmoneyx that figure may be explained by 750k in a population of 200mn plus (0.37%) ,compared to UK nearly 2.9mn (almost 4.9%) , it may be easier to monitor or discourage when the USA muslim population represents only 1/13th of ours in proportion ? Only rough figures and I accept any correction but it seems that Islam becomes  more radical when it achieves an order of magnitude in a country such as France or Bosnia .
Report Hank Hill November 17, 2015 8:24 PM GMT
treetop - the US pop is closer to 320m. Trying to compare the two Muslim populations though is like chalk and cheese. The US Muslim population in general terms are more educated and far more integrated in to society than those in the UK. I'm not saying there aren't Muslims integrated perfectly well in the UK, but overall the US has less to worry about-  well, all except their home grown gun nutters, but that's another story...
Report polybot November 18, 2015 6:25 AM GMT
750,000 muslims moved to USA since 9/11
terrorist attacks 0

ffs you must get your news from qvcuk or bbc Confused
there's some really obvious ones like fort hood or the boston marathon

this list doesn't include attacks like garland texas which was only averted by a lone armed policeman, or other attacks like the times square bomb

tbf the obama admin in a crude attempt to mask these will re-label them "workplace violence".
Report xmoneyx November 18, 2015 10:15 AM GMT
police dog shot or blown up paris stakeout Sad
Report xmoneyx November 18, 2015 10:16 AM GMT
good point Boston bombers--got those stats telegraghCrazy
Report HH Sultan Vinegar November 18, 2015 10:17 AM GMT
An Algerian ‘refugee’ staying in a German asylum centre has reportedly been arrested in relation to the Paris terror attacks. If confirmed, he would be the third terrorist implicated in the mass murder to have taken advantage of Europe’s open borders by masquerading as a refugee.
Report alun2005 November 18, 2015 11:20 AM GMT
Well done to France for carrying out the massive anti-terror operation this morning in the notorious St Denis district. The details of this expose exactly what Europe is up against : The Enemy Within, their many sympathisers, and the new intake already on their way from Syria in the guise of Pretendy Refugees.

Quite honestly this sort of operation needs to be an everyday occurrence.

Already many articles across many media outlets, this one also has a lot of photographic evidence from the scene.
Report xmoneyx November 18, 2015 11:27 AM GMT
I'm impressed by the quickness of French police,daily mail tried to trash them  over the weekend
Report Clouseau November 18, 2015 11:39 AM GMT
Facts must be getting worried they are going to raid his flat next... after all he did say he was going to put some of the refugees up. Mischief
Report dustybin November 18, 2015 11:45 AM GMT
the first pic on that mail site has a bloke with his arse and ball sack hanging out
wtf do the coppers do to em over there?
Report dustybin November 18, 2015 11:47 AM GMT
not only did he not take the infidels with him he gets his hairy arse and tiny one shown everywhere Blush
bad day at the office Mischief
Report dustybin November 18, 2015 11:50 AM GMT
not only do they have dogs trained they use pigeons too?
fifth pic down
Report HH Sultan Vinegar November 18, 2015 12:24 PM GMT
dustybin -
the first pic on that mail site has a bloke with his arse and ball sack hanging out

showing the true face of IS
Report alun2005 November 18, 2015 12:32 PM GMT
Clouseau 18 Nov 15 11:39 Joined: 03 Jan 11 | Topic/replies: 1,594 | Blogger: Clouseau's blog
Facts must be getting worried they are going to raid his flat next... after all he did say he was going to put some of the refugees up.

Bravo mon ami. We can see how you made Inspector !

Just in case GCHQ hasn't already made the connection, I've sent them a helpful email on the subject, advising them to look out for non-existent refugees in the village concerned.

Wouldn't it be awful if a combined Anglo-French Anti-Terror Operation went wading into that peaceful village and grenaded the hell out of it, shooting first and asking questions later?
Report dustybin November 18, 2015 12:56 PM GMT
What I find disconcerting about listening to that speech Hollande just made is that its remarkably like watching a car crash in slow motion.

He spoke about emergency measures that will be implemented. Theres all sorts of stuff from extra troops to increasing assault bombing campaigns to refusal of allowing citizens certain vehicles etc.
He has also spoken recently of how they too must spy on their people as standard, just like our GCHQ.

The problem is these are methods of implementation, they dont put the genie back once they are deemed to have accomplished whatever they argue they are attempting.
Once they start spying they only ever increase spying, politicians spin an argument to find reasoning why they are entitled to want to know everything about everyone.

When the Normans invaded they wanted to know what everyone had, the Doomsday book was the result.
Now they want big data on everyone so they can predict the future and control people how they see fit, they never relax this process they simply turn up the algorithm against those unfavorable entities, say you all shape it via democracy after they sold it you on a pretense.
Report YOMOMMA November 18, 2015 12:56 PM GMT
2015 AD and humanity hasn't really come very far.
Report dustybin November 18, 2015 1:20 PM GMT
Teresa says they wont look at the exact webpage, just the address.
She also says that terrorists use facebook and other popular sites to communicate.
Well where does the terrorist flag up then?

If they simply see a person using facebook?

There will be sites that give away the intention probably like
But they are already arresting people downloading stuff about bomb making, as well as monitoring and arresting pedos, so how does ramping up the spying help?
That suggests to me they are either lying about the extent the will automatically track everyone, or that external information is used. External evidence is already used now, thats what they use to get a warrant with ffs.

All they will do is catch the same stupid ones, and a stupid terrorist isnt the danger is it?
Report Clouseau November 18, 2015 1:28 PM GMT
hmmm... dustybin... are you suggesting that only the intelligent terrorists buy the line about the 72 virgins?

I don't think they have to pass an IQ test to pull a trigger or a cord on their explosive vest.
Report dustybin November 18, 2015 1:34 PM GMT
Im suggesting what they are telling us to get the powers in the bill passed into an act dont make sense.
The new powers either track all and provide indepth analysis of what you do as standard (and therefore they are lying when saying just the generic information shows up)
Or that people get flagged up as a result of other information, which they are already using now, which then makes the news powers erroneous.

The clever ones will no doubt still attempt to get to the virgins by simply not communicating in a way that they know they are being tracked.
The daft ones wont get that far as they will get caught, but then they would have most likely anyway.
Report themover November 18, 2015 1:48 PM GMT
They like to talk a lot about "intelligence" at times like these...unfortunately this is the same "intelligence" that claimed Iraq had WMD's.
Report xmoneyx November 18, 2015 1:50 PM GMT
@arsesis ( /)
Report dustybin November 18, 2015 1:54 PM GMT
They also like to portray the 'enemy' as being stupid (for whatever it is they believe) but bin laden made a tit out of em for over a decade (errr rummmm)Mischief
Report xmoneyx November 18, 2015 2:26 PM GMT
Vladamir Putin said "To Forgive The Terrorists Is Up To God, But To Send Them To Him Is Up To Me."SillyLaugh
Report xmoneyx November 18, 2015 2:54 PM GMT
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi has ordered an urgent and immediate investigation into the disappearance of $10 billion from the Central Bank of Iraq’s reserves.

no doubt money for weaponsCrazy
Report treetop November 18, 2015 2:55 PM GMT
I do like that one xmony !
Report xmoneyx November 18, 2015 3:21 PM GMT
breaking news

The Isis militant group has released the latest edition of its propaganda magazine, in which it claims to reveal how it brought down the Russian jet over Sinai.

The new edition of the "Dabiq" magazine, published in English, claims the plane was bombed using an improvised explosive device hidden inside a can of Gold beer.
Report xmoneyx November 18, 2015 3:22 PM GMT
beer can pic
Report mobo November 18, 2015 7:41 PM GMT
they will use it against us  not just the muslims

just consider it is the cia that backed them
Report doantwin2easy November 18, 2015 10:10 PM GMT
We live in some of the most liberal countries imaginable in the UK. Even those with criminal (not terrorist) intent would probably agree, that cuts to public services mean that, even those boys can rest easy when it comes to public sector eavesdroppers.

Who cares who's listening/ You can watch porn, gamble to your hearts content and pretty much say what you like in the UK.

A spook having access to our private, largely obsolete communications is a small price to pay for potentially saving our lives. Is there potential for misuse and abuse down the line? Possibly, but the political intent has to be there and we'd see a revolution before that happened.

We don't know we're born in the UK.
Report PatraTheCat November 19, 2015 7:54 AM GMT
Always suspected they were a bunch of píssheads.
Report dustybin November 19, 2015 8:49 AM GMT
With big data nothing is 'obsolete'.
What worries me is that people are blindly nodding along without knowing what they are actually nodding to.
Increasing surveillance is just one of a myriad of personal freedoms that have been regressed and I don't believe any of them have anything to do with terrorism (other than it being used as an agenda)

We do have closed courts you know, and they occur when evidence from the prosecution involves anything derived from spooks.....well that's about to drastically increase.
Report lfc1971 November 19, 2015 9:00 AM GMT
the internet is and will be one of the greatest forces for evil ever invented.
Report xmoneyx November 19, 2015 9:21 AM GMT
the car kills 100,000 x more
Report lfc1971 November 19, 2015 9:29 AM GMT
It is not the nature of cars which are evil, but it is the nature of the internet. This is the difference.
Report lfc1971 November 19, 2015 9:32 AM GMT
motorbikes are one of the most beautiful inventions.
Report YOMOMMA November 19, 2015 9:46 AM GMT
ISIS from wiki

As of March 2015, it has control over territory occupied by 10 million people in Iraq and Syria, and through loyal local groups, has control over small areas of Libya, Nigeria and Afghanistan.

A Reuters article stated that the group has 40,000 fighters and 60,000 supporters across its two primary strongholds in Iraq and Syria.

Couldn't believe that figure when I saw it, 10 million people.
Report G1_Jockey_4 November 19, 2015 10:27 AM GMT
which place will be the new hiroshima?
Report xmoneyx November 19, 2015 10:54 AM GMT
I marched against the Iraq War Glasgow

ISIS is diff league

If UN sanction War is justified I will agree with ground troops
Report 1st time poster November 19, 2015 11:07 AM GMT
someone else comes in and their opponents become the new isis al quaeda,never ending circle theyve been fighting for 1000,s of years and nothing will ever stop it
Report xmoneyx November 19, 2015 11:10 AM GMT
good point
Report treetop November 19, 2015 4:28 PM GMT
Redraw the national boundaries and let them sort coexistence out between themselves.
Report kenco November 19, 2015 6:57 PM GMT
A million Iraqis killed on some figures given out a 1/4 million childrenShockedhow can that possibly be right and wonder why they would hate the west...
Report treetop November 19, 2015 8:44 PM GMT
Most of them killed by each other,sunni or shia ? Saddam regularly knocked off the shia on the way to their shrine in southern Iraq. Aye,blame the west,an easy answer.
Report Mikael D'Haguenet November 19, 2015 8:59 PM GMT
It's a good job we can rely on our old ally Saddam to keep these people in  check imo.
Report kenco November 19, 2015 9:01 PM GMT
Not a case of blaming the west,obviously absolute scum but that's a minute % compared to those killed generations of innocent people,imagine if that were your family and relatives who weren't in that tiny % slaughtered through bombing campaigns.
Report themover November 19, 2015 9:09 PM GMT

Nov 19, 2015 -- 4:54AM, xmoneyx wrote:

I marched against the Iraq War GlasgowISIS is diff leagueIf UN sanction War is justified I will agree with ground troops

that's exactly what they want, ideally in Dabiq for those that know a bit about Islam

Report mobo November 20, 2015 12:52 PM GMT
Hey look!!  They have been slaughtering one another for not wearing the sandal on the correct foot, way before the oil grab by the west.
Report Ibrahima Sonko November 20, 2015 6:14 PM GMT
So the girl was blown up, not a suicide bomber as originally reported.

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