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27 Oct 12 15:53
Date Joined: 26 Nov 11
| Topic/replies: 14,738 | Blogger: rob_dylan's blog
Tories... Jeremy Hunt promoted to health secretary after the damning evidence at Leveson,
Bullingdon toffs, loads of Them seem to be ex banker sorts, Boris inviting Murdoch to
The olympics.  I agree with a lot of what theyve done regards the last budget. 

Labour... Fked up the economy, war in Iraq and I hate Blair with a passion, increased
Borrowing in the last four years of the Boom. 
Summary. NO CHANCE

Libdems... Nick Clegg seems like a career politician in the Blair and Cameron mould.
NC shouldnt have made that statement about Tuition fees before the election, but
Seems to me that theyve kind of had their hands tied.  They managed to get the personal
Allownace increased a lot which was a v g thing imo, that hardly got any publicity.  Unfair
Some of the vitriol thrown at them imo, but they are largely just another bunch of pollys in the same
Mold as tories and labour.
Summary.... 9/1

BNP.... Some good policies but i dont trust them and i dont like griffin. NO CHANCE

UKIP... Cant stand that farage bloke, another ex banker sort, they get everywhere.  33/1

Greens... A protest vote would be better used here than on BNP or UKIP imo, and im
Generally speaking pro the green movement. 
Summary.  1/2

Local independent...would defo do this if they werent total loonies
Summary.   2/1
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Report BillyBunnsLane October 27, 2012 3:57 PM BST
Local Independant/Spoil my ballot.

Only two options for me..
Report Far From Trouble October 27, 2012 3:58 PM BST
Report Footiefan111 October 27, 2012 4:01 PM BST
Report SPOT THE DOG October 27, 2012 5:20 PM BST
Report Pandorica October 27, 2012 5:37 PM BST
Report rob_dylan October 27, 2012 5:45 PM BST
Why do so many people vote for the big two(three).?  There is no obligation to do so.
Report fronter October 27, 2012 6:29 PM BST
Report Burton-Brewers October 27, 2012 7:26 PM BST
Report MadVlad October 27, 2012 7:43 PM BST
Report The Leopard October 27, 2012 8:01 PM BST
Leopard Party....we will have a candidate in 80% of the constituencies in the next election...

Vote Leopard...!
Report Pandorica October 27, 2012 8:32 PM BST
rob_dylan • October 27, 2012 5:45 PM BST
Why do so many people vote for the big two(three).?

Ummm well, because they have the infrastructure to form a working government. This is the idea of a general election, (which I assumed is what the OP meant by "an election tomorrow").
Report rob_dylan October 27, 2012 8:44 PM BST
But basically, unless your constituency comes down to one vote, your vote isnt gonna make a difference in terms of who wins your constituency let alone who is in govt.  i could vote for the local indy or the greens, theyre not gonna get in so what is the poInt?  Well to make a gesture i suppose, show two fingers to the big three.  If you were p1ssed off with Blair, the war in iraq and gordon "no more boom and bust" Brown before being in govt for the biggest boom and bust in living memorythen dont vote for them in.  If youre p1ssed off with Jeremy Hunt and the bullingdon lot, and austerity then dont vote for the tories.
Report Pandorica October 27, 2012 8:47 PM BST
rob_dylan • October 27, 2012 8:44 PM BST
But basically, unless your constituency comes down to one vote, your vote isnt gonna make a difference in terms of who wins your constituency let alone who is in govt

But then you're talking to me personally, or Bill in Brixham or Sol in Newcastle - you're not putting forward a serious nationwide proposal because of course if everyone has that attitude, stable governments can never be formed.
Report Burton-Brewers October 27, 2012 8:48 PM BST
I voted Socialist Labour last time, sometimes I think it was a wasted vote yet then again is any vote a waste?
Report Ibrahima Sonko October 27, 2012 8:49 PM BST
lib dems should not be anywhere near a government.
Report Pandorica October 27, 2012 8:51 PM BST
The time a vote is "wasted" if there is a consensus to stop a candidate winning and though you don't want that person/party to win, you don't follow the tactical requirement to achieve that aim. That's when you know the majority of others in your situation IS following that path.
Report rob_dylan October 27, 2012 9:09 PM BST
Im afraid I cant keep up with you Pandorica.  I will probably vote green not because theyre gonna get in, but because i think that is the best use of my vote.  I dont like the tory guy who is currently in, but couldnt possibly vote labour just to get rid of him.  A vote for a local indy who perhaps only gets a few hundred votes does at least encourage more indys.  Id consider voting for the loonys if they had a candidate.  When i watch them lie and obfUscate and not answer the question on QT and newsnight etc just p1sses me off couldnt give em a vote ever regardless of the fact it might be chaos if the greens got in.
Report Ibrahima Sonko October 27, 2012 9:14 PM BST
what i would like, is 5 business managers on performance related pay employing the least amount of people. not just employing votes ala labour.

Going green is turning this country into a 3rd world nation. (nap)
Report rob_dylan October 27, 2012 9:19 PM BST
Yeah really?  That right?

Theyre not gonna get in IS. But if their voter numbers increases to significant levels then the govt and main oppo at the time might start to have more green policies, which i think would be good.  The scandinavians and central european countries seem to have quite a green outlook on life and in politics and theyre amongst the richest countries in the world.
Report Ibrahima Sonko October 27, 2012 9:25 PM BST
Easy to be green when you door isnt wide open to africa, asia and eastern europe.
Report rob_dylan October 27, 2012 9:34 PM BST
What you mean, wind turbines are ok, wind turbines mixed with ethnics is a recipe for disaster?
Report Capt__F October 27, 2012 9:41 PM BST
Labour till i die
Report Ibrahima Sonko October 27, 2012 9:43 PM BST
very good

wind power is the biggest red herring in history, its all well and good for wind power to be used. but wind has to used as an extra to the existing power and not part of the capacity. Wind is for homes and local networks not for connection to the grid.

Having wind power is all very good but it doesnt stop the non green power from existing. In layman terms that you might understand its like putting to layers of icing on a cake.

We will end up paying 40p pkwh as that is what the last government decided, so be prepared for massive increases but you will rage at the dno's
Report rob_dylan October 27, 2012 9:47 PM BST
Ok let me put it another way...

Trying to find ways of producing energy sustainably and without digging up and burning fossil fuels is good, but as soon as you add immigrants it becomes a recipe for disaster.  Is that what you meant?
Report Pokermonster October 27, 2012 9:51 PM BST
Good evening Rob.  I hope you are well, sir.

I had to read through the thread there just to check that you weren't suggesting immigrants are burned for fuel.
Report Pokermonster October 27, 2012 9:52 PM BST
Although, to be fair, such a policy would probably be a vote-winner in my constituency.
Report Ibrahima Sonko October 27, 2012 9:52 PM BST
but digging up fossil fuels is only today.

I know for fact that (battery) cell fuels are way ahead of us and the big corps are holding them back. they have already produced a throw away unit that fuels a house (well a immersion heater for a night) for less than a cup of coffee.

Johnson Matthey is the company to invest in imo.
Report Burton-Brewers October 27, 2012 9:55 PM BST
check that you weren't suggesting immigrants are burned for fuel.

Report rob_dylan October 27, 2012 9:55 PM BST
But do they work in countries that have an open door policy on immigration?
Report rob_dylan October 27, 2012 9:56 PM BST
Evening Pokermonster.  Yep, bearing up, hope youre well.
Report Ibrahima Sonko October 27, 2012 9:57 PM BST
not sure why you are turning this decent discussion into a immigration ting ?

Rather than discussing the weakness of wind power.
Report rob_dylan October 27, 2012 9:58 PM BST
Can you just explain what you meant at 21.25 then ill shut up about wind turbines.  It wasnt the best example from me admittedly.
Report Ibrahima Sonko October 27, 2012 10:02 PM BST
Not really sure i can back up that post.

So lets pretend a country let in at least 10m people that basically absorb. going to hit any country imo.

ie in control on what is happening in your country. (Scandinavia)
Report rob_dylan October 27, 2012 10:05 PM BST
Ok but excessive immigration (whoevers fault it was) isnt an excuse for not trying to improve other areas whether it is
Reducing carbon emissions, improving schools or a better NhS.
Report Ibrahima Sonko October 27, 2012 10:09 PM BST
are you not sure it was about votes?

schools and the nhs were improved by gathering talent, like they have always done.
Report rob_dylan October 27, 2012 10:12 PM BST
Oh i dunno.
Report Ibrahima Sonko October 27, 2012 10:13 PM BST
nor do i

all i know is what is going on isnt working
Report rob_dylan October 27, 2012 10:14 PM BST
They mightve wanted to pull the laddr up and not vote for the govt that let them in, i dunno.

Good bit on the simpsons just now on bbc2 about the two party system there and laughing at someone whonconsiders throwing their vote away on voting for a third party.
Report SqueezeFirmly October 28, 2012 1:15 AM BST
Report kenny mann October 28, 2012 1:03 AM GMT
Send all the Bradford foreigners to Chester party.
Report SqueezeFirmly October 28, 2012 1:09 AM GMT
Report kenny mann October 28, 2012 1:10 AM GMT
see how sib' likes it.Happy
Report bongo October 28, 2012 1:22 AM GMT
Spoke to Arthur Jones at last night's séance, and he confirmed he's voting for the Tea Party
All the others are just taking the biscuit, he added.
Report AdrianMole October 28, 2012 8:49 AM GMT
Only the subservient vote.
Report roadrunner46 October 28, 2012 9:15 AM GMT
Ids has progressive ideas on the welfare state,
Conservatives will win, unless ed miliband comes
Up with better policys.
Report BonVivvy October 28, 2012 11:22 AM GMT
Milliband has a serious problem looking and sounding a bit like a d1ck,his speech lisp really is a shocker for a polititian to have as serious points become cheapened .Why on earth did Lab note vote for his brother? I think theyd whup the tories with a decent leader.

Thus far though still Con for me.
Report roadrunner46 October 28, 2012 11:51 AM GMT
eds smarter than his brother, hes geek and its
Not how you sound that matters, what ideas
and what you say that counts.
Report PatraTheCat October 28, 2012 1:26 PM GMT
I broadly agree with the OP on this. Voted Labour in in 97 and looked on in horror as they fecked everything up. In the absence of any decent mainstream parties it would have to be a protest vote.

I know it's a bit annoying to think about, but it strikes me that using up all our natural resources, driving thousands of species to extinction, polluting so much that we actually change the climate and massively overpopulating the planet may cause some problems in the future. It's not as much fun as moaning about immigrants because you have to blame yourself a bit instead of other people, but objectively it seems to me that the destruction of our planet is a bigger problem than some people moving from one bit of the planet to another bit. Hence a Green protest vote if anything.

In practice I wouldn't bother voting from abroad though.
Report Far From Trouble October 28, 2012 6:01 PM GMT
rob_dylan 27 Oct 12 16:45 
Why do so many people vote for the big two(three).?  There is no obligation to do so.

No point voting for anyone else imo. Labour the lesser of two evils as far as i'm concerned
Report Howdi October 28, 2012 6:17 PM GMT
Report rob_dylan October 28, 2012 6:41 PM GMT
Dont buy that fft.  Your vote wont ultimately decide your constituency, so ifnyou dont like the big two show two fingers to them.
Report Emden October 28, 2012 6:49 PM GMT
Until the leaders of the main parties start to listen to the electorate I won't ever be voting again.

Voting for the big three? You couldn't put a razor blade between them.

The tories took over from labour but you wouldn't have noticed, same old.

Anyone who thinks they can change things by casting a vote is delusional. There is no such thing as democracy, it's a myth
Report judorick October 28, 2012 6:55 PM GMT

we are all serfs, dominated by a ruling elite that has reached a consensus and changing the label will not significantly alter the policies
Report PatraTheCat October 28, 2012 7:24 PM GMT
There is no such thing as democracy, it's a myth

So which non-democratic country would you like to live in then?

I agree that the main parties in the US and UK are exremely similar, and that changes in government nowadays make very little difference, but an enormous benefit of democracy is that it limits what the governing parties can get away with. Of course, it's very difficult in any political system for one person to make much of a difference, but I think that has more to to with maths than democracy.
Report Howdi October 28, 2012 7:30 PM GMT
so let other people decide  for you emden
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