Friday 6th August
Time: 10PM Questions: 25 Subject: GK Scoring: 5-4-3, 2 for everyone else. Questionmaster: MrNibbs Time: Afterwards Questions: Ask winkle Subject: Ask winkle Scoring: Ask winkle Questionmaster: winkle |
Top work Nibbs, thank you. I was half considering doing a cricket based quiz during lunch in the current test tomorrow or Sunday. I was going to advertise it on the cricket forum which would mean possibly quite a few "strangers" appearing on your site, hope this is ok.
Bookmarked this thread. Many thanks Nibbs.
Will attempt to make the quiz tonight. The great thing about the Quiz Room is that it's extremely easy-going on megabytes. As a dongle user with a 1GB allowance I could probably use it all year long and not breach the mark. Any site that doesn't eat into my allowance is a good site. I'm working (very slowly) on a miscellany quiz. Will post details of it up here as and when. Maybe in a week or month... |
Friday 6th August
Time: 10PM Questions: 25 Subject: GK Scoring: 5-4-3, 2 for everyone else. Questionmaster: MrNibbs Time: Afterwards Questions: 30 Subject: various Scoring: 5-4-3-2 and 1 for all other correct answers - unless stated otherwise Questionmaster: Mr winkle |
Hope to make both of them tonight.
Thanks Mr N and Mr W. |
Barring any problems, I shall be quizzing tonight
Top work, Nibbles.
Mrs S willing, I'll be there. Many thanks. |
ttt 10pm
A good win tonight Slarty. Thank you messrs Nibbs and Winkle.
Cricket quiz at 1pm tomorrow (for 40 minutes during the lunch interval of the test match) if anyone is interested. It will be in the top 10 format of previous quizzes which should keep the non cricket experts interested yet still give an edge to the real experts. All Welcome on Nibbs' site. |
For 40 minutes during the lunch interval. This will be hosted on an external site, popular amongst the chit chat quizzing fraternity. The format will be a "top 10 style" quiz. I give a "topic" and you have to name as closely as possible what comes tenth on that list without going over tenth in that list. This should keep everyone interested and also give a vital edge to the real cricket statisticians amongst us. Example Question:
q1 Top 10 runscorers in Test Match Cricket of all time? 1pt Tenculkar 2pt Ponting 3pt Lara 4pt Dravid 5pt Border 6pt Kallis 7pt S Waugh 8pt Gavaskar 9pt Jayawardene 10pt Chanderpaul Anyone not in the top 10 gets nil points. |
Thx Rob. Is this the green shoots of recovery of quizzing on here?
A regular weekly quiz at a set time would certainly attract growing numbers imo. Once people know it is on and see that it is working they will join in. Build it and they will come imo... |
No one seems to know where Nirvana is though, would be good to see him return. Wizard's Sleeve (remember him) made a quick reappearance a few weeks ago btw. Not seen Pokermonster for yonks either, though he seemed to give up on the quizzing a long time ago for whatever reason.
Nibbs' site is perfect for quizzing. |
They will reappear or new ones will take their place, rob. Just as we were all new quizzers once.
PM was on earlier I think. See the thread by "PokerDane". |
I've just seen and ttt'ed it. That is a coincidence.
I would love to play but with a new job, new girlfriend etc.. its been almost impossible to play or get to grips with this site. I may try and poke my nose in to a quiz room if i am free though.
I'm not sure how popular my 1pm quiz will be. I think Tommy and Nibbsy will give it a go, but not sure after that, not too much interest from the cricket forum so far.
Yes, I'll be there UTI. Thanks.
UTI, I may be around
Not much point in me showing up I'm afraid.
I like watching the game but I don't bother to store any information about it; names, scores etc. |
good Work Miami.
MoMM, I'm not much cop either on names and scores - but so what? It should be a laugh.
The way UTI has formatted it, it'll be mainly guesswork anyway.
Last time I took part in one of UTI's cricket quizzes someone laughed at me because of one of the answer's I gave
MoMM, I'm sure they were only laughing because you're funny - not your answers.
I'll sort 'em out if anyone takes the mick out of you! |
I'll turn up for the cricket quiz.
As much as I enjoy quizzes , I'll give this one a miss.
Haven't watched Cricket since Botham's Ashes . It's little more than non stop fodder to fill up the sports channels these days imo. |
Is it still 1pm? They're taking an early lunch now.
Well, UTI has already advertised it as being at 1pm, Anubis, so it might be as well stick to that time, in case people turn up for then - and not before.
OK, ttt.
Will go for a 1pm start. Have rebooted computer and hopefully all is well. finger's crossed. |
Wednesday 11th August
Time: 10PM Questions: 25 Subject: GK Scoring: 5-4-3, 2 for everyone else. Questionmaster: MrNibbs Thursday 12th August Time: 10PM Questions: 25 Subject: GK Scoring: 5-4-3, 2 for everyone else. Questionmaster: MrNibbs Frdiay 13th August Time: 10PM Questions: 40 Subject: Eyesight/Memory/Guessing/General Knowledge Quiz (Making its return!) Scoring: TBD Questionmaster: MrNibbs |
Excellent! I will do my best to attend one or more of those, Nibbsy.
I think having a regular time/day will help attact bigger fields. |
anyone around now, fancy a quick quiz at 10 ish oclock?
Just for the record, I've just prepared a 20 question quiz which I can host whenever anyone fancies it.
I wouldn't mind a quiz now, but not sure if anyone is around. They need to show their interest on this thread I suppose.
I'm around and ready for a quiz anytime!
Saturday night not likely to be many around I imagine?