Jan 8, 2016 -- 4:35PM, Jb23 wrote:
On a side note thats the best username I've seen on here! When looking at the gold cup, ask yourself - What would Riggins do?
Riggins would probably take his cash to the Landing Strip, and invest it there
Jan 8, 2016 -- 7:04PM, TimmyRiggins wrote:
Jan 8, 2016 -- 4:35PM, Jb23 wrote:On a side note thats the best username I've seen on here! When looking at the gold cup, ask yourself - What would Riggins do?Riggins would probably take his cash to the Landing Strip, and invest it there
Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose. #Vautour
Jan 13, 2016 -- 2:15PM, impossible123 wrote:
Mt006,I agree with you: WPM would have reiterated the Gold Cup straight away after the KG if so.Vautour: 50% Ryanair, 40% Champion Chase and 10% Gold Cup I think - the extra 2f and uphill finish is too taxing for him I firmly believe.
I'd love you to be my bookie and I would be lumping on Vautour to run in GC @ 9/1!!