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24 Mar 11 15:13
Date Joined: 16 Feb 06
| Topic/replies: 1,690 | Blogger: 247lol's blog
Admittedly i like others can make comments,which are generally racing orientated,and get it totally wrong,its called the brain not connected to mouth factor.
And when i do spot something,rather than just correct them,i tend to wade in and embarrass them,but i generally only do that if they insist on argueing a point when they are blatantly wrong.
As a comment was from a certain person was on here recently,Cheltenham" and "the Hill", think if it's completely ignored will not be to the detriment of a selection. Ever.
Now this comment IS incorrect,and it was proven on his thread,now although we apparently live in a democracy,and have the right to free speech,i dont think that includes argueing a comment to the point it becomes blatantly obvious that you are a bul**hitter that will bore the pants off a nun with their incessant flow of unfounded comments.
Most people posting on here will be familiar with MAYWEATHER,the person that posts so much cr*p on here,that it can only be concluded that he is being treated in an institution for the clinically insane.
So as most posting on here generally have very good debates,sometimes coming up with good priced winners,who in your mind are the biggest bul**hitters and know all know f alls posting on the racings threads.
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Report Desmond Orchard March 24, 2011 2:55 PM GMT
In answer to your question...... I don't know, but you strike me as a bit of a jeb-end.
Report 247lol March 24, 2011 3:37 PM GMT
Lol,well judging by some of your comments,your one of them.
I mean who the f*ck uses words like YE and JEB ?.
Do me a favour,crawl back under your rock you sub sp**ies.
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