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17 Apr 16 08:45
Date Joined: 28 Aug 10
| Topic/replies: 1,398 | Blogger: GoldCoastinvestor's blog
Why is it I can bet live on the internet or through my phone live on sports but still can't bet live on sport events through betfair??

Anyone know if this will change, If I can do it through Unibet on my desktop and sportsbet on my mobile why not on here??
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Report VeryLTU April 18, 2016 6:21 AM BST
something to do with politicians belief that all those dole bludging home owners ........ lolololol  ...... and pensioners ... will lose their homes quicker than normal.
we can't let the endless affluent of oz think that those dirty little dole bludging spongers are just getting an even better lifestyle at the expense of the rich. the outrage could take 14.876 % off our primary vote.
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