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13 May 10 03:28
Date Joined: 25 Oct 03
| Topic/replies: 5,929 | Blogger: Mrben's blog
The NSW labour party today announced a new property tax in NSW.Revenue will be approx 4 billion.Thats another 4 billion taken from the pockets of the citizens. Add that to the 12 billion the resources tax has taken.How much more are the labour parties going to slug us?How much more tax will they create? Oh they are going to give us a few bucks back in superannuation, which we can collect 20 or 30 years from now.Thanks labour.
  And its all on top of massive increases in electricity costs and the delighful promise of another 16 million immigrants arriving on our shores.Thanks labour.
Pause Switch to Standard View Labour= tax tax tax......and tax again
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Report Jez Melb Punter March 16, 2011 8:08 AM GMT
Gillard running out of options on carbon tax as attempts to sell it fail
Peter van Onselen, Contributing editor
From: The Australian March 16, 2011

WHO could have predicted that Julia Gillard would announce a climate change plan post election that makes the much maligned People's Assembly announced during the campaign look like the better option?

By breaking her election promise not to introduce a carbon tax during this term of government, without details of what the tax would include, Gillard has exposed Labor's left and right flanks, as well as its centre.

She has turned the People's Assembly into a good idea and businesses once in favour of the tax are being scared off by lack of details.

Had a people's assembly called for a carbon tax, it would have added a modicum of legitimacy to the idea, after which government advertising (I am not endorsing this septic practice) could have explained the details and even reminded voters why climate change action was important.

Gillard may not have got away with the backflip, but she would have stood a better chance than she does now. She underestimated Tony Abbott's ability to wreck her tax before she could explain it.

This Labor government has turned under-estimating Abbott into an art form. There is, of course, a long way to go between now and polling day, assuming the government runs it's full term.

Gillard will be hoping the relentless negativity of Abbott's anti-carbon tax campaign tires, especially if it passes into legislation and the economic impact proves negligible.

But in the meantime, Labor must sharpen its prosecution of the case in favour of a carbon tax. So far, it has tried three separate approaches to sell it: a cascading list of contradictory reasoning.

Plan A: Take the moral high ground. Yes, the carbon tax has an impact on price; it is supposed to, Labor tells us. That's how we save the planet. This was Labor's plan when it thought the debate wouldn't be as difficult as it has become, before it realised the significance of cost-of-living pressures the public faces. Not enough of the world's major emitters are pricing carbon, and not enough voters trust governments to manage such a scheme, especially this one. Plan A is therefore failing.

Plan B: Make it clear that consumers will be protected with compensation packages, and only the major emitting companies will pay. The problem with this argument is that when companies do pay they inevitably pass the cost on to consumers. The public isn't stupid, it understands this. And if a carbon tax is about altering the behaviour of consumers, how will that happen if we are compensated and don't feel any pain? The whole point of a carbon tax as a method of reducing emissions is that it puts a price pressure on us to do so. Throw in that there isn't a binding global agreement to trade carbon and emissions are just exported overseas to nations that don't price carbon, costing jobs and preventing the carbon tax from lowering global emissions. Plan B is flawed in its logic.

Plan C: Don't get bogged down in arguments about price or compensation particulars, speak in generalities. If Australia is in front and innovates we will become a world leader in the new low-carbon economy of the future. Maybe, but it's a hard argument to win and even harder to prove. The argument assumes other nations follow our lead, when in fact global action on climate change is in retreat, especially among the major emitters. The public has a right to be cynical about supporting a new tax reliant on an argument that is predicated on a hope that the next generation of Mark Zuckerbergs will choose Australia as their destination to develop the innovations of the future. Plan C is too hard an argument to win.

Sometimes it isn't as easy as A, B, C.

With its arguments in tatters and no details about what the tax will look like, the government has been reduced to stating over and over: "We will win this argument, we will win this argument . . ."

Labor can't retreat or advance. It is getting slaughtered by a barrage of carbon-tax arrows thrown by the opposition. Gillard is being tactically destroyed, her only hope being a strategic advantage in the longer term. But it is hard to see where it will come from. The only option appears to be to enact the tax and in time letting voters work out for themselves its pros and cons.
Report Jez Melb Punter March 16, 2011 8:10 AM GMT
" This Labor government has turned under-estimating Abbott into an art form. "

And may it continueMischiefDevil
Report AFL March 16, 2011 8:20 AM GMT
Why isn't Abbott in front of Gillard?
Report Jez Melb Punter March 16, 2011 8:37 AM GMT

p1ss off AFL
Report Jez Melb Punter March 16, 2011 8:43 AM GMT
Keep that big head of yours firmly in the sand, AFLLaugh
Report Jez_Punter March 18, 2011 9:00 AM GMT
Another day, another lapse in border security from Gillard Labor.

Detention facilities on fire.

3 boats this week.

A government that has lost control.

It's not good enough.  Labor is a mess.
Report Joel March 18, 2011 9:49 AM GMT
Liberals are messier.
Report Jez_Punter March 20, 2011 2:26 AM GMT
Unbelievable.  The desperation from Gillard Labor knows no bounds.  They are obviously aware now of the deep political trouble they are in with this carbon tax.

Apparently now this carbon tax scheme is not a point of discussion now..............Laugh

If you oppose the fundamentally flawed carbon tax, you oppose tax cuts and pension increases - the very cuts and increases that will apparently serve to compensate LOW income earners for this great big new tax on everything.


Farcical.  Absolutely farcical.
Report Mrben March 20, 2011 3:10 AM GMT
Did you read that since Labor came to govt taxes have increaed by , wait for it

40 BILLION  say it again 40 BILLION

40 BILLION  say it again 40 BILLION

40 BILLION  say it again 40 BILLION

40 BILLION  say it again 40 BILLION

Now let me hear those dingbats say--I can't wait to pay MORE tax.

40 BILLION  say it again 40 BILLION
40 BILLION  say it again 40 BILLION
Report Joel March 20, 2011 3:17 AM GMT
I say it's not enough, make it 50 Billion
Report Jez_Punter March 20, 2011 3:23 AM GMT
We can't afford more Labor.

People are stretched the limit.

Now we've got a mining tax coming, a flood tax coming and a carbon tax coming.

How are working Australian's going to pay for all of this?  What about families, who are already struggling?

ffs...Labor the party of the working class?
Yeah fkn right  Cry
Report Joel March 20, 2011 3:25 AM GMT
How else is the goverment going to pay for the flood repairs, and all the other marvellous initiatives they are implementing?
Report Joel March 20, 2011 3:26 AM GMT
btw I am not sure struggling familes will pay the mining tax, I think it's for mining companies...

I did notice a man spying on me with binoculars when I was digging up my backyard before though.
Report Jez_Punter March 20, 2011 3:28 AM GMT
You, like wombleoz, Joel, remind of the Iraqi Government media spokesman as the Iraq war commenced.

He held a media conference denying that the US had infiltrated Baghdad, as US tanks rolled by in the background........LaughLaughLaugh
Report Joel March 20, 2011 3:29 AM GMT
Maybe both nations have a similar colour scheme
Report Jez_Punter March 20, 2011 3:31 AM GMT
Report Mrben March 20, 2011 3:49 AM GMT

btw I am not sure struggling familes will pay the mining tax, I think it's for mining companies...

hey joel- why exactly do you think families are struggling?

don't give me some rubbish about  john howard.

do you think maybe, just maybe, its because of the massive burdens put on them by Labor?

Burdens that pay for waste and jobs for labor mates at inflated prices.?

36k for dopeshott to sit on some committe to talk about ahy one of labors policies failed? 2 month assignment.

40 billion taken from the citizens and given to the govt.We live under communism.Take away the wealth from the citizens and give it to the govt to give it to their own "elite " class.

you would have to be a dropkick not to see it.
Report secong coming. March 22, 2011 2:16 AM GMT
i like this thread deserving of top billing IMO
Shows up labors pathetic record
Report Jez_Punter March 22, 2011 7:52 AM GMT
A wonderful thread.

The original and still the best.
Report Joel March 22, 2011 7:54 AM GMT
Report Mrben March 31, 2011 2:40 AM BST
greg combet has signed up australia to give 10% of the OZ carbon tax revenue to the united nationsCryCryCryCrySadSad

apparently they will distribute it to 3rd world countries.Most of which have corrupt govts who will either buy guns with it or give it to their "elite" class.

Another labor nightmare.

Now YOUR taxes can finance civil wars in 3rd world countries.

Who is it now that " can't wait to pay this tax"?Cry
Report AFL March 31, 2011 2:50 AM BST
Could be the Random Tax. [;)]
Report VeryLTU March 31, 2011 3:14 AM BST
well now i'm really pis..ed off !! I'm too old to get the benefit of Mr RAbbits proposed Work for the Dole ramp up. Just because i'm over 50 should NOT mean i can't go selling chocolates and lollies door to door for the next ten years  .... IMO CryCry F OFF TONY... me and my 20000 mates in this suburb WANT to work. ffs how is my old coordinator going to get his next Clubsport IMO !!
Report secong coming. April 1, 2011 12:04 AM BST
what a sick fkn joke mrben - hopefully the story gets publicity
Report Jez_Punter April 2, 2011 8:56 AM BST
Australian's are struggling with cost of living pressures at the moment.

With Labor taxes coming thick and fast - and a carbon tax on the way, times are tough.

People are battling to pay the bills and put food on the table.


Five-star option for asylum seekers
Phillip Hudson & Matt Johnston
From: Herald Sun April 01, 2011

A RUN-down former five-star golf resort was considered to help cope with the asylum seeker accommodation crisis.

Kooralbyn Hotel Resort, in the Gold Coast hinterland, was inspected by immigration officials last May after liquidators called the Federal Government.

Documents released to Seven News after a Freedom of Information court battle show the department said it "could easily be converted to dormitory accommodation and used for single men or unaccompanied minors".

The 100-room hotel has been mothballed since July 2008 but in the 1990s was a playground for the wealthy. It has a small airfield and could be made ready for asylum seekers within four weeks.

Seven News also revealed Puckapunyal army base in Victoria was the No.1 choice to house asylum seekers but the Department of Defence blocked the idea.

The Department of Immigration said 900 men could be put into barrack-style accommodation in 100 decommissioned three-bedroom houses on the base and it was "the most desirable location because it can accommodate large numbers of clients at short notice".

In light of the recent riots on Christmas Island, the documents show the department warned last May that because every bed was occupied it could not manage behaviour and other issues.

A spokesman for Immigration Minister Chris Bowen said the Government had been truthful about the pressure on detention accommodation and had opened and expanded other centres.

"As part of prudent contingency planning ... the options ... were considered and rejected by the Government for a variety of reasons," he said.
Report Jez_Punter April 2, 2011 9:02 AM BST
The incompetence of this government beggars belief.

The Prime Minister said a few weeks ago "the detention centre on Christmas Island is under complete control", as it burned, from fires lit by detainees.

The boats continue to come.  Gillard Labor has failed.
The policy of "Stronger Borders" is a farce.

And now in desperate to accomodate these people who are here as result of Gillard's policy failure, we are turning to five star resorts to house them?......ffs

And to make matters worse, we have the Prime Minister and Immigration Minister insisting the East Timor regional processing plan is in the works - the East Timorese government has flatly ruled it out.  Laugh

This government is a complete failure.  It's a circus. 
From Pink Batts, to a Carbon Tax, to Border policy debacles.

Labor is a mess.
Report secong coming. April 7, 2011 12:39 AM BST
get back up there................ttt

The Prime Minister said a few weeks ago "the detention centre on Christmas Island is under complete control", as it burned, from fires lit by detainees.

LaughLaughLaugh fking hopeless
Report Jez_Punter April 7, 2011 12:48 AM BST
Focus groups clearly telling Labor that an offshore detention centre is popular within the community, so the brainiacs start building a detention centre, offshore in:


Lets intercept them at Christmas Island off the WA coast and transfer them offshore to Tasmania, thousands of KM's away.  Genuises.

All the while the abandoned offshore regional processing centre at Nauru sits idle, having been built by Australian taxpayers, and was undoubtedly a successful tool during the Howard years when border security policy was strong and those feeding the pathetic scum that are people smugglers are disencouraged to make a life threatening journey to our shores.

Labor is a mess - it is as you say hopeless.
It would be funny, if it wasn't so damaging to our nation's interests.
Report secong coming. April 12, 2011 2:40 AM BST
get back up there where you belong...............ttt
Report Jez_Punter April 12, 2011 9:10 AM BST
The message of this thread has never been so fkn relevent.

Labour = tax tax tax again

I love this thread.
Report Jez_Punter April 13, 2011 11:04 AM BST
Another day, another boatload of illegal boat people.

Another day, another Gillard Labor failure.

When will Gillard Labor meet it's election promises and get serious about border security and re-open the Nauru offshore processing facility that is sitting idle - East Timor is off the cards, it WON'T happen - show some nouse Gillard and re-open the Nauru facility.

Whilst refugee's languish in refugee camps for years and years, these Asylum Seekers pay thousands of dollars to people smugglers to skip the queue - and this government is failing to deal with the numbers - ie. Christmas Island riot debacle.
Report Jez_Punter April 13, 2011 11:05 AM BST
Nauru = less people making the treacherous journey to Australia by leaky boat = less people smuggling = less lives lost.

It makes a great deal of sense.
Report Mrben April 14, 2011 7:23 AM BST
Did i hear right that tony windsor  stated that he wont vote for a carbon tax that change nothing{in relation to the environment}?

Presumably dopeshott and windsor have realized they will be dumped by their electorates in the next fed election following the 25% swing against independants in the NSW state election in their seats.

All these idiots are interested in is power.

If the carbon tax gets dumped- who will replace Juliar? She cannot have another failure and remain leader surely? Is kevvie Dudd making a run?
Report Thebas April 14, 2011 7:45 AM BST
Did i hear right that tony windsor  stated that he wont vote for a carbon tax

not really ... its all angles at this stage .. but the traqnscript is interesting in what he did say
Report Mrben April 14, 2011 7:48 AM BST
thanks BAS, read throught it,, your  right its not quite what he said. But  there may be some cracks around the edges it seems.
Report Thebas April 14, 2011 7:58 AM BST
or he's just negotiating for MORE lol ... his biggest prob apparently is that his electorate is a coal area

hot times to come for that boy mrben
Report Jez_Punter April 16, 2011 3:07 PM BST
Windsor and Oakeshott are under sustained pressure within their electorates on this Carbon Dioxide Tax - ever since Windsor got out into the PM's courtyard the day she announced it, his been watering down his position and backpedalling.  Laugh

On another matter:  apparently the income tax receipts has left our pathetic excuse for a Treasurer a bit hard up for cash for the upcoming Budget.

I wonder if he has started thinking up excuses for when the 2012-2013 "Labor brings the budget back to surplus" deadline, comes and goes.

Labor and surplus' - GOOD-FKN-LUCKLaughLaughLaugh
Report Aussie Punter April 21, 2011 4:10 AM BST
Report Jez_Punter April 21, 2011 4:25 AM BST
With millions of dollars damage at the Christmas Island detention centre and now at Villawood....I'm sensing the government are due to announce a "asylum seeker levy" to pay for the ever expanding costs of the government's failure to keep our borders secure.

Report Mrben April 21, 2011 4:26 AM BST
these dropkicks dont realise that if you keep raising the level of taxation you curtail economic activity and it leads to LESS receipts.

there is a economic "law" for it, I cant remember what its called. Labor has raised taxes federally 40 billion.Labor NSW under KK raise taxes and charges to horrendous level.Add that in.

  Hence there is a 13 billion dollar hole in federal revenues.Swan stated the resources tax " is no river of gold" surprise surprise you imbecile.!!Cry

    Add the burden of a carbon tax on top of the mix, how much economic activity will be smashed?  If china turns up one day and says" thanks we have got big enough stockpiles for a while "   OZ would fold up overnight.

   Labor is unfolding a brutal tradgedy on our country.
Report Jez_Punter April 22, 2011 4:27 AM BST
Labor is unfolding a brutal tragedy on our country.

Never have truer words been spoken, mrben.

Report Jez_Punter April 28, 2011 1:04 AM BST
$5.2bn 'black hole' in NSW budget
April 27, 2011
From: AAP

An audit of NSW's public finances is set to reveal the situation is worse than first thought.

The coalition government carried out an appraisal of the budget after winning the state election on March 26. That revealed a $4.5 billion shortfall.

However the amount has risen to $5.2 billion, an audit by acting Treasury Secretary Michael Lambert, due to be released on Wednesday, will reveal.
Report Jez_Punter April 28, 2011 1:06 AM BST
With real billion dollar blackholes becoming a constant Labor legacy, it begs the question - how devastated are our finances federally? 

Makes the Gillard Labor claim "back to surplus in 2012-2013" look like some sort of sick joke...LaughLaughLaugh
Report secong coming. May 11, 2011 2:25 AM BST
Report Jez_Punter May 11, 2011 9:46 AM BST
Worth repeating again.

The Gillard Labor claim "back to surplus in 2012-2013" looks like some sort of sick jokeLaughLaughLaugh
Report Jez_Punter May 14, 2011 4:49 AM BST
Report Jez_Punter May 14, 2011 4:52 AM BST
Departing Labor leader leaves a legacy of misplaced priorities
Angela Shanahan
From: The Australian
May 14, 2011

THE resignation of Australia's longest serving present political leader, ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope, will have important ramifications, local and national.

Announcing his resignation, Stanhope cited his proudest achievements as his pursuit of social justice, freedom from discrimination and human rights, which is a fairly broad vision for a very small government that has overseen a marked decline in urban services, disastrous handling of the 2003 bushfires that came within 4km of Parliament House, a domestic water supply crisis caused by mismanagement, and soaring local taxation.

However, under the Labor-Greens coalition in the ACT Assembly, which will be led by Health Minister Katy Gallagher, ACT residents hoping for a more local focus on services can probably forget about it. Expect even more concentration on the ACT as a social laboratory.

While Stanhope was a polarising figure in government, he was the ACT's most capable performer. Losing him could be a destabilising factor for Labor. The bigger problem is that Gallagher has a track record of failure on reform and a transparently ideological agenda.

The most spectacular example of what critics see as Gallagher's failings was her dogged pursuit of the Catholic-operated Calvary public hospital, resulting in a proposal to spend $800 million on a third hospital, in effect spending more money to deliver something that is already there.

The ACT is no stranger to waste, but what a growing number of residents find irksome is that while Canberrans pay the highest rates and taxes of any jurisdiction in Australia, the Labor-Greens coalition's concentration on its ideological agenda has been at the expense of the ordinary services, such as transport and water, for Canberra's 360,000 residents. Perhaps the rest of Australia might not be so complacent about this situation in the ACT if they realised this has also been at the expense of the prestige of the national capital.

Terry Dwyer, a prominent Canberra lawyer and economist who is running a campaign against the blowout in ACT rates and taxes, puts a critic's case against the government: "Mr Stanhope leaves an unfortunate legacy . . . many taxpayers will still be regretting the losses to urban amenity caused by ACT government mismanagement of bushfires and water supply.

"Utility costs have soared in recent years and affect all household budgets. So have cost blow-outs on projects."

Dwyer claims the ACT government has turned water pricing "into a disguised tax mechanism" and faces "the very real possibility that its water taxes will be found illegal by the High Court and ACTEW [the government utilities company] will have to pay many millions in refunds".

"They could have done a lot better, given the unique revenue base the ACT has in its [property] leasehold system," Dwyer says.

However, under Gallagher, Canberrans hoping for more practical government concentrating on service delivery are likely to be disappointed.

For one thing, the ACT's public service has blown out disproportionately to the number of residents. It now employs about 20,000 people for the population of 360,000.

That is not all. Gallagher will be taking over a government that will ensure her more power than under Stanhope because recently all departments of the ACT public service have been amalgamated under the chief minister.

There is no doubt that the territory will remain a social laboratory for Greens-left social policies, with issues such as gay marriage and euthanasia in the forefront.

Gallagher also stands to get more power through the proposed passage in the federal parliament of the so-called territories bill .

The Greens working with Labor have failed across Australia to get up their various agendas on same-sex marriage and euthanasia, but they nevertheless will keep coming back to that agenda in the states and territories through the bill, if enacted.

Former NSW Labor premier Bob Carr's comment to The Australian this week that nothing out of the Victorian or ACT experience would suggest that human rights charters have made the slightest contribution is true.

But it is a bit disingenuous to think that is the only vehicle by which the Greens-left agenda can progress.

Under the eye of Greens federal leader Bob Brown in the Senate, the Greens-Labor coalition in the ACT will continue to run the most left-wing jurisdiction in Australia and use Canberra as a laboratory for everywhere else.

When a territory legislates some radical social reform it puts pressure on the surrounding states to comply. Then state by state the rest of the federation is pressured to comply.

The federal government or the broad wishes of the people of Australia need not be canvassed. This has already happened, for example, with abortion.

The ultimate Greens' aim through the territories bill is to initiate extreme social legislation that will be incrementally legislated across the country.

Just what effect the territories bill will have on the rest of Australia is obvious if you think about it like this.
Report Jez_Punter May 14, 2011 4:59 AM BST
As an ACT resident, I, along with (I'm sure) thousands of other Canberrans agree wholeheartedly with this succinct opinion piece from Angela Shanahan. 

It's no wonder ideologues like wombleoz love Jon Stanhope.
He was no pragmatic politician.  Or a man of the people.
His drive.  An powerful social ideological agenda.

Left in his wake are the everyday people of Canberra with basic services out the backdoor, a extraodinarily bloated public service (20,000 to service 360,000) and a swag of public art in place of hospital beds.

There have been good Labor Government's across this nation, with achievements I'm happy to applaud, but this Stanhope Labor government, whilst not inept to the level of mismanagement/corruption (ie NSW Labor) has left lasting damage on the ACT.

This territory has been as Angela puts it, "a social laboratory for Greens-left social policies".
It's disturbing that the ACT is trying to press its agenda onto Capital Hill.

If you want a reason NOT to vote Green (ie extreme left wing ideologues) at the next election, take a close look at Canberra.

Economically, we're doing OK, as the seat of the Australian Government, but there are some raw wounds that will take many years to heal when this administration is turfed out at the next election.
Report Jez_Punter May 18, 2011 8:54 AM BST
Bumpety Bump.....
Report Jez_Punter May 22, 2011 2:28 AM BST
Queenslanders want early election to vote out Julia Gillard over carbon tax
by Renee Viellaris
From: The Sunday Mail (Qld)
May 22, 2011

QUEENSLANDERS are itching to punish Julia Gillard over her carbon tax and want an early election to kick her Government out of office.

Just eight months since the federal election, voters want to go back to the polls over the Gillard Government's controversial carbon tax.

A Galaxy poll conducted exclusively for The Sunday Mail reveals 66 per cent of Queensland voters believe Ms Gillard should call an election before her tax starts in July next year. An election is not due until November 2013.

Ms Gillard promised in the 2010 campaign she would not introduce a carbon tax now even two out of every five Labor voters say she does not have a mandate and should call an early election.

Just yesterday at Victoria's ALP state conference, Ms Gillard was drumming up support for the tax, saying Labor was a party of courage.

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
Related CoverageGillard sinks: Voters want Rudd back
.End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
"We must summon that courage again and tackle climate change. We must summon that courage again and win the fight to price carbon," she said.

But it keeps getting worse for Ms Gillard. A Galaxy poll published in The Courier-Mail yesterday showed federal Labor's primary vote in Queensland had collapsed to 28 per cent down five percentage points from the August election.

Two-party preferred, the ALP's numbers fall to 41 per cent, down almost four percentage points, while the Liberal National Party increases to 59 per cent.

Fifty-three per cent of Queenslanders would prefer Opposition Leader Tony Abbott as prime minister to Ms Gillard.

The slump means that if an election was held today and the swing was uniform, Labor would lose four of its eight MPs in Queensland, including Treasurer Wayne Swan, Graham Perrett (Moreton), Yvette D'Ath (Petrie) and Kirsten Livermore (Capricornia).

Federal Labor would not hold a seat north of the Brisbane River.

Mark Arbib, the man who helped depose former prime minister Kevin Rudd, yesterday said Ms Gillard had "the full support of the party".

The Galaxy poll also showed 59 per cent of Queenslanders wanted Mr Rudd to again lead Labor.
Report Thebas May 22, 2011 2:33 AM BST
Mark Arbib, the man who helped depose former prime minister Kevin Rudd, yesterday said Ms Gillard had "the full support of the party".

if mark was in the mafia ... then that comment meant there was a contract out aready
Report Jez_Punter May 22, 2011 2:34 AM BST
Absolutely right Thebas.
Report Jez_Punter June 2, 2011 3:34 AM BST
Report Mrben June 13, 2011 3:07 AM BST
$ 3000 increase in living costs in 2011 caused by- you guessed it- TAX!!!!

As mooted in this thread many times, the goal of labor is make everyone as poor as church mice through taxing the citizens into oblivion.

Just wait  till house prices start to really fall as people give up and bail their mortgages. The real cost of labor will then hit home.
Report Jez_Punter June 13, 2011 3:28 AM BST
I'm looking forward to tax time.

I'll get to formally hand over MORE TAX to Labor.

In the form of, the FLOOD TAX.

Had Labor not thrown the baby out with the bathwater during the GFC, there would be NO NEED for a new TAX.

Now we'll see a $3000 increase in the cost of living and then a CARBON TAX to boot.

Australian's are being dragged down by one of the most incompetent, dishonest and pathetic government's of all time.  Forget Whitlam or the Inaction-Man Kevin Rudd - Gillard takes the cake.

Time for an election.  We just can't afford more LaborCryCryCryCry
Report Mrben June 13, 2011 4:04 AM BST
oh I forgot  about the flood tax.Cry

flood tax, carbon tax, $ 3000 in extra cost cused by taxes

welcome to you future

lets let in another 20,000 boat people in so we can see 85% of them be on welfare 5 years from now. Raise taxes to feed them.

labor- its a nightmare.CryCryCryCryCryCryCry
Report secong coming. June 15, 2011 1:55 AM BST
oh the pain the pain CryCry

Nothing or double: Budget's home-buyer stamp duty shock Daniel Hurst
June 15, 2011

Home buyers switching their residence will now pay up to $7175 more in stamp duty.

Treasurer Andrew Fraser’s decision to double stamp duty for homeowners who change their principal residence came just months after he labelled the tax an inefficient “relic” that should be scrapped.

Yesterday’s State Budget attracted a mixed response from property and development industry figures, with most welcoming the announcement of a short-term $10,000 grant to encourage people to buy new homes.

However, planned hikes of up to $7175 on stamp duty for non-first home buyers who purchase a new residence to live in were less popular.
Property analysts and the opposition last night argued the move had the potential to deter potential homebuyers or push down prices in an already sluggish market.

The removal of the discount on stamp duty for those buying a new principal place of residence is expected to raise the government an extra $161 million in the coming financial year and $247 million the following year.

The government also expects to give Queensland's 1.4 million electricity consumers a financial boost by scrapping the $110-a-year ambulance levy, while also funding the one-off new home boost.

Property analyst Michael Matusik said although the stimulus measure was likely to boost construction of new homes, the stamp duty hike would be another impost on people.

“It’s sad that stimulus has been found from within the industry. In other words they’re robbing Peter to pay Paul. It may backfire,” he said.

Mr Matusik said stamp duty generally did not have much impact on sales prices, but in the current buyers’ market sellers might have to discount their properties further to clinch a deal.

He said the tax system needed an overhaul, with inefficient stamp duty holding people back from moving around the state.

Mr Matusik said the treasurer had not lived up to his previous rhetoric and should “stop mouthing off about stamp duty”.

In February, Mr Fraser said stamp duty, now formally known as transfer duty, was ineffective and he wanted it abolished with federal government help.

“It’s hard to accept that a tax system that relies on the archaic relic of stamp duty to help fund schools and hospitals is the best we can do as a nation,” he said.

Last night, Mr Fraser said he was still interested in tax reform.

“As I have said publicly, stamp duty can only ever be scrapped if the federation allows states to be compensated,” he told in a statement.

“I look forward to taking an active role in the federal tax summit later this year.”

Mr Fraser said Queensland would still have the cheapest levels of stamp duty of all the mainland states and the $10,000 new home boost would help increase supply on the market.

“The fact is, every government has to make choices,” he said.

“In order to implement the $10,000 Queensland building boost and to abolish the ambulance levy, we had to make a policy decision to pay for it.”

Yesterday, Real Estate Institute of Queensland chair Pamela Bennett said the removal of the stamp duty concession for non-first home buyers would wreak havoc on the state’s property market.

From August 1, the transfer duty payable will be the same for investment homes or principal places of residence.

Currently, an existing home owner who bought a property worth $500,000 would pay $15,925 transfer duty if it was for an investment property or $8750 if it would be their main home.

After the changes, the buyer in both cases would pay $15,525, representing a hike of $6775 on a principal place of residence.

The increase on properties worth more than $600,000 would be $7175.

Opposition treasury spokesman Tim Nicholls said the stamp duty increases would be at the centre of buyers’ minds and could force sellers to reduce their asking price.

Mr Nicholls questioned Mr Fraser’s commitment to ending stamp duty.

“When push comes to shove he’s after the money,” Mr Nicholls said.

Mr Nicholls is due to deliver the LNP’s budget reply speech in State Parliament tomorrow, with the opposition yet to spell out detailed economic policies. Mr Fraser called on the LNP to back up its criticisms with alternatives.

- with Tony Moore

Read more:

another labor hypocrite andrew fraser is treasuer and anna bliars deputy

long odds at next election Laugh
Report Mrben June 15, 2011 2:39 AM BST

does labor have any other solution other than raising taxes?

you can cut spending you know- it's not against the law.

But then how can the rorts be financed?

Federally  about 1 million was just spent on new desks in paliament house- $ 3400 PER DESK!!!!!!!

where can i get a slice of that rort?, sorry- prefferred supplier contract?[:p]
Report Jez_Punter June 26, 2011 6:09 AM BST
Bumpety BumpMischief
Report Jez_Punter June 26, 2011 6:10 AM BST
As we approach 1 July 2011 and the new financial year.......

How many new Labor taxes, tolls and charges we will be slugged with?
Report jimbob03 June 26, 2011 12:07 PM BST
does not matter who is in power they are all terrible
Report Mrben July 2, 2011 7:28 AM BST
Did I hear that the next thing is a congestion tax?

Why is the solution to every problem  a tax????ConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfused
Report Aussie Punter July 10, 2011 11:58 AM BST
8 days into the new financial year Jez ....

Carbon Tax ....
Report ozrazer July 10, 2011 11:19 PM BST
juliar has sabotaged this thread, hasnt updated since mid june altho it has replies to yesterday
Report Jez_Punter July 14, 2011 11:34 AM BST

It seems the comrades have tampered with the thread.


Time for an election.............................
Report Jez_Punter July 30, 2011 1:25 AM BST

Cost of beer, spirits, and cigarettes to rise

By Phillip Hudson
From:Herald Sun
July 30, 2011


Picture: The Herald Sun

SMOKERS will pay 16c-34c more tax for a packet of cigarettes from Monday.

Beer and spirit drinkers also face higher prices when the Federal Government's half-yearly rise in "sin" taxes takes effect, the Herald Sun reported.

From Monday smokers face a 34c tax increase on a pack of 40 cigarettes. The Government collects $13.79 from every pack, while the 25c tax rise on a pack of 30s will increase the tax man's share to $10.34.

There will be a 21c increase on a pack of 25s and 16c on a pack of 20s. A smoker who buys a pack of 30 cigarettes a day will pay $72.38 in tax a week, up $1.75.

Beer drinkers will pay 36c more tax on a slab of 24 full-strength 375ml cans and 13c extra on a slab of light beer.

A pot (285ml) served in a bar will rise by 1c if it is full strength but will be unchanged if it is light.

Spirit drinkers will suffer the biggest tax hit. The rise adds 81c to the price of a slab of 24 cans of pre-mixed spirits, taking the tax man's share to $33.42.

A six-pack of pre-mixed spirits will attract 21c more excise, while the tax on a 700ml bottle of spirits jumps by 48c to $19.50 a bottle.

Retailers, shopkeepers and bar staff must collect the extra tax but other factors such as competition, business costs and profit margins could mean prices paid by consumers may be more or less than the tax rise and vary between brands.

The expected price rises come on top of a 12 per cent increase in the cost of tobacco products in Melbourne in the past 12 months, according to inflation figures released by the Bureau of Statistics.

Spirits have risen 3.8 per cent over the past year although the price of beer has been virtually steady.

Wine taxes are not affected by the excise changes. The Howard government froze petrol taxes in 2001.

Read more:
Report Jesse James July 30, 2011 3:55 AM BST
Gday players...

Dont forget to add Commie Bobs new taxes listed hereunder...

The Australian Greens’ Taxations Policy
New Taxes or tax increases ( Policy section reference)
1. Increased income tax rates ( 3.3.2)
2. New Consumption tax with multiple rates (3.3.8)
3. Increase capital gain tax (3.3.9,3.3.10)
4. Higher Fringe Benefit tax (3.3.3)
5. Eliminate salary sacrificing (3.3.3)
6. Introduce estate duties [including family home] (3.3.11)
7. Introduce gift tax (3.3.12)
8. Higher Medicare levy with progressive rates (3.3.15, 3.3.16)
9. Eliminate Private Health Insurance rebate (3.3.18)
10. Increased taxations of superannuation(3.3.19, 3.3.20)
11. Tax family trusts (3.3.14)
12. Increased company tax to 33% (3.3.21)
13. Tax on franked dividends (3.3.22)
14. Carbon levy (3.3.24)
15. Increased timber royalties (17.1.8)
16. Tax equivalent on non recycled paper (17.1.8)
17. Tax bottles and containers (17.1.7)
18. plastic bag levy (17.1.7)
19. private transport user tax (2.4,2.5)
20. Tax on batteries (7.1.12)
21. Increased tax on rental property (3.3.28)
22. Mining environmental levy (15.1.6)
23. Nutrient pollution tax (3.3.25)
24. Tax on fossil fuel usage (3.3.25)
25. Tax on water pollution (3.3.25)
26. Tax on soil pollution (3.3.25)
27. Tax on air pollution (3.3.25)
28. Tax on timber use (3.3.25)
29. Tax on use of ocean (3.3.25)
30. Tax on use of freshwater (3.3.25)
31. Tax on mineral use (3.3.25)
32. Tax on land sites according to land value (3.3.25)
33. Tax on electromagnetic spectrum assets (3.3.25)
34. Tax on petroleum (3.3.25)
35. Higher taxes on ecologically damaging industries 3.3.27)
36. Currency transaction tax (3.3.36)
37. 33 % tax surcharge on high corporate salaries (3.3.31)
38. Pay-roll tax to fund employee entitlements (4.3.25)
39. Landfill taxes (16.2.3)
40. Increased environmental charges and fines (16.2.3,

(Summary of Greens Policies by Jim Hoggett, Senior Fellow of IPA)
Report Thebas July 30, 2011 4:05 AM BST
maybe we could all ... and by that i mean the taxpaying component of the country ... the ones that keep it all going in reality ... could just have over ALL OUR EARNED MONIES to this awful concocted money grubbing govt

... and then just ask for a meagre handout to then keep US going

... we would keep working cause else the govt wouldn't get any money from anywhere

... but we would just give it all to them

... and ask for a meagre offering to feed, clothe, house, educate our kids etc etc

or is that asking TOO MUCH still ... from this money-grubbing tax-crazed revenue-hunting travesty of a govt  LaughLaugh
Report Thebas July 30, 2011 4:05 AM BST
** hand over lol
Report Jesse James July 30, 2011 4:08 AM BST
My late old man used to say "soon theyll be taxing us when we take
a leak".....nothing changes...
Report secong coming. August 10, 2011 12:56 AM BST
bumpety bump

only when bligh and gillard gonski shall this thread be allowed to fade away
Report Mrben August 10, 2011 2:32 AM BST
massive bump to the truest thread since betfair forums began.

Govt spending out of control at all levels hence rising taxes and charges.Wealth destruction via taxes, falling house prices and falling/stagnant  super funds.

Labor- soon to be re-named "The Titanic Party"
Report Jez_Punter August 10, 2011 2:34 AM BST
LaughLaughLaugh...The Titanic Party indeed .....

We desperately need a change in governmentCry
Report Jez_Punter August 11, 2011 2:37 AM BST
Unemployment figures came out this morning.

Up to 5.1% which is above market expectationsShocked
Around 21,000 jobs lost.

Labor taxes are starting to bite the economy - and with a carbon and mining tax still to come.

We CANNOT afford more LaborCryCryCryCry
Report Mrben August 11, 2011 3:20 AM BST
Spot on Jez!!!

the juliar policies are starting to take hold.We face a bleak future under the gilliar/brown govt.{ GBG }

the world economies look to be in dire straights and likely govt spending will be cut. This will lead to a recession and hence less demand for goods.China may well turns the resources tap down a few notches.

Under that scenario aust will turn down savagely.Taxes will punish the workers so badly.

The icebergs are appearing for this titanic govt.
Report Mrben November 8, 2011 10:36 AM GMT

8, read my lips, eight billion NEW TAX was passed today.Another burden on the Australian people.

It will only end when we are all broke.

A sad sad day for working families.
Report secong coming. November 8, 2011 10:18 PM GMT
500 polluters pay - pass cost onto consumer CryCryCry

polluters - static Shocked
consumer - loser CryCry
overseas dictators - winners CryCry
labor/greens - dead in the water LaughLaugh
coalition - 4 terms await CoolCoolCool
Report thomas waits November 15, 2011 1:50 PM GMT
Report secong coming. January 11, 2012 12:13 AM GMT
days ticking over closer now to the biggest rort of all affirms thread title
Report Jez____ January 13, 2012 3:46 AM GMT
Don't know about you secong, but at least Tony Abbott and the Coalition are in the corner of everyday Australian's who are struggling to make ends meet.

Tony and the Team will continue to fight against Labor's addiction to new taxes.

It is time for change...........there's only one way.
Desert Labor, forget the extreme and dangerous Greens and support the CoalitionCool
Report Mrben January 14, 2012 1:09 AM GMT
Labor- the pain never endsCry

Bligh angers lobby groups with $370m slug before election Barry Fitzgerald
January 14, 2012

Read later.THE Bligh government in Queensland has angered miners with a $370 million cash grab before the start to the federal government's mining tax.

The new charges - including a radical cash-bidding system for coal permits - were announced by the Queensland Treasurer, Andrew Fraser, yesterday as part of efforts to bring the budget back to surplus before the state election.

Queensland Resources Council said the charges would hit junior miners most. The chief executive of the lobby group, Michael Roche, said the $370 million in new charges by 2014-15 was ''predicated on a flawed assumption that minerals and energy companies are bottomless cash pits''.

Read more:
Report Jez____ February 2, 2012 7:52 AM GMT
More jobs gone:
Holden will cut up to 140 jobs from its Adelaide car plant in the latest of a series of job losses in the local car industry.

The Finance Sector Union has confirmed that 560 jobs are set to go at Westpac Bank ...

Get ready for the Carbon Tax to hit on 1 July this year.

This is the tip of the iceberg.

As Europe shakes economically and we start to slowdown....

Gillard Labor are going to introduce the BIGGEST CARBON TAX IN THE WORLD, right here at home in Australia.

We need changeCry
Report Mrben February 2, 2012 8:04 AM GMT
7000 bank jobs to go this year.

heinz closes factory.

Labor- the pain never ends.Cry
Report Jez____ February 8, 2012 12:33 PM GMT
1 July is getting closer.

As if the world's biggest Carbon Tax here in Australia.

I'd suggest everyone think about income protection insurance....because this tax will hurt and hurt hard.

Look around, jobs are being lost left, right and centre.

Take comfort in the words of Julia Gillard in August 2010:

Report Jez____ February 8, 2012 12:34 PM GMT
Report Aussie Punter February 8, 2012 12:57 PM GMT
All politics aside ..... this is getting serious ....economy is tanking ...banks will move interest rates irrespective of reserve ....their is a entire generation who have never seen a recession it comes
Report Mrben February 8, 2012 11:42 PM GMT
retail sales growth at 50 year lows, banks to shed 7000 plus jobs, even toyota is talking about closing its operation despite a recent subsidy.House prices continue to fall, albiet it gently.

Its a high possibility banks will raise mortgage rates as their profits are being squeezed and they are profit obsessed bestards. A Gf of mine who works at one of the big 4 told me this week that her branch has changed from moccona to international roast in the tea roomCry. The branch manager told the staff that he has been told to " cut costs'
  pretty friggin petty but there you go.

reality is once the carbon tax comes in and business costs rise the loss of jobs will accelerate.
Report Jez____ April 10, 2012 1:04 PM BST
Report Mrben April 11, 2012 3:01 AM BST
business confidence crashes today.The thought of the carbon tax is starting to bite. Realization of the huge  increase in costs folding into  a fall in househould disposable incomes.Cry

  Taxes are  lowering the standard of living in austSad
Report Jez____ April 17, 2012 12:04 PM BST
This government continues to borrow $100 million a day, everyday.

It's no wonder Australian's are about to be slugged with the world's biggest Carbon Tax.


This Tax can't be fixed, it must be fought.
Report Mrben April 18, 2012 12:27 AM BST
QLD to face the highest increase in electricity charges of all the states. 10.7% whacked on just to cover the carbon taxCryCryCry

so glad I sprung for solar panels when the subsidy was on.

taxes are destroying middle aust.
Report Thebas April 18, 2012 12:35 AM BST
and a national debt that could not then be serviced ... with the interest payments making us beholding to ... the global financial controllers (which is the "big plan" - the one global governance bob saw us heading towards)

...  which equals ... they win & bye bye us  Sad
Report Mrben April 18, 2012 12:40 AM BST
I would agree there BAS, it seems strange that at virtually the same time german, USA, aust govt's repeal/reduce solar panel subsidies.

What they all woke up one morning and thought " we'll get rid of solar panel subsidies"?Confused

The co-ordination is policy similarities across the board is too often to ignore.
Report Mrben May 1, 2012 6:37 AM BST
the gilliard tax policies are now battering the economy.

Did this economic pygmy really think that skyrocketing taxes and hammering consumers with cost of living rises would have no effect?CryCryCry
Report bigted. May 1, 2012 6:42 AM BST
razor gangs are out in faillyou's vic budget..dear me
Report Jez-Punter May 1, 2012 7:14 AM BST
Yep Ted, the razor gang is out.

Trying to cut the waste and rein in spending after a decade plus of neglect under Labor.

It's a tough job - but Ted and the Coalition will deliver for Victorian's.
Report Joel May 1, 2012 7:17 AM BST
Deliver what? Job cuts and no new major projects.

Ted couldn't even get a job as a postman.
Report Live_in_Hope May 1, 2012 7:24 AM BST
interest rates cut by 1/2 percent - guess that will pay the carbon tax slug every month
Report Jez-Punter May 1, 2012 7:25 AM BST
Spot on LIH.  It will cover it for the first 6 months of the Carbon Tax.

But this is a tax that will go UP and UP and UP.

Only one way to have it rescinded - Change the Government
Report Mrben July 14, 2012 7:07 AM BST
carbon tax heads the list of the worlds most ridiculous taxes
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