
Grand National

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02 Apr 14 15:13
Date Joined: 03 Jun 12
| Topic/replies: 22 | Blogger: angel786's blog
Hi guys, need some help/advice,

If night in milan doesnt run due to race limit...(ie balloted out) Will stake return ? Also will it be retuned in time for me
to back something else on the day. I have currently got £25 @ 64-1 on exchanges, Would like to know that I could re use that money in tim,e for the race if it cant get it, as I am scraping the barrel now, have about £650 layed out on race already!!!

Thanks in advance.
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Report shockster April 2, 2014 3:32 PM BST
Yes your stake will be returned but not sure about the timing.  Could be after the race has finished on Saturday or maybe Thursday after Final Decs.
Report marychain1 April 2, 2014 4:17 PM BST
Think it will be when the AP market closes and the day of race market opens tomorrow
Report Ramruma April 2, 2014 4:20 PM BST
There is a slight risk he will become a reserve and then not run (which is decided on Friday iirc).
Report MWDS April 2, 2014 4:56 PM BST
If he becomes a reserve and doesn't run, he's still balloted out though?  It possibly just affects the timing of the refund surely?  I have the same issue with Soll.
Report Rydal April 2, 2014 9:24 PM BST

In those circumstances, he is treated a s being balloted out and you get your money back.
Report angel786 April 3, 2014 1:57 AM BST
Thanks guys!

I am actually thinking I might just lay nim for my 25 stake, as its well in profit, take free bet and if it runs then re back it etc, as the odds surely cant change that much and even if they do I will just re back it again anyway and make sure I get on it, and if it doesnt run I will definitely have the cash available to re back something else ? Must be the way forward...?
Report Rydal April 3, 2014 8:02 AM BST

If the horse is balloted out, the bets will be cancelled and so will your profits, so don't spend them yet!
Report angel786 April 3, 2014 10:32 AM BST
lol good point, but they only release stake anyway....)

I just woke up and tried to get on laying NIM and they have already suspended the market on betfair!!
Cant quite believe it, as its not even 11am!!!
Report angel786 April 3, 2014 10:32 AM BST
lol good point, but they only release stake anyway....)

I just woke up and tried to get on laying NIM and they have already suspended the market on betfair!!
Cant quite believe it, as its not even 11am!!!
Report Sven Vath April 3, 2014 10:37 AM BST
Your problem is now is that he will be one of the reserves, so your stake wont get released!
Report Rydal April 3, 2014 1:07 PM BST
It will get released tomorrow morning, unless he is a runner.
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