Ok, the rules are you can have three attempts at the Spring Double this season and obviously it's an e/w double as nobody would be foolish enough to do a win one would they?
eg of how to post: Fast Sprinter (Lincoln) Slow Plodder (National)
When I first started gambling they were run in the same week, or am I wrong, it was about 1953? I suppose it could have been consecutive weeks. I remember the Grand National was run during the week and the 1957 race was the last race to be run on Friday, the first Labour government after the war changed the day of the race so that the depleted workforce could listen (via radio) or attend the meeting and not impede the industrial recovery after that war.
When I first started gambling they were run in the same week, oram I wrong, it was about 1953?I suppose it could have been consecutive weeks.I remember the Grand National was run during the week and the1957 race was the last race to be run on Friday,
The great VINCENT O BRIEN won a lot of money when he backed the winners of the SPRING DOUBLE LINCOLN/GRAND NATIONAL many moons ago, he invested wisely the rest is history. here goes captain bertie lincoln, rare bob G,N.
The great VINCENT O BRIEN won a lot of money when he backed the winners of the SPRING DOUBLE LINCOLN/GRAND NATIONAL many moons ago, he invested wisely the rest is history. here goes captain bertie lincoln, rare bob G,N.