If you want to join the comp just start posting selections on the Division 3 thread.
Our rules:
1 - You have to choose 1 horse each day. Winners will be returned at SP/Industry Prices and stake is 1 point. If no SP/Industry Price is returned winning selections will be settled as non-runners.
2 - Only UK and Irish races featured on the Racing Post daily cards page are eligible.
3 - Selections must be posted AT LEAST 1 hour before the scheduled start time of your selected race. Failure to comply will result in the selection being declared Invalid and treated as a Non Selection. See rule 8.
4 - Selections may be changed as long as it is at least 1hr prior to the scheduled start time of your original race OR if the selection is a NR or deemed invalid ( Rule 3 MUST still be adhered to).
5 - Rule 4 and Dead Heat rules will apply to SP/Industry Prices.
6 - Sunday selections will be optional unless it is the last day of the month. On optional Sundays there will be no deductions for non-posters and Rule 8 will not apply.
7 - LAST DAY RULES for the last day of the month : all selections must be made BY THE SCHEDULED OFF TIME OF THE FIRST RACE of the day, you can't choose a horse already selected by another competitor in the same division, and only named horses are allowed. Detailed rules are posted on the last day of the month.
8 - On any day that a competitor does not post (excluding Sundays and final days) they will automatically revert to a possible maximum of 5 rest days per calendar month, which will be settled as a non-runner. However, once the total of non-posting days for a month reaches 5, further days when no selections are made in that month will be classed as a loser. You have the option of other napsters to post on your behalf for as long as required if you wish.
9 - Reserve selections will only be allowed to cover the possibility of a meeting being abandoned.
10 - In the event of a tie the person who has used least rest days will be deemed to finish above the person they have tied with.
11 - In the event of a major Betfair upgrade which may affect the ability to post on the Forum before racing starts that day will have Sunday rules applied (ie. no deduction for non-posters).
12 - Quite often, things can crop up that aren`t strictly covered by the above rules (grey areas) in these instances please abide by the individual settler`s decision/ruling.
Aquarius barstool Caffrey The Cat Captain Scarlet Flemenstar general custer GEORGE.B halcyon days happysandwich JRAS Kirriemuir kkkatt learning thegame lmlac look - it's snowing Major Ballsup Moose NEW GOLD DREAM Oakley racing green raspberrybottom rob22 ROVING REPORTER sing when ur winning tangerine The Sawyer tictacman1 timberman unluckyStu Wonder Boy
Names in alpha order for December:AquariusbarstoolCaffrey The CatCaptain ScarletFlemenstargeneral custerGEORGE.Bhalcyon dayshappysandwichJRASKirriemuirkkkattlearning thegamelmlaclook - it's snowingMajor BallsupMooseNEW GOLD DREAMOakleyracing greenras