Into a new quarter, and I see Charles Town, Penn and Mountaineer are missing from the schedule. An error? Or have the agreements with these tracks permanently ended I wonder?
Someone has gone through and updated the schedule and added back CT, Penn and Mountaineer fixtures. Hopefully the whole thing was a big mistake, but we ended up missing 3 or 4 CT and Penn cards over the last few days as a result. Glad they are not gone for good.
Someone has gone through and updated the schedule and added back CT, Penn and Mountaineer fixtures. Hopefully the whole thing was a big mistake, but we ended up missing 3 or 4 CT and Penn cards over the last few days as a result. Glad they are not go
Anyone know why ATR are no longer listing CT and Penn - was the easiest way to check all the runners video form - and those were my 2 most profitable tracks
Anyone know why ATR are no longer listing CT and Penn - was the easiest way to check all the runners video form - and those were my 2 most profitable tracks