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26 Jun 16 00:02
Date Joined: 27 Jan 02
| Topic/replies: 19,168 | Blogger: unitedbiscuits's blog
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Report The Shiekh June 28, 2016 10:59 PM BST
Bought a lot of someone's I'll thank you now ps any cheap euros
Report mokegibboni November 1, 2016 4:19 PM GMT
Yes, I've been doing that, but not all of it though. Transferring mostly to non UK trackers and ETF's.
Report treetop November 9, 2016 5:10 AM GMT
Might we see all the US money leaving and coming into UK now !!!!!
Report unitedbiscuits January 16, 2017 6:24 PM GMT
After tomorrow, it will likely be deemed "anti-British" to mention the plummeting exchange rate. Lol.
It is not too late, take action now.
Report bongo January 16, 2017 9:27 PM GMT
The £ has just hit bottom:

If you can get into companies that sell in sterlings tomorrow then do so as the £ is going up from here. We are staying in the Single Market
-T May will do a speech tomorrow which can be interpreted more ways than the astrology page of the Mail
-A couple of weeks later the Supreme Court will tell her Parliament decides
-The SNP will tell T May to stay in the Single Market, again, as will the heads of Norway, Iceland and Switzerland ( sensible people the Swiss, though technically not in the EEA )
-Article 50 gets triggered, and on Day 1, we learn there is no negotiation on free movement, none at all
-We tell the Irish we want to keep free movement with them. They reply, that's nice, but tell it to the sprouts in Brussels because Ireland isn't a sovereign nation on that. It's all or none.
-T May capitulates under pressure of it all, says feck it, and either goes to the polls or calls a referendum on Single Market membership

Around 56% of the population endorse Single Market membership based on current polling.

Come the end of 2017 the £ is back to around the $1.30 level, at least.

Imv, of course.
Report sageform June 11, 2017 4:05 PM BST
The last post seems a long way off now. I never thought that the Brexit vote would cause a flight of capital but a potential Corbyn Government certainly will. If a deal with the DUP is not done by Wednesday I will a be a seller of shares. If I was running an international company I would be pricing in the possibility of 26% corporation tax within 2 years, higher employment taxes, Union problems etc and start planning a move to another country asap.
Report unitedbiscuits December 10, 2018 6:28 PM GMT
Report unitedbiscuits December 10, 2018 6:29 PM GMT
Sub E1.11

Brexit really is economic poison.
Report sageform July 22, 2022 11:42 AM BST
Did you move your money to Greece or Italy united?
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